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Fundie Breeder Moo writes 101 reasons to have kids

Posted by kidlesskim 
Fundie Breeder Moo writes 101 reasons to have kids
August 28, 2008
(You can read all 101 here^)

Her "inspiration"

I receive constant complaints from mothers telling me how hurt they are from the negative comments which they receive from family and friends when they share the news that they are going to have another baby. "God gave you a brain, didn't He?" or "Oh No, not another one!" and so on. One reader wrote to me, "....I can't understand why people think children are such burdens that they'd only want one or two, and then suggest to me that I stop at that number also....I've sometimes joked with my husband that I could write a book of all the one liners people say and title it, "101 Reasons Why Not to Have Any More Children."...So here are "101 Reasons Why Mothers Love Having Children."

MY top picks of the MOST absurd reasons of the bunch:

1)We love receiving gifts and blessings from God.
Why would I ever want to turn down one of God's blessings?
2)We not only want to receive gifts from God for ourselves, but we want to give more gifts to the world. Every God gives us is a gift to the world.
3)It's so exciting to see who God will send to bless us each time.
4)It's an honor for the Lord to use my womb again.
5)I love being "with child."
6)I love to behold the handiwork of the Lord as a new little miracle comes forth.
7)The birth of a baby is the ultimate fulfillment of love between a husband and wife. Each child is an unbreakable bond between a father nd mother.
8)I'd love another baby because to choose not to is like saying NO to God. I want to say YES to God and His will for my life.
9)I'll have more babies to nurse and therefore less risk of breast cancer.
10)My children think I'm beautiful no matter how I look.
11)The more children we have, the more impact we have upon the world.
We want to establish a godly dynasty that will continue down the generations to come.
12)We want to raise another soul for Jesus.
13)We desire to raise up a standard for God in this evil day.
14)There is no occupation more rewarding than motherhood.
Because I am fulfilling the only career that is eternal! Every other career will be left behind when we leave this earth, but I can take my children with me into glory. My children are eternal souls who will live for ever.
15)Parenthood is investing in eternity.
16)Children are like arrows which we send to places where we will never be able to go and We want to fill our quiver.
17)In an era when so many individuals condone the denial, or taking of life - we want to give life - for life is sacred.
18)We don't want to deprive our parents of their "crowning glory" (Proverbs 17:6). We want to bless them with grandchildren.
19)I'm replenishing the earth with godly seed.
20)I want to be obedient to God's Word to "Be fruitful and multiply."
21)I just love being a mother. I love being pregnant. I love giving birth and I love breastfeeding.
22)We still have an empty seat in our van, and we'd like to fill it!
23)Our children are all so wonderful, who could resist another one?
God says that children are a reward and we believe Him!
24)Children are the most precious gift of marriage.
25)In a large family, the children and teenagers don't want to go out to find entertainment because they are lonely and bored - there is already fun and entertainment at home
26) A new baby reminds me of how Jesus came into the world.
27)More children help to grow the church.
28)My body was created for this purpose.
29)There will be more people to pay for the aged's social security benefits.
30)I want to yield my womb as a living sacrifice to God.
31)To prevent menses and enjoy the nursing hormones of prolactin and oxytocin. My most enjoyable and peaceful times are during the absence of menses during pregnancy To give a sweet testimony to a lost world.
32)I want another arrow for God's army.
33)I would hate to stand before God on Judgment Day and have to answer why I rejected the children He had ordained for our family.
34)Babies are future dish washers!
35)Babies are a lot more entertaining than TV.
36)The more children we have, the more we will be blessed when we are older. Instead of being lonely, we will have many children and grandchildren around to entertain us, bless us and care for us.


37)Babies are also a blessing to other people. They sure love to hold and cuddle mine. Since my siblings have stopped at two children per family, I want to supply them for my parents and everyone else's pleasure.

Although I give 7,14,25 and 31 honorable mention. However, ALL 101 reasons are idiotic.
Re: Fundie Breeder Moo writes 101 reasons to have kids
August 28, 2008
All are invalid and all are lies.
What I don't understand, is how the hell any man could stand to be around any woman who thought like this....because the attitude in general MUST permeate everything. Can you imagine the utter lameness of their daily lives... from drinking a cocktail to watching sports, swearing to most movies/tv shows that aren't a Disney cartoon, etc? All of those things are extremely frowned upon.
Sucks to be them, I guess. I suppose thats why I've seen lots of these "religious" guys begging the dancers in the club I worked in to run off with them..
Re: Fundie Breeder Moo writes 101 reasons to have kids
August 28, 2008
spermandapaycheck Wrote:
> What I don't understand, is how the hell any man
> could stand to be around any woman who thought
> like this....because the attitude in general MUST
> permeate everything. Can you imagine the utter
> lameness of their daily lives... from drinking a
> cocktail to watching sports, swearing to most
> movies/tv shows that aren't a Disney cartoon, etc?
> All of those things are extremely frowned upon.
> Sucks to be them, I guess. I suppose thats why
> I've seen lots of these "religious" guys begging
> the dancers in the club I worked in to run off
> with them..

