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Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn

Posted by barbara 
Has anyone heard about the latest nonsense from Lynn Spears? Theres a news story on "Showbiz Tonight" where she's insisting that the news media has torn Jamie Lynn to shreds for being a teenage mom but how the media is treating Bristol Palins teen repugnancy with kid gloves because Bristol is not the famous one?

Cry me a river.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 27, 2008
Well, In my book both of them are little sluts. Whatsa matter? Isn't Jamie Lynn getting her share of attention? But then look at the moo....the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 27, 2008
This is nothing more than an extension of "mommy wars", only it's the grandmoos who are orchestrating it. There was a time in the not so distant past when moos who had teen moos wanted to keep it as quiet as possible, even going so far as to ship said slut off to an aunt or uncle's house in another state to birth it and later pretending it was their own. If they didn't insist she give the grandpup up for adoption, marry it off, or pretend it was their own kyd, then they made up stories about her "husband" being overseas on a military mission or getting killed in a tragic accident. Whatever lie they chose to tell, NO one was proud of the fact that they had a teen moo and CERTAINLY didn't draw attention to themselves like they do now. Celebrities who spawned often lost chances at desirable roles and shows and movie producers didn't rewrite scripts to include their swollen bellies. I am appalled at how the media and society seem to be glorifying teen preggos. I wish they would call it for what it is;The girl is a slut, was too stupid to use birth control, she doesn't care about her future, her famblee, or her baybee. What about that is there to be proud about?

I think that one thing which is clearly missing from these pictures are the males involved. Does anyone ever hear about the baby daddys? Who and where are they? Why haven't they married these girls who they "love" so much or why are'nt they supporting them or taking care of or spending time with their baybees? Where are these girls' fathers? Have they nothing to say about their whores for daughters? I guess not. They are probably embarrassed and/or don't want to be associated with this baybee rabid bunch. I think that we could nip this crap in the bud by sterilizing one or the other sex, whichever is easiest and cheapest, at birth. Only can it be reveresed when they reach the age of majority and can prove to the state that they are self supporting and can afford a kyd financially AND emotionally. That ought to slow them down a bit.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 27, 2008
Personally, I'd like to see the sterilisation be permanent but in the real world, I know that's not going to happen.

I would like to see shame applied here...the teen moo-to-be shipped off to a home for unwed mothers and the child forcibly removed/adopted out. If we took away all the glamour and attention given these little sluts, the whole thing would soon be given the status it deserves--little or none.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 27, 2008
MerlynHerne Wrote:
> Personally, I'd like to see the sterilisation be
> permanent but in the real world, I know that's not
> going to happen.
> I would like to see shame applied here...the teen
> moo-to-be shipped off to a home for unwed mothers
> and the child forcibly removed/adopted out. If we
> took away all the glamour and attention given
> these little sluts, the whole thing would soon be
> given the status it deserves--little or none.

EXACTLY! There should be NO "status" attached to having a baybee, PERIOD, much less any glamour associated with an out of wedlock kyd. I think they should be highly ashamed that 1) They are sluts at such an early age and 2)That they were'nt smart enough to shove a conceptrol stick up their cooches before they left home for their "date". Those are as easy as using a tampon and wouldn't "interrupt" anything excepting a swimmer headed for the glorious womb. I think that the majority of them get knocked up on purpose for the attention and as long as they keep getting their wish, the more of them will do it.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 27, 2008
Since I have spent part of my life being socialised as female I can say that in my youth, my parents taught me that it is wrong to have a baby before being married, no ands, ifs, or buts. Any girl who was so much of a slut that she couldn't keep her legs closed and got pregnant before she married was either more or less forcibly married to the boy or she went to a home for unwed mothers. I mean there was a hell of a lot of shame still attached to this shit in 1967-1971 which was when I was in junior and senior high school. It never even crossed my mind to experiment sexually until I was in college. I never conceived but I married soon after this. I certainly would have gotten a VERY chilly reception if I were to come home pregnant....my parents were Lutheran Church Missouri Synod--nuff said.

