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Moo bumper sticker

Posted by sprogless 
Moo bumper sticker
April 03, 2006
Gack!!! Oh, how utterly repulsive! She has to be a MOOTARD!
Water Lily
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 03, 2006
It should be, The few, the proud, the MARINES. That slogan only pertains to the marines, nobody else.
CF Scorpio
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 03, 2006
I guess Moos now feel that their "job" is more important and more dangerous than a Marine's. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Water Lily
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 04, 2006
Their job is more important my ass.
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 04, 2006
I notice that many women with children -- especially housewives -- do anything to get attention. Where I come from being a good mother is an obligation to society and one's own children rather than expecting kudos for the "job". If the woman stayed at home, she did not make a big deal of how she did everything around the house. After all, it was her place to earn her keep.

Where I come from, the non-working wife and the children did not complain about the household chores. It was the SAHM's and the kids' JOB to make a nice home. The husband worked so he was not required to "help" around the house other than to be considerate by not leaving his clothing all over the floor or ignore his kids.
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 04, 2006
That bumper sticker made me want to yack. Breeder or not, "moms" are fucking all over the world. Maybe they're proud, but how are they few. Are they trying to tell us that there are more Marines than there are mothers? Pff. I think only the breeders would don their cars with such stupidity; I would also like to think that a parent of a Marine wouldn't find a use for such a sticker.

And yes CF Scorpio, Moos DO think they have far more important jobs than anyone because they have TMIJITW...remember? Their job outranks those who serve in the military by a long shot. {/sarcasm}
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 05, 2006
They have to keep telling themselves they are doing the most important job in the world because think about it - that's all they've got. If reality really ever hit them, there would be mass suicide by the Mommies.
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 05, 2006

>>Where I come from, the non-working wife and the children did not complain about the household chores. It was the SAHM's and the kids' JOB to make a nice home. The husband worked so he was not required to "help" around the house other than to be considerate by not leaving his clothing all over the floor or ignore his kids.<<

India - That's why I dislike the term "stay-at-home-mom." When I was growing up in the 1970s and early '80s, women who didn't work outside the home were called "homemakers" and "housewives." My own mom, who didn't get a job outside the home until I was in high school, called herself a "homemaker."

And, you're right. Her main job was making a nice home for her family, not catering to every whim of her kids! The term "stay-at-home-mom," IMO, defines women's only role as mothers, and taking care of kids should NOT be their only jobs if they don't earn a paycheck.

Even though our mom didn't work outside the home, my sisters and I were still expected to get to school by ourselves, either by walking or taking the bus, and to get to after-school activities, such as Girl Scouts, ourselves. Mom was NOT a taxi service! I can also remember her telling us to "go outside and play" or "go to your room and play" because she had housework to do or needed to cook dinner.

In short, she didn't spend her days entertaining us. When we were very little, she put us in playpens to entertain ourselves when she needed to work (I know this because I've seen our baby photos). I bet most of today's moms wouldn't put their kids in playpens for an instant so they could vacuum the floor, wash the dishes, etc. Instead, they're probably like the child-obsessed SAHMs I know who don't do a lick of housework as long as their kids are awake during the day - and so most of the time, their houses are dirty and messy.

I also know SAHMs who regularly feed their children frozen food and take out because they claim they "don't have time" to cook an actual meal, despite being home all day. My mom, who's now 75, shudders when she sees this - she couldn't imagine NOT making a nice dinner when she was a full-time housewife, and making most of it from scratch. She worked very hard to not only keep the house clean and tidy and well decorated and cooked good meals - she also sewed many of our clothes, grew vegetables and did other things to save money to "earn her keep." I can't imagine many of today's spoiled SAHMs doing this.

Anonymous User
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 06, 2006
KidFreeLuvinLife you hit the nail right on the head.They actually believe it though...
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 06, 2006
Something better, "The few, the intelligent, the CHILDFREE!!!!!"
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 06, 2006
KidFreeLuvnLife, I loved both of your responses! Awesome!
Water Lily
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 07, 2006
That one is awesome KidFreeLuvnLife. I love it.
Anonymous User
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 07, 2006
I saw a bumper sticker the other day it was classic!!! it said

"dogs go to obedience school while Children run wild - how sad"

How true!
Water Lily
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 07, 2006
I see more behaved dogs than I do children. Very sad.
Anonymous User
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 09, 2006
Yea because dogs are obedient to their owners while alot of children are little monsters
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 09, 2006
Yet another idea for a bumper sticker:

"I don't need childen to vicariously live though. I have my own accomplishments!"
Anonymous User
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 09, 2006
Love it fattie - and so bloody true aswell....
Water Lily
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 09, 2006
Hell, I see better cats than babies or kids!
Anonymous User
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 09, 2006
Yea right on.Somebody just showed me a pic of their grandsprog and asked me if I thought "it" was cute I said no.
the look was priceless!!!!
I am not going to be a breeder pleaser - the baybee(sic) really was ugly.
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 10, 2006
Blossom, months and months ago, I was in Target. A SAHM was dealing with a nasty toddler saying hideous things like, "I hate you, Mommy," while screaming and flailing away in the cart. Mommy was talking all cute to this pint-size dictator. It took all of my willpower not say aloud how I was so glad to not be that woman! Yeah, this mother was a slave to her brat and the tiny tyrant knew it.
Water Lily
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 10, 2006
Blossom Wrote:
> Yea right on.Somebody just showed me a pic of
> their grandsprog and asked me if I thought "it"
> was cute I said no.
> the look was priceless!!!!
> I am not going to be a breeder pleaser - the
> baybee(sic) really was ugly.

You know, I have a nephew who is butt ugly!
Anonymous User
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 10, 2006
Hi India - yea I can beleive that - I have seen the same thing myself in a shopping center.the mother would not let her kid ( a girl of about 3- 4ish) have a stuffed toy that was near the checkouts.The girl was sitting in the trolley having a fit.

The mum was trying to calm her down while repeating she could not have the toy.The kid stood up in the trolley and started bashing the fuck out of her mother.She hit her on the tits - pretty hard too.

I did feel sorry for the mum.The kid was feral - a majority of them these days are....Shit that makes me sound old saying something like that dosent it? lol...

Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 11, 2006
Mum should have smacked the hell out of the brat. I know I am very un-PC but no one can reason with an out-of-control toddler or child...or even a teen acting the same way. If a kid of any age gets physical with the parent, all bets are off. Kiddie has whatever comes back to her/him. If s/he gets slapped to hell, maybe the next time there will be a second thought before acting in such a manner.
Re: Moo bumper sticker
April 11, 2006
Keep slapping the brat in the face until 1. it calms down or 2. passes out.
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