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Moomie proudly blogs about "Attachment sibling", awwww

Posted by kidlesskim 
Moomie proudly blogs about "Attachment sibling", awwww
August 15, 2008
THIS is what happens when they follow that stupid Dr. Sears and his "attachment parenting" line of bullshit. This 7 y/o is already a freak and she's barely off the tit herself.shrug

(from kellymom, breeder site for attachment parenting and extended breastfeeding)

"Is this sibling attachyment?
That is the only thing I can think to call it! My 7 y/o has taken it upon herself to be Vienna's mom. Vienna makes the tiniest noise and it's, "I'll get her!" or "The baby's crying!" It's so cute. She changes her diaper when it is barely damp, mops up reflux vomit like it was a water spill, and is constantly lugging her around. She said if she could bf her, she would do that, too! She tried to wear the Baby Bjorn but couldn't get it on. She wants to sleep with her, but I said it wasn't safe, so she's trying hard to convince me to wake her up when the baby gets up at night and she'll take care of her. She sings her to sleep and gives her the pacifier, and can get her to nap faster than anyone else! I love how helpful she is and how attached to her baby sister she is, but I keep telling her she doesn't HAVE to do it. She is MY responsibility. She must hear what I say to my family about attachment parenting, because you know what she said? "We don't let Vienna cry. I'm doing attachment parenting like you. We're an attachment family."sleeping

eye rolling smileyThis 7 y/o has been warped, perhaps with no chance of recovery. It sounds like the family doesn't approve of this nonesense, so in addition to turning her kid into a freak of nature, she has ALSO instilled this defiant "Us against them" mentality. I do not think it's normal behavior for a 7 year old child to yearn to breast feed, at all. This girl is headed to be a teen moomie statistic and it is a LEARNED behavior. I am sure grandmoo would be tickled pink. What an idiot.

What the fuck?Is this kid a processed meat product or something?You know,in the South,some people would pronounce that "VY-een-ee",no that Vienna sounded out properly is a logical name!Have we gone from Montana and Dakota to THIS?Or is this the super lowest white trash version?

I have enough trouble with my name and I always end up spelling it out for people J-A-I-M-E,not the "usual" way.But at least I am not names after a local or a processed meat product.
Re: Moomie proudly blogs about "Attachment sibling", awwww
August 15, 2008
Sounds like this family is turning into a lesbian incest cult.=P
Re: Moomie proudly blogs about "Attachment sibling", awwww
August 16, 2008
AwwwwMan!! This is so wrong on so many levels that it isn't funny! A seven-year-old who wants to breastfeed has a serious problem, and those who think it's cute have even more. All this attachment parenting seems to do is to produce warped kids. Well, hell, if I co-splept with Moomie, BF'ed until I was seven or older, I'd be warped, too!
Re: Moomie proudly blogs about "Attachment sibling", awwww
August 16, 2008
The thing that grabbed me most was where she says "We're doing attachment parenting LIKE YOU." [Capitals mine]

It's all about keeping up with the latest fads. They probably do the Atkins diet LIKE YOU and drive a Prius LIKE YOU. (Sorry, but Priuses are the new hot automobile-accessory, not SUV's).

Now your daughter wants to breast fed LIKE YOU.

Don't these folks have ANY original ideas?

Ans as far as the word "family" is concerned, I have this to say:

Right now, I am almost finished reading "Helter Skelter".
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