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Hi everyone

Posted by Julie 
Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Hey guys. I've been lurking here for a bit and wanted to introduce myself. I'm a California girl living in a suburb of L.A. with my hubby and menagerie of pets. I had my CF epiphany a few months ago. I've had many observations and experiences that have lead up to this decision. I finally realized why I've never been struck by the baby rabies. Life experience, knowlege and the fact that my pets and animals in general give me more pleasure than any nasty kid could. Unfortunately, it's going to take some convincing of the hubby, as he thinks it's just a phase. I can tell you now, it is certainly not. If it takes having a failed marriage to continue this lifestyle...so be it.

Anyway, I've been joining forums and this one is one of the best. I agree with everything you guys say. I fucking HATE the human race...therefore, it's against my beliefs to propagate it. We are headed for Idiocracy... I'm sure there are many fans of that movie here. So yea. Hi. I shall be back with various ventings, I'm sure.
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Welcome. It's nice to have you here. Don't forget to check out the Patio- top left of your screen- click on "Forum list'.
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Hi Julie!

The human race is not high on my list either....except for those on this board. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Also, be sure to check out the "Patio" section, which has a thread called "Pets--whatchugot" in which I'm sure people will enjoy hearing about your little ones. smiling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
As has been warned before:
a) make sure hubby understands IT IS NOT A PHASE!!!!

once he DOES understand (if he ever does) you must be prepared that
a) he'll divorce you. understandable if he married you with the expectation that there would be kids. Fair enuf, but fair to let him out so he can go out and find a dumb sow. (Mind you, some appear to agree to a CF life before marriage thinking in typical breeder fashion that you'll change your mind.)
b) watch your bc supplies and don't EVER let him handle condoms. (You keep them and examine them aforehand).
c) decide what you'll do if there ever is an accident.
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Hello there julie, and welcome! tongue sticking out smiley I lurked here for nearly a year before joining up. I believe you will like it here and fit right in!smiling smiley
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Welcome! You've probably already noticed, we're not terribly shy around here, so do join in!

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Anonymous User
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Welcome, this is the best CF board out there by Far!!:bal
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Yup to Two Cents. And I highly recommend getting fixed. Sterilization--it ain't just a phase.

But really, if you married under the pretense that you would sprog, you probably need to say, hey, there's the door. People change their minds after marriage but they need to act honorably.

I've been there myself, but the opposite situation. I was sterilized prior to marriage and made my "no kids" stance clear but my ex changed his mind anyway and cheated with a Wanna Breed.

Welcome to the board.
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Hello.grinning smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008

as a lurker you know we dont sugar coat things, alot of people come here for advice than get all offended when we give it to them straight!

we say it like it is!! which is a good thing!!
Anonymous User
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Welcome, glad you're here!
Anonymous User
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Hi Julie!

It's nice to have you here, and look forward to your rants and stories!
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for the welcome. Yup, this is the best place actually. No sugar coating and I can cuss all I want! YAY! I called my ex a dickhead on another board and it came up as "flower" or some shit. I like being able to cuss a whole lot better, it really helps get the anger across. And I LOVE the smilies here! HAHAHAHA! My favorite has to be this one... :kill

And these... :yeah angry flipping off two faces puking <-------I almost died when I first saw that.

Anyway, yes... My situation with hubby is kinda tough. But I've realized that no MAN is ever going to make me do what I don't wanna do. My gut has been saying no for as long as I can remember. I'm not afraid of being alone. I finally started listening to my gut over the summer. Especially when the "are you preggo yet?" shit started. We've been married a year and a half and MIL is already at it. She even showed me a frame that she'd bought for the grandkid. I just smiled and nodded. Yea, right lady. Here's a lovely picture of Henry and Stanley, my beloved CATS. Enjoy!

I've got some blog fodder I'd like to share with ya'll. I've been reading this moobitch's blog on and off for the past three years...out of morbid curiosity of course. The stupid pile of fugly ignorance had a loaf (gawd, I LOVE that term!) with a dipshit who was married with not one, not two, but FIVE children with his fucking wifecow. The NERVE of this stupid fuck FLOORED me. So of course I stuck around to read of the demise of her relationship with baby daddy. Typical ungly bitch who had to ruin and child's life to prove she had sex. She actually thought he would leave his wife for her! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! And guess what she calls the little mistake? "HER HIGHNESS"

Wait for it...

two faces puking two faces puking

I've got some excerps I posted on another site. It didn't get enough attention so I'ma go ahead and post some of it here.

Thanks again for the warm welcome. I'll be sure to post about my critters, too!bouncing and laughing
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Hi Julie,

Welcome to the board. As you have probably figured out already, we have a variety of folks here. Some of us are interested in different CF issues. Mine are more related to public policy and workplace issues. I am a 45-year-old single male, so I don't encounter the bingo issues the women and married couples encounter. That doesn't mean I don't find those stories fascinating, however!

Feel free to post on threads which interest you, of course. We look forward to your input. As you have already discovered, the writing skills of everyone on here (including yours) are quite good. I find that refreshing.

And feel free to post on threads which may have had no replies in the last few days [especially mine LOL]. We don't mind seeing any of them revived due to new posters. There are some threads which are quasi-polls or are of an indroductory nature.