The epidemic of little bastards is at nearly 50% of live births. The only way to begin to stem the tide of bastardy is to start making it so shameful to be an unwed, especially unwed, teenmoo that only the terminally-trashy will continue breeding. Cut off the automatic welfare and the number of that group breeding will plummet as well.

I believe those who pay the taxes have every right to dictate to those on welfare as to the number of children we are willing to support. Have more than that number and you WILL be supporting them yourselves. Maybe when you have to pay for your offspring, you will start limiting your famblees.
kidlesskim Wrote:
> MerlynHerne Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Personally, I'd like to see the sterilisation
> be
> > permanent but in the real world, I know that's
> not
> > going to happen.
> >
> > I would like to see shame applied here...the
> teen
> > moo-to-be shipped off to a home for unwed
> mothers
> > and the child forcibly removed/adopted out. If
> we
> > took away all the glamour and attention given
> > these little sluts, the whole thing would soon
> be
> > given the status it deserves--little or none.
> EXACTLY! There should be NO "status" attached to
> having a baybee, PERIOD, much less any glamour
> associated with an out of wedlock kyd. I think
> they should be highly ashamed that 1) They are
> sluts at such an early age and 2)That they were'nt
> smart enough to shove a conceptrol stick up their
> cooches before they left home for their "date".
> Those are as easy as using a tampon and wouldn't
> "interrupt" anything excepting a swimmer headed
> for the glorious womb. I think that the majority
> of them get knocked up on purpose for the
> attention and as long as they keep getting their
> wish, the more of them will do it.

Check out these stats, ---

in 1960, 6% of births were out of wedlock -- remember, that was before abortion, before widely available birth control, condoms were behind the counter and some pharmacists required you to show a marriage license before they would dispense them, etc. It was a shame and scandal to have out of wedlock and certainly the welfare goodies weren't passed out as easily as they are now. Girls DID NOT want to get pregnant.

In 2006, 50.4% of births were out of wedlock!!!!!! This in an age of legal abortion, easy and free or low cost BC, and condoms aplenty, and even free at family planning clinics!

These bitches WANT TO GET PREGNANT. You cannot tell me that women and teen girls had an easier time controlling their fertility in 1960 than they had in 2006!! That wasn't an option for them, yet... they weren't getting preggo out of wedlock anywhere NEAR what we have now. Yes, these fucking little sluts are GETTING PREGNANT ON PURPOSE. Bottom line.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 28, 2008
I'm with you all the way, Nowhiggers. It IS purposeful, no question. This is why shame must be brought back. The birth control is there....if they want to get in pig anyhow, then let them deal with social disapproval. I knew what would happen if I got pregnant...the embarrassment, being sent away...plus childbearing was never an appealing idea to me...so I said no thanks and kept my legs shut.

I may be an old fogy sayin this, but so be it. No 12, 13, 14, 15, 16...year-old unmarried girl has any business getting pregnant. Bottom line: shame has its uses and you all need to keep your fucking legs shut.
MerlynHerne Wrote:
> I'm with you all the way, Nowhiggers. It IS
> purposeful, no question. This is why shame must be
> brought back. The birth control is there....if
> they want to get in pig anyhow, then let them deal
> with social disapproval. I knew what would happen
> if I got pregnant...the embarrassment, being sent
> away...plus childbearing was never an appealing
> idea to me...so I said no thanks and kept my legs
> shut.
> I may be an old fogy sayin this, but so be it. No
> 12, 13, 14, 15, 16...year-old unmarried girl has
> any business getting pregnant. Bottom line: shame
> has its uses and you all need to keep your fucking
> legs shut.

The cat is out of the bag, Mer. Shame is not coming back. The unfortunate side effect of all of this wonderful pro choice reproductive freedom that women have is that all of the shame went away with the back alley abortions and unwed mother group homes.

Who would have ever guessed... all of the great feminists of the 50s and 60s... that the shame they fought tooth and nail to make history, is now history and completely backfired. No one wants to use any damn condoms, take their pills or get an abortion!!

