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Posted by KitsNotKids 
Re: Sancti-daddies
December 07, 2014

This. Truly trans people are only going to use the restroom that they can pass in; most are well on their way to transforming and unless you do the package check (which makes you the violator, not them) you are not going to know.

Once again, I'm not worried about the 'truly trans', it's the straight male creeps and predators who most certainly will take advantage who worry me. Yes they'll be obvious, and that will not be of the slightest help to the victims. I also don't get why it's perfectly understandable for a 'trans' woman to fear male violence, but when real women are afraid of male sexual violence, it's bigotry.

It's not bigotry to fear violence. It's bigotry to assume that trans-women are the only ones who will perpetrate it. I'm still wondering why the bathroom issue has only been brought up with trans people and everyone acts like there's some sort of force-field that keeps cis male predators at bay. A man who wants to rape women will walk into the bathroom regardless of what sign is on it. I swear I'm not making shit up. If they'll attack a woman, they'll ignore a goddamn sign.

Also, there is no difference between a trans woman and a real woman. They are both women.
What they're saying is that it's one thing if an obviously trans person is entering the bathroom, it's entirely another if it gets to the point where a a dude can just name drop that they're female, because it allows a 'cover' so they can to go in and oggle/harass peeing ladies, and folks will be afraid to question for fear of offending. Just one of these pervs will do major damage, which is why it's a bad idea to let the bathrooms open to folks who aren't female or not undergoing sex change.

It's both a safety issue for women, and threat of retaliation by the public for trans.
Re: Sancti-daddies
December 07, 2014
Honestly, if that was me, I would have called the cops on his ass. Seriously, that shit is illegal. I don't care if your brat shits his pants, you do not have ANY right to go into the ladies room, EVER.

You chose to take your non-potty trained brat out in public. You chose to take it to a place where the bathrooms were not "family friendly". That doesn't magically give you the right to perform the illegal act of using a bathroom designed for women, when NEITHER of you are female.

I can't stand it when cows bring their male spawn into ladies bathrooms and dressing rooms. The little perverts crawl/reach/peer under the doors and are a huge violation of privacy. Get a frickin babysitter! A duh has zero excuse. Either use the men's room or go somewhere else. You NEVER have the right to enter the ladies room. What if there was a woman in there who was exposed? (I've had to use public bathrooms to change clothes between jobs and interviews before - it could happen.) So you just walk in and gawk? Let's face it, your pweshus destroyed your cow's genitals and she probably doesn't want you within a mile of them ever again. You were going in there, hoping for a free peep show.

If I were the woman, I would have called the cops and reported TWO MALES who entered the ladies room and REFUSED to leave after being confronted, adding that they were aggressive and I felt threatened by them. (and let's face it mister foul mouth, that's exactly what you were) The cops would have come in, arrested you and your kid would be handed over to CPS, as it probably should have been a long time ago, and your problems with it shitting itself in public would be over. You would owe me a big "thank you" for unburdening you. Sure, you'd have a sex offender record, but that might keep you from having any more little mistakes. At least it'd slow you down. As an added bonus it would give the cow back home a great excuse/opportunity to leave your ass if she hasn't already. I call that a win/win/win for everyone involved (except maybe your dick).
Re: Sancti-daddies
December 07, 2014
As for the trans thing - because I know a few.

REAL trans people (in either direction) are NOT going to bother most women. The MtF tend to LOOK LIKE WOMEN and the FtM tend to LOOK LIKE MEN. Seriously - while they may not ALL be able to look like natural-born *insert sex*, they make a very serious concerted effort to do so. No matter how poorly they pull it off, it's a very VERY obvious and heartfelt effort. It's not just some dude in a dress. They try really hard and they won't try swapping restrooms until they have it down pretty well. They also BEHAVE like their goal sex.

So trans is not an issue here. If a trans MtF came in the bathroom, it wouldn't bother me at all. Like I said, I know enough trans people in both directions to know the difference between a trans person and a friggin pervert who's abusing trans rights. (and let's face it, that's what these perverts are doing - they're making it HARDER for trans people to live their lives!)

So honestly, get the guy arrested. Do it for the trans!
Re: Sancti-daddies
December 07, 2014
As for the trans thing - because I know a few.

REAL trans people (in either direction) are NOT going to bother most women. The MtF tend to LOOK LIKE WOMEN and the FtM tend to LOOK LIKE MEN. Seriously - while they may not ALL be able to look like natural-born *insert sex*, they make a very serious concerted effort to do so. No matter how poorly they pull it off, it's a very VERY obvious and heartfelt effort. It's not just some dude in a dress. They try really hard and they won't try swapping restrooms until they have it down pretty well. They also BEHAVE like their goal sex.

So trans is not an issue here. If a trans MtF came in the bathroom, it wouldn't bother me at all. Like I said, I know enough trans people in both directions to know the difference between a trans person and a friggin pervert who's abusing trans rights. (and let's face it, that's what these perverts are doing - they're making it HARDER for trans people to live their lives!)

So honestly, get the guy arrested. Do it for the trans!

