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Breeder Stupidity/Selfishness

Posted by MerlynHerne 
Breeder Stupidity/Selfishness
August 17, 2008
I've been watching "The Last Days on Earth" and where people are asked what they would do if they KNEW an asteroid would hit the Earth, some stupidass breederbrain bimbo says she knows it would be selfish, but she would want to experience having a chyld." WTF?! The world is gonna end and this bitch wants a baybee?! I wouldn't want to bring a kid into the world under that sort of circumstance.

Yep, selfish as always. It really IS all about the breeders.
Re: Breeder Stupidity/Selfishness
August 17, 2008
I thought that when they had "one of their own", it was supposed to be some ALL encompassing, greater, magestical type love on a higher level of loving that none of us CF could POSSIBLY understand? This is just another feather in the cap of PROOF, that it's all about them and what THEY want or need, NOT the kid!!!! I wouldn't want ANYONE to have to suffer through what is certain to be a catastrophic event such as that. ESPECIALLY my own flesh and blood. I would be asking the vet to euthanize my kitties because as much as that would sadden me, the thought of them starving to death or suffering unspeakable torture and pain, should I be one of the ones to die, would be much worse for the cats.

It's no different than these people who breed because they want a famblee or "unconditional love" when they have no visible means of support for the kidletts. All these bitches care about is their needs and wants and they disguise all of that with this it's "for the chyldren" shit, which is all a great big facade. They BREASTFEED for attention and apparently some like the way it makes them feel. It's BULLSHIT it's the healthiest for the kid as evidenced by all of their infections getting passed on. They QUIT WORK because they want to, NOT to do anything extra for their kyds. They CO-SLEEP because they WANT to and my guess it's to keep hubby at bay, although they still manage to get knocked up, so I am not sure about that one.

They LEAVE WORK early or MISS work, for THEMSELVES. Even IF they actually have a sick kyd, one dose of kiddie cough syrup and ON goes the soap opera channel. It's all about them, with FEW exceptions. If it's not for attention or sympathy, it's for a monthly check or other handout. I swear I hate their guts.angry smiley
Re: Breeder Stupidity/Selfishness
August 17, 2008
You and I are on the same page here, kidlesskim. I would NEVER want anyone, let alone someone I professed to love, like a child, to go through the hell that would follow something such as an asteroid strike.

The more I hear about moos or have contact with them, the more I see the essential selfishness in most of the breeder community. Christ, if I was a moo, and I had ANY idea that BFing my kid would result in him catching some disease, I would go get formula (but then, having to mix the fucking formula with water might be too ha-a-a-ard for some of these bitches). If I thought my child might catch diseases the chance of which would be lessened by immunisation, I would have him or her immunised, etc.

If breeders wonder why some of the CF are so militant and "hateful" towards them, it is because we see the bullshit for what it is and don't want to contribute to the lie. It's because, in the end, when you boil it down to its essence, breeders are some of the nastiest, most selfish, vituperative individuals on earth...and the excuse it all on "da chylllldrunnnn".
Re: Breeder Stupidity/Selfishness
August 17, 2008
Have a child just in time for it to experience a shattered world, starvation, nuclear winter, and death?

Gosh that's selfless. Kudos to that loving mommie.

n.b. Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" is a superb, very dark novel on this post-apocalyptic theme. Fantastic, though almost unbearably bleak, read.
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