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General Chit-Chat

Posted by Coranth 
General Chit-Chat
September 10, 2008
Hey Guys and Gals, Coranth here again...

Young children / brats and toadlers. I hate 'em. Filthy, dirty, smelly little beasts and parasites. Older children, when they have been raised by a PROPER PARENT... they're okay. I don't mind

And, look... we do need at least some DECENT, WELL RAISED children to maintain a population. The vitriol on this board isn't aimed at those children who are raised correctly by what we call PNB's or parents-not-breeders; it's the useless MOOS and their BRATS that we all hate.

Take note people; I am NOT a breeder-pleaser. I am FIRMLY childfree, CF FOR LIFE; I hate the little bastards! But, sadly, the fact remains that we do need some of them. Some. I don't know why science can't come up with some sort of memory implant which could be placed in a brat's brain, an implant that would at least implant the BASIC stuff, y'know?
Like Robocop's Prime Directives:

1. Respect and Obey your parents.
2. Respect other people and their property.
3. Avoid those who are child-free.
4. Good Manners / Etiquette
5. Avoid dangerous things.

Perhaps if this was made possible, there would be no BRATS, just decent children. Unfortunately, science hasn't gotten that far, yet. Damn.

I also, after reading a few other blogs, wonder why breeders bring their filth to places that aren't child-friendly? Like cinemas, or decent restaurants / coffee lounges that aren't kiddy friendly. WTF?
Luckily, I can't remember ever going to such places... but the mere thought of it makes me ILL! When I go out to eat, or go to the movies, I don't want to hear noisy children, or see them running about like out of control, or have them foul up the place(s) with their filth and disease!
Re: General Chit-Chat
September 10, 2008
I don't like children of any age, and if I never see another one so long as i live, that'd be fine.

That said, my youngest nephew D has been raised well by my sis. He is sweet, calm, polite, and always in a sunny mood. He loves to garden and loves animals and bugs. Nice kid. Don't mind him. His older brother is tightly wound and given to meltdowns and shrillness; not D. BUT I'm perfectly happy to see both of 'em leave at the end of family functions, realizing my sis has got to tend to both of 'em 24/7/365/18...and count my blessings.

I like the mental implant idea, like the RFID chips in our dogs. Failing that, I wonder of prenatal classes could address not only baby health issues but behavioral issues. Have the teachers do some role plays regarding the issues in Coranth's Prime Directives and ask what the parents would do and why. Have them model some bad behaviors, with other to-be parents trying to deal with it. On parent discussion boards, I see a lot of "I never expected my two-year-old to..." or "How come no one ever told me about..." (some obnoxious behavior). Maybe for first-time moms that might give them a heads-up. The only problem is that the dominant paradigm these days seems to be what two cents calls the yackety-yak school of parenting (GD), so...
Anonymous User
Re: General Chit-Chat
September 11, 2008
Coranth said
''the fact remains that we do need some of them"

WHY? let the human race die off. as someone here said before, we are a failed speices.

and in my opinion there are NO pnb's anyone who had a kid in the last 10-15 yrs are ALL BREEDERS
Re: General Chit-Chat
September 11, 2008
I honestly think there are FAR TOO MANY people on this earth. There should be a 20 year moratorium on breeding. Let the earth and the gene pool clear out a bit.

After that, only a select few individuals should be allowed to breed.

No more stupid, low-IQ parents, no more parents milking the system. No more of these dumb-ass parents and their "gentle discipline" parenting style. No more religious fundie breeders. 30 is the breeding age; no younger, no older. And you're allowed 1 kid, period. No exceptions. No fertility babies.

Strict screening would be done and if you make the cut, you can have a kid. If after you have a kid, you start acting like a helicopter parent or exhibiting any undesirable parental behavior, the kid is taken from you promptly.

I vote me for president!!! LOL
Re: General Chit-Chat
September 12, 2008
Coranth Wrote:

> Like Robocop's Prime Directives:

> 1. Respect and Obey your parents.
> 2. Respect other people and their property.
> 3. Avoid those who are child-free.
> 4. Good Manners / Etiquette
> 5. Avoid dangerous things.

This is how it should be.

Oh year you forgot PD#7 (Classified) which means if any kids disobey the parents, the implant will give them auto-shock or in Robocop - Auto Shutdown.
Cheese Louise
Re: General Chit-Chat
September 13, 2008
nokyds4me Wrote:
> and in my opinion there are NO pnb's anyone who
> had a kid in the last 10-15 yrs are ALL BREEDERS

I'm starting to believe more and more that this is the truth. I used to see a distinction between PNB and BNP, but lately (past few years) it seems you NEVER see evidence of PNBing going on. Just the other day I was talking to someone about a mutual friend, who I'd thought was a PNB with a well-behaved preteen daughter. What this person told me about some behavior they'd witnessed in this girl was shocking. She's as much of a spoiled brat as the next one, sassing adults and telling them what they should and shouldn't do. W-T-F??

I'm more and more disappointed and depressed by human behavior every day. As someone said, let the gene pool clear out for a good 20 years or so. For starters.

angry smiley
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