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Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death

Posted by kidlesskim 
Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 21, 2008
"My baby died at 14 weeks and I delivered the baby Thursday. It was rough to say the least.... I am very very very sad, even though I have three beautiful children to look at, the grief I feel is very real and I am just sad. My milk came in today, it is really painful, I have no baby to nurse, etc.

My mom has sucked throughout the entire experience. I thought she would be there for me. She went to work, never even understood what the procedure was like to bring this child out of the womb, has no clue at all. Her aunt died last week and she acts like it was the worst thing in the world. She cries all the time and our aunt was 89 years old. MY husband and sister feel she should be much moreupset about her grandchild passing away before he/she ever took a breath.

Would you be angry? I am at the point that I just do not even want to talk to my mom. Also, my FIL and BIL sent me a basket and flowers. When I told my mom that, she wa like, "I can't talk to you right now"

Mr. T: I pitty tha foold This is BY FAR one of the most selfish moo blogs I have ever read. She basically had a D&C to suction out the garbage left over from the failed pignasty, which probably took all of 10 minutes. I find it very difficult to believe she "delivered" anything, as she was just barely over the time limit to get a 1st trimester abortion, using her calculations. I also find it VERY hard to believe that any "milk came in" EVEN IF she was 14 weeks along. I have known people who aborted at 12 weeks and they didn't have any "milk" coming in. Her mother's AUNT DIED and she is obviously grieving and couldn't care less about a grandpup that never existed. This is the ULTIMATE selfish attitude and further re-enforces my belief that everything to do with pregnancy, getting knocked up, the whole 9 months, miscarriages, and as long as they can "milk it" by this extended breastfeeding nonsense, is purely for attention.

She thinks her "delivery", of what amounts to a blood clot, should take precedence over the death of her 89 year old aunt. I find that to be OUTRAGEOUSLY selfish behavior, but not at all uncommon among breeders. The "baby" didn't "pass away" and no one gives a shit if her inlaws felt coerced into sending a flower pot.
Re: Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 21, 2008
This is so breathtakingly selfish and inconsiderate it makes me aghast. She wants her failed pregnancy to "outshine" her aged mom's aunt's death? I wasn't aware that deaths were competitions. Her failure to empathize with her grieving mom is mind-numbing.

Oh, and asking the family to "take sides" on whose death Mom should mourn more is just about the last word in tacky behavior. And she already HAS three kids--yet she thinks Mom should "mourn" her 14-week failed pregnancy?

What a hideous woman. Truly ugly, inside. If this woman lived next to me I would not acknowledge her. I wouldn't want anything to do with nasty like that.
just goes to show that "family" is so over rated, its all well and good if some family members get along, but if family are assholes, just write them off, its NOT that big of deal,, this mother (the one who lost her Aunt) should disown her cunt dumpling, just write her off, NO big deal,
Re: Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 21, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> Mr. T: I pitty tha foold This is BY FAR one of the most selfish moo
> blogs I have ever read. She basically had a D&C to
> suction out the garbage left over from the failed
> pignasty, which probably took all of 10 minutes. I
> find it very difficult to believe she "delivered"
> anything, as she was just barely over the time
> limit to get a 1st trimester abortion, using her
> calculations. I also find it VERY hard to believe
> that any "milk came in" EVEN IF she was 14 weeks
> along.

That's my girl. thanks for doing the math for me- i was like WTF?
I am completely without words. This womans aunt was probably very instrumental in her life and she feels a huge loss. How greedy. Disgusting, pathetic infantile behavior on the part of the daughter. How despicable, her shame should eat her up inside.

The epitome of attention WHORE. And WE are the selfish ones angry smiley
I think the key is this,her own phrase"passing away before he/she ever took a breath".Exactly you stupid moo.Unlike an aunt,whom your Mother grew up knowing,loving and interacting with.

I went with someone to get an abortion that was a few weeks longer than this one.She didn't birth a damn thing and neither did this woman.GMAB!I have a cousin who WAS far enough along to "give birth" as was my Mother,they were 5 months into the pregnancy!And no,there was no milk.This cow is delusional.

I can't decide which is worse breeders or fundies.I know they are often one in the same,but if I had to separate them into this or that in terms of who was worse,not sure I could.
It goes to show that our society doesn't value the elderly, not at all.

