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2842 The Blog

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008
Actually, back in March when this blog was first posted here, I have been checking it out periodically. I just hope that poor baby can get through life with no illnesses, disabilities, or anything else due to her VERY premature birth. She didn't ask for any of that, she was just born to very baby rabid parents.

I did read that her whole deal cost the insurance like $950,000.

I haven't read any of the past stuff or seen any of the other pictures. I'll have to check it out.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008
Logorrhea and the least interesting biological phenomenon in the world is an unfortunate combination.

Title your blog posts with pretentious high-school-French titles for extra twit-tasticness.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008
I figured out what's going on with this woman, and it's quite simple. She is so ugly she needs to have a baby to prove that someone fucked her. Never mind whether her reproductive organs work; obviously they do not.

I don't know who gets the prize - Gluten Free Girl, or this Alexa... Can there be a tie?
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008
Spoken for truth, poofy_puff. Just think what 950 grand could have bought in orthodontic work for this self-obsessed woman. Ah, well....who needs a decent set of choppers when you could trade that in for a baby with a ton of medical problems and a beaten-dog husband who probably wishes he could hit the reset button on his mess of a life.

Gluten-free girl and Alexa might be tied, I think. Both write long-winded, flowery descriptions of common, ordinary biological functions. Both are utterly desperate for attention and whatever sort of validation they can muster up.
Yes, I think we may have a tie here.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008
You forgot one thing:

Both are ugly women who produced competitively ugly babies.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008
where is 'the blog'
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008

search this site for "fugly"

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: 2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008
I wandered over there and took a look. When you go to the linked page, there are more pictures. The kid is cute enough, I guess, but did anyone notice the shape of her head? She has a perfectly rectangluar-shaped head. Is that normal?

I'm half expecting Schnozz to show up any minute now. Remember Schnozz, from the "fugly" thread? She claimed to be the Moo's friend and claimed to be CF. I wonder if they are still friends or if the Moo has gone sancti-moo.

Moos who snort fertility drugs and gestate little mirakuls usually ditch their CF friends post haste.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008
I didn't remember a lot about this particular "miracle", until the 950k pricetag was mentioned. I am quite sure that's just the tip of the iceburg too. I have never understood why people think it's great and wonderful to spend FOUR MILLION dollars(reported amount so far) on baybees born without faces, like that poor little girl born to the navy couple down in Florida, while middle class ADULTS often don't have enough insurance to cover a catastrophic illness or injury and have to bankrupt, or they can't afford insurance but make too much money to get medicaid. All SOME people want is crown and bridge work to replace worn or missing teeth, basic surgery to make their quality of life better like a knee replacement, or maybe something as basic as a modern prosthesis to replace a hook for a hand. All things I just mentioned would fall safely under 20k. Yet, people walk around in pain, or have a lesser quality of life that 10-20k could fix, and these RETARDS with little or no chance of ever doing much more than slumping over in a wheelchair with a spittle cup and a pissbag have MILLIONS of tax payers money or insurance money to keep them alive or "treat" them, and no one bats an eye.

Some people may think I am heartless or might say, "How would you feel if it was YOU", or "How would you feel if it was YOUR child?". I can say with absolute honesty and complete certainty that if I was that child or if I had a child born with a bubble head, or two faces, or no face, I absolutely would want them to painlessly and humanely let it/me die.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> Some people may think I am heartless

Not just heartless: eeeeeeevil! So I guess I am too, because I totally agree with you.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008
"All SOME people want is crown and bridge work to replace worn or
> missing teeth, basic surgery to make their quality
> of life better like a knee replacement, or maybe
> something as basic as a modern prosthesis to
> replace a hook for a hand. All things I just
> mentioned would fall safely under 20k. Yet, people
> walk around in pain, or have a lesser quality of
> life that 10-20k could fix, and these RETARDS with
> little or no chance of ever doing much more than
> slumping over in a wheelchair with a spittle cup
> and a pissbag have MILLIONS of tax payers money or
> insurance money to keep them alive or "treat"
> them, and no one bats an eye."

Absolutely true. The "girl without a face" is a prime example. She didn't ask to be born...she has deformities that could cause 30 more surgeries in addition to the 14 she's already undergone. Enough is enough. It's clear to me that she will never go through a normal adolescence, never flirt with guys, never meet that special guy in college or afterwards and have a normal courtship and marriage. Instead, she faces a lifetime of discrimination, stares, and cruelty from the ignorant. The parents would have been more merciful to have let her die humanely.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008
The little girl without a face is very upsetting to me, not because of how horrible and monstrous she looks although that's certainly bad enough, but at the horrific pain she endures on a daily basis because of her continuous and invasive treatments. She has the most SEVERE documented case in medical history of Treacher Collins Syndrome and has had to have nearly the entire interior of her face rebuilt in unprecedented and experimental surgeries that may not even work long term and/or have to be redone. Never mind the cosmetic surgery she will no doubt have to look forward to, what they have done and will do to this child causes IMMEASURABLE pain and sufferring and she can NOT possibly understand why she is subjected to this pain, which makes it even worse.