Your user name is even funnier if you worked in a strip club.
my god, how mind numbing
Even as a confirmed 'fundie' I am literally sick to my stomach. You could float the entire United States Navy in the breeder Kool-Aid this lady has drunk.

20)I want to be obedient to God's Word to "Be fruitful and multiply."

...said when the entire world population was under *twenty people*. We've got six billion now - which may be too many already - so lay off the OMG MUST HAVE KIDS nonsense.

24)Children are the most precious gift of marriage.

So your mate is second fiddle to the brats? Bet he appreciates that.

31)To prevent menses and enjoy the nursing hormones of prolactin and oxytocin...

Translation: I'm getting high off the sensation of being in pig.

34)Babies are future dish washers!

My personal favorite. She's just revealed that one of her prime motives for having kids is for them to be indentured servants until they can cut the apron strings and escape.
Re: Fundie Breeder Moo writes 101 reasons to have kids
August 28, 2008
How utterly nauseating. And what a really fucking boring life she and her husband must lead. Depressing...
this lady is an idiot and just think how her kids will turn out? KILL ME NOW!!!hitting over the head with a hammer
Maybe some of you better writers can pick this apart 1 by 1, when you have a few free days to spare lol
Yeah, I suppose so..never thought of it that way simply because my friend and I have used the phrase for so long to describe the basis of most of the relationships we've seen out there..
If I had a dollar for everytime we've discussed people we knew and/or heard about and said "Yep, she's got her 'sperm and a paycheck.'" I could BUY the strip club and make millions!!

And what always bothered us the most, is that it was just as many times career woman that we knew from our college days at a very prestigious Big Ten University. These are not the teen sluts or welfare recipients we bash on here.
We've documented that once they've worked for roughly 6-10 years, they cashed in their chips and purposely looked to find their "spermandapaycheck." I'm talking about women that it would go against conventional wisdom to believe it until you get the inevitable e-mail..one was a lawyer, the other a nurse practitioner (which isn't quite an M.D., but they can prescribe medicine and it takes quite a bit of schooling), most had Master's Degrees, the list goes on. My friend and I were /are very disappointed to say the least.

As to my strip clubs years, I'm sure the tales will come out over my posts...
Long story short, I started at the VERY old age (for that business) of 30 to help my dying father out and have VERY flexible hours so I could be there a lot during the last year of his life. It was an extremely classy gentlemen's club, and I ended up making shitloads of money off of these duhs who hated their idiot breeder wives..I was hooked! I was smarter than the rest of the girls and saved/invested it all to the point that after 7 years I could semi- retire..Most of the girls just gave it all to their lazy-asses baby daddies.

Believe it or not, once you build up some regulars, you don't even have to dance anymore...you simply engage them over bottles of wine and give them the intelligent conversations and fun that they don't get at home, since their wives just look at them as...wait for it...SPERMANDAPAYCHECK!! These guys are so starved for attention, they'll hand you $200-300 bucks for just sitting there and talking.

It's quite simple really..not to mention great music being played, free drinks and usually great conversation. What else can you ask for?
spermandapaycheck , oh you saw 1st hand all the desperate duhs, im sure most were religious, i love that instead of spending the money on their wife and kyddds, they were out having a good time with good looking strippers
Yes, that fact was not lost on me..It felt weird (for about a day). After awhile I figured that I was better off having that $ (or even one of the other dancers, cause at least they had a job) than some lazy moo who refused to work and would just spend it shopping and at Starbucks anyway. At least I would save/spend it wisely...
spermandapaycheck Wrote:
> And what always bothered us the most, is that it
> was just as many times career woman that we knew
> from our college days at a very prestigious Big
> Ten University. These are not the teen sluts or
> welfare recipients we bash on here.
> We've documented that once they've worked for
> roughly 6-10 years, they cashed in their chips and
> purposely looked to find their
> "spermandapaycheck." I'm talking about women that
> it would go against conventional wisdom to believe
> it until you get the inevitable e-mail..one was a
> lawyer, the other a nurse practitioner (which
> isn't quite an M.D., but they can prescribe
> medicine and it takes quite a bit of schooling),
> most had Master's Degrees, the list goes on. My
> friend and I were /are very disappointed to say
> the least.
As I mentioned on another thread (before you made your "splashy" arrival LOL), I recently read a book by Leslie Bennetts titled, "The Feminine Mistake" and it was about how women make the huge mistake of becoming economically dependent on their husbands, often giving up good careers and wasting their education to become stay-at-home moms. Then, if their husbands divorce them or become disabled or prematurely die, these women have no clue as to how to manage for themselves and their children (if they are still young). They have been out of the workforce too long to be able to re-enter it easily.