Yeah, pregnant women and moomies can be total attention whores. I don't know what happened to women these days. They are stuck in the "victim" role. Some blame feminism, some blame traditional values. Who knows what the real culprit is.
maybe we know now why the aunt was preferred over this breeder sow.
Re: Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 21, 2008
What a selfish cunt! Hopefully she won't EVER be able to reproduce.
Re: Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 21, 2008
I'm sure good old Mom is increasingly aware of what kind of daughter she raised. She's what, 20? 25? 30? And STILL a soul-sucker full of ME ME ME ME ME.

Mom's probably sitting quietly at home with a cup of tea, recollecting all the lovely times she had with her beloved auntie. What a contrast to her screaming, selfish, stupid daughter. And who knows, Mom might have had one or two miscarriages of her own, back in the day when you had dignity and kept your personal business to yourself. So of course she knows it is NOT any kind of a big deal.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
This is despicable. So a person who lived for almost a century and probably did many wonderful things and loved and was loved by others, should just be chucked in the morgue with no thought, all because of some silly bitch's miscarriage?!

I am so disgusted.

We can only hope that if that horrible moo lives to a similar ripe old age, that when her precious kids breed they throw her in a nursing home, never visit her, and care less when she dies. After all, their elderly mother won't be nearly as important as their sprogs, will she? That's what she will have taught them.
clematis Wrote:
> This is so breathtakingly selfish and
> inconsiderate it makes me aghast. She wants her
> failed pregnancy to "outshine" her aged mom's
> aunt's death? I wasn't aware that deaths were
> competitions.

With some Moos, everything is a competition. You'd better not hold a funeral on the day of their brat's birthday party, bar mitzvah, confirmation or christening.
Re: Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 21, 2008
casseyrod Wrote:
> clematis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This is so breathtakingly selfish and
> > inconsiderate it makes me aghast. She wants her
> > failed pregnancy to "outshine" her aged mom's
> > aunt's death? I wasn't aware that deaths were
> > competitions.
> With some Moos, everything is a competition. You'd
> better not hold a funeral on the day of their
> brat's birthday party, bar mitzvah, confirmation
> or christening.

I have also noticed that there is some sort of competition among those who miscarry. It's a competition of whose loss is more tragic, more painful, and more worthy of attention and mourning. The ones who actually make it to 5,6,7 months feel that THEIR loss is greater than someone who miscarriead at say, 8-16 weeks. The ones who actually deliver a full term stillbirth expect the greatest sympathy which is only trumped by those who had a LIVE birth and the kid croaked shortly thereafter. They get offended if anyone acts like "we are in the same club", if THEIR miscarriage wasn't as tragic or if they were'nt as far along. So, there is a hierarchy in the "lost baybee" category of selfish moos.

I can't IMAGINE feeling superior to a friend if My mother died on the same day their Mother In Law died, for instance, based on the hierarchy or perceived importance of the deceased. These people put the SELF in selfish.
kidlesskim Wrote:
> > I have also noticed that there is some sort of
> competition among those who miscarry.

I have not noticed that myself. But I have noticed some women get angry if they get pregnant, then another woman in their family or social circle also gets pregnant at the same time. Because then they have to share the "spotlight" with someone else. Its very competitive. Same thing when a woman gets married, particularly a young woman. She may want to think she's the only one amongst her friends to land a husband and have a wedding; then, lo and behold, one of her other friends does it, she gets infuriated, because she is not the only "bride" out there.

Then with moos, its competition about their kids.

We know a family where the moo is that way. She can't stand for any attention to be focused on anyone but her pweshus chy-uld. She lets this brat open all the mail that comes to their house. She gets upset if people send cards or notes to the house, where his name is not included on it. Even if its not something for him. His pweshus ego needs to see his name plastered all over everything. After all, the sun and moon revolve around him. So....I told my husband this year, I'd send her a birthday card from us. I specifically left her brat's name off the envelope. I wish I could have seen the look on her face when she got that.
Re: Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 21, 2008

Do these people's BILLS come with the kid's name on it? That is absolutely absurd to expect people to address mail to you AND your kid. I also can't imagine greasy little fingers opening up my mail either. As for the women wanting to be the only one in the spotlight with births and weddings, I too, have noticed that. They get FURIOUS if a SIL announces a pregnancy shortly after theirs (or God forbid, before). I have heard them make accusatory comments like, "She got prenant ON PURPOSE because she knew WE were "trying"". Then with weddings they are INCENSED if ANYTHING is scheduled or done that might take the air out of their balloons. Hence, the old tradition of not wearing white to a wedding, so as to not "upstage" the bride.