THANK YOU! This is what I've been saying! What many individuals say is that someone will masquerade as trans and then harass women. I call this throwing the cat out with the litter. Yes, the harassment is the problem, but switching to anti-trans BS isn't going to fix it. The two men and boy we have talked about in the thread WERE NOT TRANS. That should be a tip-off that trans-women are not the problem. Like I said, and will say again for good measure, I see the concern, but trans people aren't going to be the ones to do the shit.
Re: Sancti-daddies
December 07, 2014
As for the trans thing - because I know a few.

REAL trans people (in either direction) are NOT going to bother most women. The MtF tend to LOOK LIKE WOMEN and the FtM tend to LOOK LIKE MEN. Seriously - while they may not ALL be able to look like natural-born *insert sex*, they make a very serious concerted effort to do so. No matter how poorly they pull it off, it's a very VERY obvious and heartfelt effort. It's not just some dude in a dress. They try really hard and they won't try swapping restrooms until they have it down pretty well. They also BEHAVE like their goal sex.

So trans is not an issue here. If a trans MtF came in the bathroom, it wouldn't bother me at all. Like I said, I know enough trans people in both directions to know the difference between a trans person and a friggin pervert who's abusing trans rights. (and let's face it, that's what these perverts are doing - they're making it HARDER for trans people to live their lives!)

So honestly, get the guy arrested. Do it for the trans!

Good explanation. Helps me to lead into my thoughts: I'll go by behavior over design. If you come into the bathroom with nefarious intent; if the reason you are there is for something other than have a cry because the boss hollered at you, or to primp and/or poop; I'm calling you out. There is no excuse to be in the bathroom for more than a few basic bodily functions.

And I still stand for allowing the father in because of an extremely exigent circumstance (who's going to clean up the shit dribbles that run down the kid's leg to the floor and who wants to be in a place that has been stunk up by a blowout?) as long as he shows the proper contrition and sense of gratitude that is called for in that situation.
Re: Sancti-daddies
December 07, 2014
1st off, this joker didn't NEED to use the ladies. He and his brat could have either waited for the mens stall or gone somewhere else. Even if it was a real "emergency", which I doubt, he had no business in the ladies room, ever. They have changing tables in mens rooms now. They have the facilities to handle the fact that the brat should have still been in diapers. Treat it like any other actual parent does. Hell, when I was a kid and I shit myself I was taken to a bathroom, cleaned up as best as I could be and, here's the kicker, TAKEN HOME. That's all you can do. It happens to all kids and doesn't give you the right to break the law. The rules apply to everyone, not just the people who don't breed. Just because you don't think ahead does not mean your little shitstain is more important than a woman's right to not have her privacy invaded. Carry spare crap with you. That's what those S Moo V's are for! Invest in some pull ups or stay at home, retard!

2nd off, this ass nugget was NOT considerate or polite in any way. He barged in without asking or checking and helped himself. When he was called out, he acted entitled and when someone complained he flipped his shit and became verbally abusive. That is not even remotely ok. I MIGHT have been ok with him ASKING if it was ok for his brat to go in BY HIMSELF while he stood outside and made sure nobody went in. If the kid can't even shit by himself, again, diapers, pull ups, why is it even out? This numbnut was bullying and rude and presumed that he had a right to break the law and make any woman feel her privacy violated if he felt like it because his dick worked once.

3rd - Are you aware that there are men who SPECIFICALLY and DELIBERATELY go to ladies rooms to INSTALL CAMERAS with a video feed to record women doing their thing? Yep. These perverts want to watch you poop. Now, who's to say this freakshow wasn't using the kid to do this? Don't believe me? I dare you, for one year, in any major city, every time you go to a public bathroom, lift the seat. Just take a peek. In one year, you WILL find a camera. I always check now, and that's usually about how often I find one. Now, maybe this guy seriously was ONLY being an entitled asshole... fine. Do you feel like just trusting every obvious dude who wanders into a ladies room? I don't.

I still say, call the cops, lock him up.
Re: Sancti-daddies
December 19, 2014

What they're saying is that it's one thing if an obviously trans person is entering the bathroom, it's entirely another if it gets to the point where a a dude can just name drop that they're female, because it allows a 'cover' so they can to go in and oggle/harass peeing ladies, and folks will be afraid to question for fear of offending. Just one of these pervs will do major damage, which is why it's a bad idea to let the bathrooms open to folks who aren't female or not undergoing sex change.

It's both a safety issue for women, and threat of retaliation by the public for trans.

That's exactly the way things are moving.


Are you aware that there are men who SPECIFICALLY and DELIBERATELY go to ladies rooms to INSTALL CAMERAS with a video feed to record women doing their thing? Yep. These perverts want to watch you poop. Now, who's to say this freakshow wasn't using the kid to do this? Don't believe me? I dare you, for one year, in any major city, every time you go to a public bathroom, lift the seat. Just take a peek. In one year, you WILL find a camera. I always check now, and that's usually about how often I find one. Now, maybe this guy seriously was ONLY being an entitled asshole... fine. Do you feel like just trusting every obvious dude who wanders into a ladies room? I don't.

Me neither. I predict a surge in pervs, peepers and assaults for this very reason.
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