That's why I do not believe that these old feminist models of "pro choice" are really relevant anymore. I used to be pro choice, but not for a long time.... Breeding should not be a right. You should have to obtain a license for breeding just like you do fishing or driving, people should not be allowed to have kids because OOOPS they forgot the pill or "they want sumone to wuv them." Pro choice and "family planning" are outdated like dinosaurs.
And another point about shame.. even the fundies no longer "shame" over unwed teens getting preggo, look at Bristol Palin and the right wing defense of her!!

The relative of mine I bitch about here, her parents are republicans and they actually HELPED her deceive and fraudulently take welfare money by telling the welfare dept she doesn't know "who da babydaddy be." The welfare system is set up by the taxpayers (our social contract) so that when a woman applies for aid, they go after the daddy for child support money for her so as to recoup that back to the taxpayers. These goddamned breeders can't even follow the social contract themselves.

This is why I very much support any and all pay to sterilize programs. People with short term thinking need to be sterilized, people who cannot plan for the future would be weeded out of the gene pool.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 28, 2008
I certainly have no objections to pay to sterilise plano. It can only improve the gene pool.

Yeah, it is really sad when even the fundies have no concept of shame.
It's a scandal that your republican relatives are enabling their slut moo daughter. It's a shame they can't be exposed. This country disgusts me....a lot of Republicans are doing this hypocritical shit...doG forbid they'd get the little whore an abortion or say who da baybee daddy be. Of course SlutTeenMoo would probably say they're wrong and refuse to say. These people all make me sick! And let me guess...they're good Xtians.

All these breeder hypocrites need to be exposed.
Teen moms are starting to make me sick. They want all kinds of support and attention. Its disgusting!
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 29, 2008
Lynn Spears is a dumb cunt and a piss-poor excuse for a parent.

She should be shot.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 29, 2008
I think her real problem is that Jamie screwed up Lynn's free ride.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 29, 2008
All these white-trash welfare asshats should be shot. Unwed teen moos tend to produce more unwed teen moos who... I knew that the Spears were nothing more than white trash back when I lived in Hammond, LA. You know, divorced or unwed Moo with slut daughters...She's from that area and many of the whites there are white trash....simple exptrapolation. I'm not even remotely from that background so I got the hell out of Hammond ASAP (another real good reason for moving from Evansville--it has an ungodly large percentage of asshats from across the Ohio living here).

When Lynn started posturing that "tough love and home cookin'" crap with Britney I could see the writing on the wall. If she hadn't inculcated those values whilst Brit was growing up all the tough love (whatever THAT means)and home cookin' in the world isn't going to help now. I've said I before and will say it again: Britney is spoilt rotten slutty welfare trailer trash and that goes DOUBLE for little Jamie Lynn.

Get a clue, LynnMoo: NO ONE should be justifying or supporting unwed teen moos!!!
Lyn Spears is the worst sort of pushy, calculating starfucker mother, and whoever said that she's pissed that Jamie Lynn screwed up the ride is right on the money. The woman needs to spontaneously combust and do the world a favour. Anyone that would take 'parenting advice' from her needs to do the same.

I've no doubt that Britney is or was mentally ill, and it's good that she's getting help - although notice her mother wasn't tripping over herself to do it. Jamie Lynn has no excuse. She was on the gravy train and she fucked it up, pure and simple.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 29, 2008
Yeah, I have to agree. TeenMoo was riding her sisters coattails and she had to go mess up by getting in pig. No sympathy here.

Ditto for StageMoo.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 29, 2008
Both girls have killed her plans for a retirement in the high life. Nice job.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 29, 2008
So much for "your kids will take care of you, eh"?
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 29, 2008
Yeah. I'd want Britney looking after me in my dotage.
Re: Lynn Spears thinks the media is unfair to poor little Jamie Lynn
September 29, 2008
Yeah me, too. Definitely look forward to it. Think I'd have to wear a jilbab and niquab?
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