I am sorry, but life is not a theatrical production. EVERY SINGLE DAY, people get married, announce births, have miscarriages, have baybees, etc......It's a part of life and selfish moo cows and moo wannbees have this twisted notion that THEIR experience is the most important and THEY are the only ones who should have a fucking spotlight on these VERY common every day occurrences. It's no surprise to me that they are competitive about the attention, gifts, and/or sympathy that they might get. They need to remember that this day is special ONLY TO THEM, and that the rest of the community only gives them attention at all because it's expected. MOST people hate to go to showers, wedding, kiddie birthday parties, etc........and NO ONE likes to go to a funeral. It's just a nice gesture of respect to the people who are grieving their loss or celebrating their "happy news", and should not be made out to be a competition.

From the looks of it, they NEED to be paying more attention to life AFTER the wedding or life AFTER baybee, than to the baby showers, floral arrangements, parties, gifts, and the attention they get beforehand. This is the reason they suck out as many years of attention as possible through their kids, because you can only milk being a newlywed for so long.
kidlesskim Wrote:
> casseyrod,
> Do these people's BILLS come with the kid's name
> on it?

No, and I can guarantee that pisses her off.

I will never forget her going on and on about how incensed she was, when she got a wedding invitation and her brat's name was not written on it. And she then refused to attend on that basis.

I will never forget the time when they handed us some christmas cards when we visited them at their home. So, my husband and I opened the cards. I opened my card, and threw away the envelope, because I don't like to leave trash laying around at someone's house. I was just being polite, that's all. Well, Moo started screaming "Bratleigh wrote your name on that envelope himself!!!!" and about how hurt that Bratleigh would be if he saw us throwing away the envelope that he had written our names on. Like everything he does is so special and worthy of worship. My husband made me fish the envelope out of the trash, so as not to offend the parents and pweshus bratleigh. (This is one of the things that keeps driving my husband and I farther away from each other - his friendship with these parents of this brat that I hate. I really do despise this kid). Being made to feel like an insensitive moron, when I was actually just being polite. I hate these people, I hate their damn kid.
Re: Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 21, 2008
The thing that gets me with the kid writing your name on the heirloom envelope that must be saved is that the KYD probably doesn't even remember being forced and coached to write it NOR does he give a shit if it's thrown away. This business of "It will hurt Shitford's peeewins" if you do or don't do this or that, is completely not true. The multiple crayola drawings that must be treasured, the handmade potholders made at camp, and the vacation bible school "crafts" made with construction paper with hand patterend Holiday turkeys adorned with various beans pasted onto them, which are to be framed and displayed, are for MOOMIE'S benefit, NOT the kyd.

'look what Shitford gave Uncle Rufus", or "Bubie made Aunt Eunice a napkin ring out of a pig intestine", etc.......are simply showcased so EVERYONE knows that 1) THEY sent their kid to this or that camp, and 2)How artistic, creative, clever, etc... that Snotley is.It's ALL about moomie, NOT the kyd, like they pretend.
casseyrod Wrote:
> kidlesskim Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > casseyrod,
> >
> > Do these people's BILLS come with the kid's
> name
> > on it?
> No, and I can guarantee that pisses her off.
> I will never forget her going on and on about how
> incensed she was, when she got a wedding
> invitation and her brat's name was not written on
> it. And she then refused to attend on that basis.
> I will never forget the time when they handed us
> some christmas cards when we visited them at their
> home. So, my husband and I opened the cards. I
> opened my card, and threw away the envelope,
> because I don't like to leave trash laying around
> at someone's house. I was just being polite,
> that's all. Well, Moo started screaming "Bratleigh
> wrote your name on that envelope himself!!!!" and
> about how hurt that Bratleigh would be if he saw
> us throwing away the envelope that he had written
> our names on. Like everything he does is so
> special and worthy of worship. My husband made me
> fish the envelope out of the trash, so as not to
> offend the parents and pweshus bratleigh. (This is
> one of the things that keeps driving my husband
> and I farther away from each other - his
> friendship with these parents of this brat that I
> hate. I really do despise this kid). Being made to
> feel like an insensitive moron, when I was
> actually just being polite. I hate these people, I
> hate their damn kid.

How about you include his name on the next thing you send them, but spell it incorrectly on purpose? :yeah Moomy's head will probably explode.

One of my aunts still doesn't know how to spell my name, and all throughout my childhood whenever she would send me a birthday card, my name would be spelled differently every year. But it didn't cause me great emotional distress, and my mother certainly never bitched at my aunt about it because she realised it wasn't a big deal.

I'm sure a modern moo, however, would roll up your driveway in a tank and annihilate your home if her baybee's kre8tiv name wasn't spelled properly on the Christmas card.

