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Moo admits her kid is a brat after he acts like an ass at Pizza Buffet

Posted by kidlesskim 
Moo admits her kid is a brat after he acts like an ass at Pizza Buffet
August 17, 2008
"I am tired and about to give up, he is a brat no other way to say it - I'm NAK right now so I'll be quick. Tonite we went out with older dds soccer team to pizza buffet - I was alone with kids so Jake sat w/ his friend he would not sit and then we were leaving and he said "No I won't go" then the little bugar ran into the parking lot someone else had to get him and put him in the car - I had my hands full w/ baby IDK I'm just sick of this constant bad behavior I am at my wits end . I really have to use a lot of restraint b/c I really want to grab him up and go to town on his bottom - but I know that won't solve the issue so I never do. I just don't know what to do - He will get killed running off like that I guess we need to stay home IDK."

Let me understand; The brat runs away from her and INTO traffic, a perfect stranger had to restrain him and put his ass in the car. She doesn't "believe" in spanking, but thinks it's preferable that he just gets "killed" in the street? This explains a lot about these unavoidable "accidents" we hear so much about. Why is this stupid bitch taking a KID'S SOCCER TEAM, a baby, AND an unruly 4 y/o out to a restaurant, ALONE in the first place? The only part she got right was where she said, "I guess we need to stay home". Can you IMAGINE what it was like to be a paying customer in that Pizza place that night with all of that bratty behavior going on?

Just another inside look at how it's ALL about them as she not ONCE expressed any remorse for strangers having to retrieve her kid from traffic, or of the fact that she undoubtedly ruined everyone else's meal at Pizza Buffet because of her irresponsibility. She skips over the actual brattiness INSIDE the restaurant, other than his refusal to sit down. I bet the little bastard ran into people, pulled shit off the buffet, threw crap in the floor, knocked stuff over, and made more noise than a fog horn.Yeah, she's right, they DO need to stay home.
Re: Moo admits her kid is a brat after he acts like an ass at Pizza Buffet
August 17, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> "He will get
> killed running off like that"

That is EXACTLY what she's hoping for.
A word to the wise: Avoid pizza buffets at all costs! There is one beside of our favorite Mexican restaurant and huge famblees line up outside of it. I can only imagine the chaos that goes on in that place. The germy, green snot, filthy handed brats that finger the food! ICK!

As far as moo in the post is concerned, I'm sure she's hoping the one that runs off gets hit. Then she'll get sooo much sympathy and the added bonus of getting rid of the bad one.

It would be a cold day in hell when I would help a moo wrangle her brat into a car. Suck it moos! You made them. You can enjoy them!
Re: Moo admits her kid is a brat after he acts like an ass at Pizza Buffet
August 18, 2008
Brats at buffets are THE WORST. Two stories:

Once I was at a Chinese buffet, and some she-brat grabbed a shrimp from the buffet, took a bite and PUT IT BACK. We complained to the staff and never went there again - and, coincidence or not, the restaurant closed shortly after.

Another Chinese buffet: this one was GROSS. The food was awful and there were sprogs running around everywhere. The ladies' room was the foulest, most disgusting place on Earth. They say you can judge an establishment by the cleanliness of its restrooms, and it's true. I swear, I don't know WHAT I caught there, but I was nauseous for weeks!
I adore our local Chinese buffet. I could live there. About 50 different dishes, and the serving area is high enough so as not to pose a temptation to kids with their grubby little hands. Mm, popcorn shrimp! Spinach cooked in sesame oil! Mussels! Yum!

As to the pizza buffet, I'd avoid this place like the plague. I love to cook, and am pretty miserly, so my choice would be to make pizza at home. It's easy, it's fun, and I can put a whole trawler's worth of anchovies on there without some brat whining that they don't like anchovies. Or touching/sneezing over every piece before I eat it (shudder).
Do we think this cunt could have learned written English before broadcasting her childrearing issues on the net? Really.
Medusa Wrote:
> kidlesskim Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "He will get
> > killed running off like that"
> >
> That is EXACTLY what she's hoping for.

My thoughts precisely... brouuuuuuuuhaaaaaaahaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaack ackk

also the 'poor me' attitude "I guess I can't go out anymore... wahhhhhhh waaaaaaah waahhhhhhhhh'
Man this is why I am really careful about buffets. Too many little snotminers and germ vectors running about, ruining it for PAYING customers.

Sorry, moo, but you're obviously doing something wrong if Snotleigh is acting like this. Try that hand on his bottom that you mentioned. It's called being a parent and administering discipline. My sympathy is non-existent, Moo.
"Boo hoo hooooo! I created this horrible situation and I can't deal with it! Whaaaa!"

tee hee!

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
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