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You WON'T believe this.....

Posted by Water Lily 
Water Lily
You WON'T believe this.....
March 19, 2006
Stuff breeders wouln't NEVER want the childfree to know....they actualy envy our lifestyle! (and actual information to prove it!) blushing
Lady Cooper
Re: You WON'T believe this.....
March 19, 2006
This is the one that makes me happy to be CF, more than all the fun and freedom:

"Most of all tho - not worrying - I never realized how little I worried and now there's always a pain in the pit of my stomach about something - sigh - and my Mom tells me that never ever goes way"
Re: You WON'T believe this.....
March 19, 2006
The best part of being childfree is simply the FREEDOM...doing what you want when you want to do it. Everything on that list fits neatly into that category.
Lady Cooper
Re: You WON'T believe this.....
March 19, 2006
The freedom to not worry. Yeah, fits. I would hate to constantly be worried about someone else, I'm too laid back for that.

*Mel Gibson voice* FREEEEEEDOM!
Booooohoooooooooo....waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh....life's soooooo haaaaarrrd with a baaaayyyybeeee, someone should come and take care of it for free so I can do what I want, because I've never ever ever seen or spoken to anyone who's ever raised a child before. I'm the FIRST TO DO IT IN THE WHOLE WORLD!

Gah! I hate whiny parents more than anything in the world, except maybe our glorious leaders. Shut your damn pie hole about all the stuff you gave up to spoot out a kid because you simply MUST CARRY ON YOUR GENES like every other animal on earth, because I don't freaking care that you don't have the ability to think things through and realize that you don't get to ride on the sympathy train when you DECIDE TO SCREW UP YOUR OWN LIFE.
Water Lily
Re: You WON'T believe this.....
March 20, 2006
I read some of those comments, and once thing I noticed, was that as soon and one of the commenters wised up and told someone off, the others flamed them in a heartbeat. Man, I guess breeders don't like to be told the truth!
CF Scorpio
Re: You WON'T believe this.....
March 20, 2006
95% of those comments were, "I love my kyds and they mean the whole world to me, but I really miss _____."

Pretty funny! Denial much?
Water Lily
Re: You WON'T believe this.....
March 20, 2006
yeah no crap.
Re: You WON'T believe this.....
March 21, 2006
Oh yea, that's their disclaimer that's supposed to convince the rest of us that they really *ARE* happy they chose a childed life. Just as much as I'd enjoy sticking needles in my eyes..........
Lady Cooper
Re: You WON'T believe this.....
March 21, 2006
"Intimacy with my wife. Where did it go? It was all over the place before a child, now I can't find it with a search warrant! I just don't understand the extreme change. Thanks."

Well, she's tired and stressed from taking care of a squaling brat, her breasts are saggy and sore, and you could probably fit a bucket into her down there. That's not hard to understand. Smooth move, buddy.
CF Uter
Re: You WON'T believe this.....
March 21, 2006
I L O V E reading shit like this. Because we get to do all that stuff till the day we die and we don't have to do it in a minivan w/ a sensible haircut.

the only thing i do have in common w/ the breeder, is I too can't take last minute trips w/ hubby b/c of my "new" job I have had for the past 5 years. Too much responsibilty and too many things need to be rearranged on the work schedule. I used to love when he would tell me, oh, they sent me to Az , you wanna come with, and I could take off of work and be thru with it. Oh well, at least I can still go on a planned vacation w/o car seats, strollers, and a boat load of toys.
hehehehee....you got that right Uter.
Hell, taking off work and staying at home in your pajamas without kids is better than the most spendy vacation to the most exclusive resort could ever be with kids.
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