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PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!

Posted by Banshee 
PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
two faces puking

Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
Yet another reason for me to hate PETA who ALWAYS have hidden political agendas. I hope TO GOD that this breastmilk shit does not catch on in the United States. Not only would it make all of our human moocows think more highly of their bodily functions and golden teats than they already do, it's downright REPULSIVE. Surely to God no restaurants or commercial business who use dairy products will go forward on this. I have never formally boycotted anything in my life, but this might be my "special calling" if this nonsense starts up. If Palin turns The Oval Office into a breast pumping room, The White House lawn into a playground, and The Pentagon into a KinderCare, just about NOTHING would surprise me. Like Jacki O was the poster girl for the fashion industry, Palin will be for breederific moomies.
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
I love animals. DH and I don't eat beef, or much other meat, because we don't like factory farms. However. I despise PETA.

PETA is a bunch of bullies who love, love, love their self-righteous soapbox of animal cruelty. I've dealt with their ilk before. People who get off on being all self-righteous about a cause. Turns me off bigtime.

If Ben and Jerry's caves to these nutjobs, I'll never again buy ice cream from them so long as i shall live. The IDEA of eating some chick's breast milk is making me queasy just thinking about it. No, no, and no.
One of my best friends is living in Switzerland for work-I must send this article to her so she knows to avoid the restaurant in question like the plague.

If the breeders mess up my Cherry Garcia, I will not be a happy chick. The thought of eating some self-rightious moomy's boob juice makes me ill.

I say we start a letter-writing campaign to Ben and Jerry's protesting this idiocy-who's with me?
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
I am all about my brothers and sister who walk on 4 but

I'm with you Ann. This is disgusting beyond words...

It's obvious by now that PETA has degenerated from a respectable advocacy group to a bunch of enviro-nuts. Sad, really.
Anonymous User
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
Animals need advocates...
PETA will just make the whole situation worse as they will now be perceived as worthy of institutionalization.
This is kinda what happened to NOW. Went from equal pay for equal work to stuff that perhaps should have been left to other groups.
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008

I'm writing a letter to them TODAY. What in fucking fuck are they thinking????? I'm also writing to PETA.

I do not eat meat and as far as dairy, I only like about 4 kinds of cheese, I do eat cottage cheese on occasion and will eat ricotta in lasagna, I do like ice cream and whipped cream. I use Rice Milk for cereal and light cream for my coffee.

I know a lot of people loathe PETA, but they actually have broken some really great milestones as far as animal cruelty, but I do agree that they are a little self-righteous at times. Having said that, if they start this kind of shit - stuff that is TOTALLY outer limits - people will NEVER take them seriously again and all the GOOD they do, and are trying to do, will be laughed at and discounted. People are going to LAUGH at this.

Seriously, this is something like we'd read in The Onion.
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
Fortunately the poll attached to the article shows 83% of those polled AGAINST tit milk.

These moo bitches are nuts and so is PETA. If "breast was best", then all moos would be able to BF. Since not all of them can, there are non-dairy substitutes. This frenzy with tit milk is just nauseating. And yeah writing B&J is a great idea.
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
Ok, I'm of the same opinion as KFLL....I am an animal advocate and my diet is plant-based. In the past, PETA did a lot of good for animals, and at times, I've been happy just to know that animals had a huge, well-funded "friend" in their corner who had the ability to take on big corporations.

But COME ON NOW. PETA is spiraling further and further into outright lunacy. I have just been disgusted lately with their advertising and their bizarre agendas. If they keep coming up with wacko, twilight-zone ideas like this one, NO ONE will take them seriously and all the good work they have done (or might do) will indeed be finished.

And this new 'idea' they have concocted is just utterly repulsive. Thanks, PETA, for just re-affirming to everyone that you're a bunch of self-righteous psychotics who really only want to 'shock' people. The ones who will suffer the most are the animals.
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
They won't do it. no way.
Anonymous User
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
Eiw. This is right in my back yard, too.
two faces puking

Never happen. Their market share would drop to almost zero. It would never get past the heath department, anyway. It's just PETA being PETA.
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
I agree, it would never get past the health dept. PETA is just a bunch of lunatics unfortunatley. Just the idea of moo milk in ice cream is disgusting and creepy!
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
I actually think PETA did this for shock value.

After getting past the initial disgust, the next thought turns to:

"Do they realize how many women would be needed to provide this much? They would all need to keep lactating and that is exhausting to the body long term. They would have to be pregnant multiple times close together to keep this up."

This is EXACLTLY what they want people to think - and realize, how hard the dairy industry is to cows, because it really is. The life of a dairy cow SUCKS and they don't even have offspring to raise. Those babies are taken right away from mom to a veal crate.
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
Yeah, it's for shock value. And you're right, they're trying to (albeit in a wacky way) draw a correlation between nursing human mammals and dairy cows. The dairy industry is hard on cows, using them up very quickly.

It reminds me of a gallery showing I went to years ago that had a huge poster with a photo of a pregnant woman hooked up to a cow's milking machine. She had a pathetic, beaten-down look on her face. The words on the poster said something along the lines of, "The second her baby is born, it will be taken away from her and put into a crate." And then the words at the top said, "Don't fool yourself - Veganism IS Feminism."

So I understand the link they're trying to make between the two, even if I don't agree with the way they're going about it. But yeah, B&J would obviously never go for it. It won't happen.

Really though, why doesn't PETA just promote the multitudes of alternatives to dairy-based ice cream? Like Tofutti Cuties or something? Those are awesome.
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
I noticed that the article had Ben and Jerry's polite letter posted which DECLINED to use human breast milk in their products and said something in response like "...breast is best, but for babies.." or something along those lines. As for PETA. I used to be a supporter and donated to PETA back in the 80's. That was before I noticed, or perhaps before they started, all of these obnoxious politically motivated harrassment campaigns which didn't seem to have much to do with ethical treatment of animals, but MORE to do with hidden political activism on various selected high profile issues. This one is by far the worst in recent memory, but there are two cases which tie for a close second to this stunt.

In North Carolina a couple of years back, there was this obese little boy, maybe 6 or 7, who was SO fat that child protective services removed him from his home and they got a court order for the kid to get placed in a residential nutritional program so he could lose weight. It was a high profile case for several reasons and the fact that that his moomie was handicapped, obese herself, and came across as a bit "undereducated" just spawned more outrage. So, PETA sends a letter to moomie and media saying that the kyd is fat because of consuming animal products and then published copies of vegan diets for kyds to follow.

The other one was that man who brutally murdered his baby mama, and then appeared to have cooked some of her body parts and ate them. I don't think it was ever proven that he actually ate her flesh, but he had a piece of her cooked on a plate with a fork in hand when arrested. The consensus opinion was that he did that after confessing to his mom that he had killed her, just in time to look like a psycho in hopes of getting a nuthouse plea rather than the gas chamber. PETA sent the jail, and media sources, a letter about how cannabilism is caused by meat consumption and that he should only be fed a vegan menu in jail in order to help break him of his meat addiction. eye rolling smiley

For these reasons and others, I HATE PETA.
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
Moo's magical milk is for little parasites, not rest of us.eye rolling smiley Besides, most mammals are TOO OLD for it once they pass a certain age, so the whole thing is completely out of question.

So I better CHECK the label on Ben & Jerry's cartons just in case. Either that, or not eat my beloved ice cream anymore.sad smiley
Re: PETA wants Ben & Jerry's to use TIT MILK!!!
September 24, 2008
I just read on Fark that it's physically impossible to turn this into a frozen product. So, if the cameras go away, maybe Peta will too.
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