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Oh, we'll all love this guy....

Posted by Feh 
Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 20, 2008
The lovely woman at childfree clique found this beautiful site....

A sample from his first post?
"I hate babies.
There. Got that out of the way. But measles probably take a close second. I'm not a fan of them either. But we'll get to the measles later. For now I just want to keep focusing on how much I dislike babies.
They stink, they're helpless, and they're pretty much ugly. I know you've probably heard this from a lot of guys out there, and I'm not claiming my reasons to be unique. I just don't like babies.
If you already haven't figured it out though, I'm the father of one...or will be soon. People say I'll make a good father, but boy are they in for a big surprise. I honestly feel sorry for my kid to be. He has no idea what he is in for. And yes I say he. Do I know what gender the baby will be? No, but the politically correct he/she stuff is too much work."

Funny and bitter, what an excellent combination. Unfortunately, maybe not smart enough to NOT have children he doesn't want,but still honest and funny.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 20, 2008
Thanks Feh, I saw that earlier today. I was thinking of posting that link, now I don't have to.
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 20, 2008
He should have known better than to get some broad knocked up.eye rolling smiley

Now he probably has to PAY child support.=P
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 20, 2008
Why do CF men let this shit happen? Do they want the woman so much they will give up their whole lives to satisfy her? I am all for the romanticism of a man loving a woman enough to DIE for her, but this is different. He isn't quickly giving up his life to protect her, for instance, but is going to suffer a slow, agonizing, and painful death of sorts. The death of his privacy, the death of his sleep, the death of his sex life, the death of peace and quiet, the death of his bank account, etc........ I guess they deserve what they get for being so gullible.
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 20, 2008
Banshee Wrote:
> He should have known better than to get some broad
> knocked up.eye rolling smiley

Exactly! If you hate baybees so much, why the fuck are you having one?

I hate brats too, but that poor kid didn't ask for this and it's not fair to him OR HER.
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 20, 2008
Sucks to be duhd.
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 20, 2008
I don't pity the fucker - he got himself into this mess. I do feel bad for the kid, though - s/he's already starting life off in the crapper with a duhdee who doesn't want him/her. I wonder if he actually intends to have a hand in the child care or if he'll be too busy telling his wife to shut Junior up during the glorious video game cutscenes. I also wonder how many people he knows personally he has told the blessed news to....not the impending fatherhood, but his lack of a desire to embrace said life sentence.

I echo the majority -- if kids are so unappealing, why have them? I'm sure this ha a lot to do with this idjit proving his humdinger works.
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 21, 2008
Yanno, I gotta go with the majority here. He shoulda thought about all this before getting some broad pignant. The kid is the one I feel sorry for...he or she is coming into this world with a duhd who doesn't want them. Sad.
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 21, 2008
Even worse, the kid is going to encounter a whole lifetime of child abuse from this "sperm donor".

Physical, emotional, verbal, you name it.sad smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 21, 2008
SIGH, yet another pussy guy who couldnt take charge of his own life and now is fucked for life, sucks to be him, but fuck him, im male and i hate kids, SO GUESS WHAT? I chose not to knock up some cunt.
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 21, 2008
That was AWESOME but he let the bitch get knocked up. wonder how soon til he's on craig's list? and they TRAIN each other??? Rollover, Jess, that's a good girl.

From the site, re: leaving the house and the resulting phone calls from concerned people:

"Even worse is the presumptuous "no news" = "baby" approach. The other night I took Jessica out to what I called "The Last Supper" before the baby comes and ruins any future plans. People called our house while we were gone, then freaked out because we weren't there to answer the phone. This sparked calls to other friends and family, whom now believed Jessica was dialated to a 6. In the time span of an hour we had 20 messages on our machine, including the local hospital staff saying "We don't know who you are, but please tell your family that you're not here giving birth." I better not get charged money for that."

THE WANNA BE RELATIVES CALL THE HOSPITAL? Is jesus coming and we don't know it?
Anonymous User
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 21, 2008
What a dope. Stupid man, as usual, thinking with the wrong head drinking coffee
Anonymous User
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 21, 2008
Even if the guy gets the snip, uses a condom, etc, how many baby rabid women will find some other stud and then (try) nail the wallet they are with. And how many courts are too farking lazy to find out otherwise?
There are websites dealing with 'false paternity'.


Quote from same link:
""In an article entitled "Injustice by Default: How the effort to catch 'deadbeat dads' ruins innocent men's lives," journalist Matt Welch asked California DCSS Assistant Director Leora Gerhenzon what would happen if a woman had named "Matt Welch" -- a white guy between 30 and 40 years old, who maybe lives in the Los Angeles area, as the father of her child.

Gerhenzon answered, "We run our search on him; if we come back with one Matt Welch who lives in L.A., whose birthday fits that 10-year range, and we have nobody else, we presume in general we have the person.""

So, childfree men heads up. You do NOT even have to BE with the bitch whore moo to end up paying for some shitloaf.

It seems though, the laws are changing. However, despite these whore moos signing these things with threats of perjury, the court system (especially California, wonder because it would disproportionately apply to hispanics or persons of colour) they do not prosecute these moos. Why these damn pigs get a pass because of their dumps I am clueless. Well, not clueless, just angry.
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 21, 2008
This guy is an idiot. Would have been so simple for him to get a vastectomy.
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 21, 2008
I see a vasectomy on the horizon.

I hope.
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 21, 2008
You know, I don't think this guy is stupid at all. I'd call him totally normal. I bet this is what most of our own dads were pretty much like, inside their dad-heads. It's just that he has the guts to say what most other men are thinking but will not say for fear of the rampaging villagers grabbing their torches and pitchforks and heading up the driveway.

He loves his wife and his wife wanted to become a cow. Why should the fact that he banged her about a year ago mean he has to change? She's the one afloat on a psychotic cocktail of hormones. So let her go to it. He's just boring mister XBox guy, same as before.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
August 21, 2008
This guy is an enormous pussy. No wonder kids are being squirted out with fucked up chromosomes and awwwtism, look at the human wonders who are breeding them - whiny, wimpy guys with no testicles whose main thrills in life are derived from video games. It's probably not long until kid number two comes along, since he's probably too much of a MAYYUN to get a vasectomy. Or more likely, too much of a passive-aggresive twat to stand up to his wife.
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
September 05, 2008
I've been in touch with this guy and he's totally cool, all things considered. If you get the chance, head on over there and look at the baby crib mobile he souped up. This guy definitely thinks outside the box and he's mortified about the social effect his kid is having on his CF friends.
Re: Oh, we'll all love this guy....
September 05, 2008
He should worry. In most cases when breeders have a kid, it ruins the relationship with CF. In most cases, friendship with the CF goes by the way. Breeders seem to be unable to find any topic of conversation except their chyyyyyyyyldren. If the breeders don't break off the friendship, the CF do.

However, the dude should have thought about this before knocking Moo up.

It's nice to see that courts are changing when determining paternity. No man should have to pay for a kyd that isn't his.
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