Bennetts did not describe these women's husbands as "spermandapaycheck" but the description surely fits. tongue sticking out smiley
Thanks deegee...I must admit I'm quite proud of coining the term as it pretty much says it all very succinctly and is also a nice catch-all about the subject.
You sure her last name wasn't Dugger?
Re: Fundie Breeder Moo writes 101 reasons to have kids
August 28, 2008
A good friend of mine used to be a stripper and she had a similar experience. It seemed that the average client just wanted to have a pretty woman sit on his lap and engage in some erotic conversations. More often than not my friend acted as a therapist for men in lousy marriages.
Believe it or not, we weren't allowed to sit on clients laps..at first I thought that the rule was stupid and cost the dancers money, but looking back, it was smart of the owners (2 really smart businessmen -former swanky restaurant owners - in fact there is a 5 star restaurant in the place ) to keep the place classy. I can imagine if they allowed it, things would probably slide downhill from there.

Rap music or any song with a swear word wasn't allowed either. If you had the d.j. play one of those songs, you and him were both fined $50!
Hey Kidlesslim

Try the opposite: 101 reasons not to have kids

I have heard if this before. Merc was the specialist of this at the time when I read this. I recognise 101 reasons.

None of the 101 has no intelligent or logic reasons. These are all God/religious and moral reasons.

So this is not new to me.

None of this are not legit reason why to have kids. But some legendary CF folks have over 101 legit/intelligent reasons not to have kids and 50% are plain common sense.
Yeah, this is a familiar list.

Note that reasons #73 and #96 are word-for-word identical. Too busy taking care of the keeeeeds to actually come up with 101 reasons!
Re: Fundie Breeder Moo writes 101 reasons to have kids
August 28, 2008
Spermandapaycheck: That is so interesting. I really hope for more stories! Have you written a book or thought about it? You are clearly a good writer and I think people would love to have the inside scoop on what the job is like. I sure would!

You said: "Believe it or not, once you build up some regulars, you don't even have to dance anymore...you simply engage them over bottles of wine and give them the intelligent conversations and fun that they don't get at home, since their wives just look at them as...wait for it...SPERMANDAPAYCHECK!! These guys are so starved for attention, they'll hand you $200-300 bucks for just sitting there and talking."

Wow. Just...wow. That is the bleakest thing I've read today. How sad and truly miserable are those lives? Without even *conversation* at home? Phew.
Re: Fundie Breeder Moo writes 101 reasons to have kids
August 28, 2008
My children help me surrender the selfish desires of my flesh.

Welp, that rules out kids for me! I'm having a beer as I type while waiting for our *homemade pizza* (drools) to come out of the oven, after which I might have a ciggie and smooch later with hubs!

Darn! Oh well.
It sure wasn't sad for me...THEY CHOSE that kind of life...and to steal someone's line (which I love by the way) BED.MADE.LIE.

And yes, I've been told to write a book many times, especially since my degree is in journalism. I've thought about it, but then found out that there was one from the 70's or 80's called "The Ivy League Stripper" or something like that. I may look into soon anyway. I DO have some awesome stories to tell! I met famous people in there, rock stars, etc.
Re: Fundie Breeder Moo writes 101 reasons to have kids
August 28, 2008
Sounds like Mrs. Duggar wrote it.eye rolling smiley

Either that, or Angelina Jolie.

They are both brood cows with numbed senses and privates hanging everywhere.=P
Re: Fundie Breeder Moo writes 101 reasons to have kids
August 29, 2008
I think it's odd that out of the tens of thousands of breeder sites out there, that I am having difficulty finding anything quite as ridiculous regarding popping out kids, the attachment parenting, extended breastfeeding, etc.... written by fundie MEN. There are plenty about their Christian "head of household duties" type articles and sites, and several about the importance of famblee, but NOTHING anywhere NEAR the absurdity or the sheer number of sites and articles which are written by the brood mares.confused smiley Do the fundie men just not care as much, or what?confused smiley
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