Sorry for the off-topic
Re: Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 21, 2008
Arctic_Fox Wrote:
> How about you include his name on the next thing
> you send them, but spell it incorrectly on
> purpose? :yeah Moomy's head will probably
> explode.
> One of my aunts still doesn't know how to spell my
> name, and all throughout my childhood whenever she
> would send me a birthday card, my name would be
> spelled differently every year. But it didn't
> cause me great emotional distress, and my mother
> certainly never bitched at my aunt about it
> because she realised it wasn't a big deal.
> I'm sure a modern moo, however, would roll up your
> driveway in a tank and annihilate your home if her
> baybee's kre8tiv name wasn't spelled properly on
> the Christmas card.

Who GIVES shit if a gift has an incorrectly spelled name attached to the card? BIG DEAL, I think it's nice they remembered to give or send a gift at all. ESPECIALLY if it's one of those trendy and fucked up names with a funky spelling, or some made up tribal name. Who could EVER learn to spell;Antiquetia, Jonsoquessha, Kuntessa, Kenyhatta, or modern day twists on "normal" names like "kIMBURLEIGH", or "AYMBER", or "Mikel", or "STEVYN", or worse, the double names like "Johan Mikel". or Rychard Donne", LILY ANNUH, or some other such nonsense. etc.....If they can't name their kids NORMAL names with NORMAL spellings, what do they expect?
Yes! I have thought about misspelling the brat's name on purpose, but he actually has a fairly simple name. Still, I could probably come up with something. I think leaving his name off the envelopes is actually a worse dig for the moomie, though. I am sure it burns her up. The bitch needs to get a life.

For Christmas, I plan to write her and her husband's names on the envelope, and leave his name off. ha! They will be pissed as holy hell.

You can have so much fun with these moo bitches.
Re: Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 21, 2008
casseyrod Wrote:
> Yes! I have thought about misspelling the brat's
> name on purpose, but he actually has a fairly
> simple name. Still, I could probably come up with
> something. I think leaving his name off the
> envelopes is actually a worse dig for the moomie,
> though. I am sure it burns her up. The bitch needs
> to get a life.
> For Christmas, I plan to write her and her
> husband's names on the envelope, and leave his
> name off. ha! They will be pissed as holy hell.
> You can have so much fun with these moo bitches.

Better yet, do it like they did in the old days and put no one's name on it but the father. ie: Paul Jones, and famblee. This could be especially done inconspicuously with Holiday cards that are sent in the mail. I'd do it and then giggle my ass off. Also, if you trade presents with them at Christmas, purposely give them ONE thing for the whole famblee like a board game, some dishes with a kiddie plate included, etc....only just put, "The Jones famblee" on the card, if anything. That way the little bastard won't have any "special" gift to unwrap, further giving you even more secret pleasure.
Re: Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 22, 2008
About the original topic: it's not a baybee, it's a fucking clump of cells, you dumb cow. Get over yourself.

She should hang out with the "Kotex In The Backyard" moo from the other thread. Best Friends Forever! tongue sticking out smiley
Re: Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 22, 2008
casseyrod Wrote:
> kidlesskim Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > casseyrod,
> >
> > Do these people's BILLS come with the kid's
> name
> > on it?
> No, and I can guarantee that pisses her off.
> I will never forget her going on and on about how
> incensed she was, when she got a wedding
> invitation and her brat's name was not written on
> it. And she then refused to attend on that basis.
(insert Elaine Benes here) GET OUT! really? really? and she drives and all that- call the white coats.
Re: Moo mad; Her "baby's" death was over shadowed by Aunt's death
August 22, 2008
Awww, so sorry that Auntie CHOSE to die when she did and distract from your "bayyyyybeee's" death---NOT!! Get over yourself, you stupid self-centred Moo bitch! Just for a start, it was a clump of cells (if that) whereas your aunt was someone who had lived and made the lives of others better-probably more than anyone will be able to say when you croak!
kidlesskim Wrote:

> Better yet, do it like they did in the old days
> and put no one's name on it but the father. ie:
> Paul Jones, and famblee. This could be especially
> done inconspicuously with Holiday cards that are
> sent in the mail. I'd do it and then giggle my ass
> off. Also, if you trade presents with them at
> Christmas, purposely give them ONE thing for the
> whole famblee like a board game, some dishes with
> a kiddie plate included, etc....only just put,
> "The Jones famblee" on the card, if anything. That
> way the little bastard won't have any "special"
> gift to unwrap, further giving you even more
> secret pleasure.

Thanks for the tips! If you think of anything else, let me know.
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