She has had what few bones she has in her face broken, extended with screws and titanum, grafted bone and skin from other parts of her little body so that part of her has to hurt as well, she has had her jaw broken, has to be fed through a tube, she can't hear, speak, or smell and has only very slight vision in one eye and it's questionable just how much. She can barely breathe and has to have special breathing apparattas because she is at such high risk of suffocating in her sleep, and that's just the beginning. IF they can fix the foundation of her face, her breathing passages, cheek bones, eye sockets,and mandible,etc.... then she will still be severely disabled because of the hearing, sight and speech handicaps and her appearance can never look more than horror movie material. The child knows when she is about to go through new pain as she tenses up and starts crying and has the most pitiful whine, like a wounded animal. It made me cry to watch the last documentary, but it made me HATE her pasty faced parents, especially the ruddy cheeked, deer in the headlights doe eyed looking, STUPID breeder mother.

I think that her parents are the most selfish creatures who ever lived for putting her through this and I could slap them across the face when they say what a blessing she is and solicit sympathy for THEIR emotional pain. It just "breaks their hearts" for her to have to endure this. The little girl should have been allowed to die, which she surely would have without all of the initial medical intervention. I don't know what the laws are on it, but I can't imagine that any medical doctor would have done much to keep her alive after she was born, if he had not had the parents whining to save her and lunging for the call button whenever she flat lined. It showed pics of her at birth, and it looked like something out of a sci fi movie. Quite frankly, after 4 years of surgeries, she doesn't look much better.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 23, 2008
She does not, you are right. After perusing her site, I just feel sorry for the kid. No kid should undergo the excruciating procedures you mentioned. She will never enjoy a normal life. She'll be stigmatized for decades to come, until her dying day. Why? It would have been kinder to have let her pass over after birth, not ruthlessly prolong life for someone who can never reap the basic, normal benefits of life on this earth. I find it cruel for the parents to force into existence a being who will only face pain and more pain of all kinds in the future.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 24, 2008
Kim, thank you for your eloquent post.

"Some people may think I am heartless or might say, 'How would you feel if it was YOU", or "How would you feel if it was YOUR child?'."

Actually, most ferti-Moos use my personal un-favorite, "If you had cancer, you would get treated for it. It's the same thing." Actually, they would write it like this, since most of them are illiterate:

"how dare u quetion a mothers decision to do fert treatment. u dpnt even know this women how can u judge her actions u dont even want kids! if u had cancer i bet youd get treated its the same thing."

I watched someone I loved dearly die a slow and painful death from cancer and that tired, old comeback never fails to infuriate me. First of all, it's NOT the same thing. If you have cancer and don't get treated, you will most likely DIE. Nobody ever died from not having IVF. IVF is akin to a cosmetic procedure--not medically necessary.

Second, I think spending thousands of dollars to get someone pregnant is a waste of money when there is no shortage of people. (Not to mention the hundreds of thousands to keep their products of conception alive once they get here.) I'd rather throw a few bucks to people who are already here and need medical care or orthodontia. (Flotsam, anyone?)

In the Great Fugly Moo Troll infestation, some of our readers tried to reason with these Moos, most of whom had no earthly idea how health insurance works. The concepts of shared risk and shared insurance pool meant nothing to them. When some of us were talking about how we all pay for the cost of these little mirakuls, they wrote stuff like: They have private insurance! They aren't asking you to pay for their kid! (Duh.) We had another comment, something to the effect of: Well, if you don't like your particular insurance plan, choose another plan!

You can't reason with people like this. They don't want to hear facts or logic.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 24, 2008
I read about this over the years. Those parents are the most fucking selfish individuals to walk this earth. Not only could they have terminated the repugnancy, but when she was born, she could not eat - and still cannot eat - and should have been left to die.

She is blind, deaf and cannot eat on her own. Yea, that's some life. Blindness is a blessing for her. Those parents should be shot.

Bet your ass the parents would have taken a different approach if the good old insurance company wouldn't have picked up the tab for all her surgeries.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 24, 2008
I watched the documentary about this girl born with no face, and when they showed her the way she looked at birth, I broke down and _wept_. I cried both tears of pity and tears of anger. I could not believe the parents actually wanted to let this child continue to live. Had I been her mother, I would NEVER have wanted her to suffer the ways she has. I would have chosen to terminate before she was even born. And you KNOW the doctors felt the same way.....I'm sure the second they saw her face as it was, they thought that letting her die would have been the best course of action. Who in their right mind would actually want their child to live like that?

I get so SICK of the self-righteous mothers who say, "Oh, you haven't been in that situation so how do you know what you'd do? You're telling me you'd actually be able to kill your own child? You'd actually let her die?"
Well, you know what, mommies? I would. Because unlike you, I can see the bigger picture. I understand that it isn't about ME and what I might want. It's about the child....the child's life, the child's suffering, the child's future. What I might want is irrelevant. And it would be MY job as the adult, as the mother, to make that difficult decision FOR THE CHILD'S SAKE. Not sit there and wax poetic about how an omnipotent Sky Daddy brought her into my life for a reason and all that nonsense.

