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A shameless promotion of a children's charity the cf should pull out their wallets for

Posted by nowhiggers 

For the price of a cup of coffee, you can save children by making sure they don't exist.

This year for christmas, I have decided to donate to this charity and will be sending out cards with "a donation in your name has been made to the cash for birth control/sterilization program" to all the limo liberals in our family that like to send us those idiotic "we gave a cow to the turd werld starving family in your name" cards we get every year.

drinking coffee
so ummm.... if there are any cf here having a hard time getting a doctor to give you sterilization or you can't afford it.

seems like this organization is geared towards the really hardcore drug addicts, but i dunno, maybe telling them you would make an unfit parent for whatever reasons.. you don't have to be a drug addict to be unfit for having children, you could fill out the application for the hell of it and see what happens! They'll pay for your tubal and give you $300 in cash.
I think this is a great idea, but of course it has been criticized by breeders. For the life of me I don't understand why they would rather someone breed kid after kid who is mentally retarded, missing limbs, blind, has cerebral palsy, etc....because the moo did drugs or stayed drunk during her pregnancy. I could almost understand it if it was sterilization only, but they don't even want the crack whores to get any birth control. One of the FAQ, and one of the reasons I have heard them say they are against it, is that it targets minorities. I call BULLSHIT on that.

EVEN IF that were true, which it isn't, a baybee is a baybee and you would THINK they wouldn't want kids to continue to be born addicted to crack. Breeders seem to want EVERYONE to breed, regardless of the circumstances. I think their mental illness runs deeper than I had originally thought. They always whine that this group should help the addicts to recover, instead of "denying their right to reproduce". That makes absolutely no sense and defies logical stats on drug addicts and recovery when they are neck deep in prostitution and God knows what else.

Besides, THIS program isn't demanding sterilization, but offereing birth control. What part of this do they not like?
Anyone who criticises this program is not in their right mind. AT LEAST the women who turn up for help have had a good, hard, honest look at themselves and said "Nope, I am not suitable." Which is far more consideration than any other breeder has ever bothered to do.

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"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
kidlesskim Wrote:
> I think this is a great idea, but of course it has
> been criticized by breeders.

Because, and this is pervasive through all elements of societies aspects, they do NOT believe in consequences.
Of course, we can sometimes see that some mistakes can NOT be fixed. This is called a 'consequence'. We (on The Island) saw it last week were some stupid 3 or 4 year old (who probably had been told 'no, you cannot ride your wagon down the driveway') did just that and got squashed in traffic. They are not charging the driver as it was, in fact, an accident.
We have preached freedom without responsibilities, rights without consequences.. Think on this for a while.. winking smiley
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