Nature makes mistakes....and nature usually corrects them. Just because humans have the ability to prolong life doesn't always necessarily mean that they _should_.

I feel sorry for this little girl...I really do.
Anonymous User
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 24, 2008
Where is the link to this story? I don't see it.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 24, 2008
search this site for "fugly" and/or go to flotsamblog.com

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: 2842 The Blog
September 24, 2008
Another thing I just remembered about the little girl without the face was something the parents did which COMPLETELY DISGUSTED ME, but they seemed to think it was just wonderful. Her little mouth (if you could call it that) is so malformed that her tongue protrudes out and appears three sizes too large. She is unable to chew or swallow, so the bastards rub lolli pops and icecream cones across her tongue and she just practically lunges at the treat and grabs for it, obviously wanting more. Since she is unable to eat, of course they have to pull the treat back from her after she gets a "taste". How FUCKED UP IS THAT? I think it's FAR more cruel to let her taste it and then take it away then it would be to not even let her know what she is missing. It would be like giving a man who has been in the desert for a week a thimble full of water or a starving child a spoonful of mac and cheese.

I really HATE how they act like they are only thinking of her best interest, when in fact the BEST thing for her would have to have never been born or allowed to die peacefully. I would like to know how she feels about all of this IF she reaches adulthood and IF she is able to learn how to intelligently communicate. They claim she has average intelligence, but at this point she can only communicate her basic wants and needs and she obviously feels pain. I honestly hope she doesn't have "normal" intelligence, because to have a complete understanding of all that is going on around her, how she looks, and the level of her handicap (s), would be even more cruel.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 24, 2008
That flotsam woman sure has a mouth full of teeth, wow.

IVF is a completely unnecessisary medial procedure. You do not DIE from not procreating. Not pushing children out your vagina because you can't make them, even if you really REALLY want to, will not kill you. It's as simple as that.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 24, 2008
Gee, isn't it curious that there is a link for "Donations" on the girl without a face's webpage?!?!?!

If you go onto the "Pictures" page there is a picture of her dressed in a ballet costume as if she was performing in a dance recital. I'm not sure that's what it was, but that's exactly what it looks like. What a great opportunity for the parents: to put her on stage and trot her around like a prize pony and say "Pity us! Look at what we are going through!"

I think that the ultimate "payback" for these parents would be for this girl to end her own life someday. I can't imagine how emotionally horrible her teenage years will be.
Re: 2842 The Blog
September 24, 2008
LoveToLurk Wrote:
> Gee, isn't it curious that there is a link for
> "Donations" on the girl without a face's
> webpage?!?!?!
> If you go onto the "Pictures" page there is a
> picture of her dressed in a ballet costume as if
> she was performing in a dance recital. I'm not
> sure that's what it was, but that's exactly what
> it looks like. What a great opportunity for the
> parents: to put her on stage and trot her around
> like a prize pony and say "Pity us! Look at what
> we are going through!"
> I think that the ultimate "payback" for these
> parents would be for this girl to end her own life
> someday. I can't imagine how emotionally horrible
> her teenage years will be.

I just went and looked at those pics as well. They have her in the ballet class or whatever, at the beach having the time of her life, playing putt putt, etc.......These pics are obviously staged to make all of the prolifers buzz about what a great and "normal" life she is having. I couldn't get over how they say they are not going to get her any cosmetic surgeries, WHY THE HELL NOT? They NEED to make every surgery she has from the "tissue stretching" on up to either have cosmetic work done at the same time if possible, or at least conducive to cosmetic work in the future. It looks like they have opened her other eye up since the last documentary which leads me to believe that she at least has SOME vision.

Right now, she is surrounded by hospital and medical staff, special tutors and therapists, famblee and friends who are "used" to her appearance, and she is the beloved center of attention. There will come a time when the surgeries are fewer and farther between and she is in mainstream society more often and she will NOT be as well received and treated like a little princess. People can be cruel and ESPECIALLY children can be nasty. If she is as smart as they say she is and has any vision at all, I feel VERY sorry for her. One day she will be nothing more than a monstrous looking adult woman who will NEVER look any better, once there are no more surgery options, and moomie and duddy will be long gone and her siblings will go on to live their own "normal" lives. What then?
Re: 2842 The Blog ("Fugly", Flotsam, etc.)
April 01, 2009


(The baybee was ugly enough (it mellowed out a bit IMO); lucky for it, it looks like its father.)

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: 2842 The Blog
April 01, 2009
This woman really burns my ass. So now she's on NPR sharing her "story" and receiving all kinds of praise. Lovely.

I suppose I could go on and on about the million different ways that's disgusting and wrong, but there is nothing I could say that all of us here don't already know.
Re: 2842 The Blog
April 01, 2009
I just read it. She actually DOES sound realistic about it, though.

Unlike so many other breeders with their head in the clouds, and their asses.
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