And if someone asks you what advantages there are to being CF, tell them you know of a 45-year-old single male (me) who is retiring at the end of this month. Being CF is the best way to make yourself wealthy enough to stop working before you get too old.
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Hi deegree! Wow! Congratulations to you! That's actually another way I try to get hubby to understand. He's always telling me about vacations he wants to take (we want to go to Italy), classic cars he'd like to restore and the type of home he'd like (big garage). I'm like, "Honey! We can have all of these things and MORE if we don't have kids!" Then he gets all irate. This was a few months ago, however. I think it might be setting in some. The other night we went out to dinner and he was all, "It's kids eat free night. Are you sure you want to go?" Haha! I was like, "Yes honey, I'll be good." I've really gotta bite my tongue when out and about lately. It's like I've become SUPER AWARE of all the breeding going on.

I'm glad you don't mind the older posts coming up. I LOVE all the archives here! I came across the preggo wedding dress one and had to add my preggo bride experience to it.
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
We CF go through a reaction-to-baby-rabies thing that is similar in intensity to actual baby-rabies. My DH says I talk about being CF more than breeders talk about wanting baybees. But, that is because I am sitting here reading this board when I tell him that, and he wants me to move so he can have his turn on the computer!

I finally brought my old computer from work home, so we'll have 2 iMacs in the house. It is not that old, but it is running the first (Panther?) version of OSX and is no good for the software I use at work, but it's fine for surfing the Internet at home.

Maybe now I won't get these quasi-bingoes from my own husband! At least he really does NOT want kyds, and I am spayed anyway.

Welcome Julie!:bal
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Hi Julie and welcome smiling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
I am new to this site as well. I have been lurking for a long time too, but finally decided to join. I am adamantly childfree, my husband-to-be is also sick of the childed culture we live in. He hates all the culture that comes with having children. We plan on having a nice and loving relationship where we put each other first.
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Wow, it's great to have more new members! Hello kidssuck! I hope you have as much fun with this board as I do...and there are some very informed people here too on a variety of subjects.
Re: Hi everyone
October 02, 2008
Hi Julie! I like you already!

And hello kidssuck! Me thinks you'll fit right in too!
Re: Hi everyone
October 03, 2008
Hi, Julie and Kidssuck.
It's always great to learn there are more of us out there.
smiling smiley
Re: Hi everyone
October 03, 2008
Hey MWR, our situation was like yours. We didn't discuss it much before marriage, we were both pretty ambiguous on the subject. An 'in a few years' type of thing.

Well, after we got married the questions started. This made us think. In the very beginning I agreed to start trying within two years. Then time went on, living with hubby and reality inevitably set in. Hubby is a great guy, but not without problems. Seeing that I married a not so great dad candidate, I decided to really examine what I wanted. That's when I came to the conclusion that I don't want kids with this man. By the time we work out our shit, or don't, I'm gonna be too old to start such a thing. So since I started thinking more about it and discovering things about myself and the future I want, I've become adamant...and started sharing these feelings with hubby. It was very tough at first, but as it stands he's got a little understanding of where I'm coming from.

As I've been examining myself over the past few months, I've realized that the thought of starting a family has always been a threat to me. I've always picutred it as drab and depressing. I've always liked animals better than people. I'm an anxious, nervous wreck (depression/anxiety history) type of person, I hate shopping, I hate laundry, I hate school, I hate other mothers... Why in the hell would I want to subject myself to that hell? That's where I hear that my anxiety is just an excuse, that I'll get used to it, that it's worth it. FUCK THAT! I don't HAVE to do a fucking THING! Oh, I'm lazy? Good! At least I know myself! Oh, I'm bitter? YEA. SO. At least I'm smart enough to see REALITY.

So..uhm... Now that I got off on that tangeant, which I'm prone to do with this subject, you see where I'm at. It's a toughie, but I like to think I can stick to my guns and get through this. I have to be proud of myself and I'm starting to see the light. I'm no longer jealous of those do-it-all women. Let them burn themselves out, maybe have a lot of money if they're lucky. I'M NOT an overachiever and I'm proud!
Re: Hi everyone
October 03, 2008
kidssuck Wrote:
> I am new to this site as well. I have been
> lurking for a long time too, but finally decided
> to join. I am adamantly childfree, my
> husband-to-be is also sick of the childed culture
> we live in. He hates all the culture that comes
> with having children. We plan on having a nice
> and loving relationship where we put each other
> first.

forgot to say hi. HI!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Hi everyone
October 03, 2008
" I don't HAVE to do a fucking THING! "

In knowing this one thing, you are living smarter than 90% of the population. I have to laugh, I had some family members call me "dummy" when I was growing up. Or they thought I was dumb because I was pretty. My stepfather was one of them. (Yeah, loser that he was, he spawned FOUR kids--one was a 'tard, and he left their mother with all of them)

I may not have been all that smart (to them) but recognizing that I would hate parenthood and not doing it was the smartest damn thing I ever did.

Remaining childfree for the long haul requires a certain ruthlessness. It's no secret in the breederific U.S., people are constanly pushing baybees on people, REGARDLESS OF INCLINCATION: the media, the clergy, politicians who want you to Breed for the Motherland, the IRS, doctors, mental health professionals, you name it.

Really, I wish more parents knew you don't have to do it, because then people who choose to sprog would be better parents. But most potential grandparents I know don't even want your childfree self BREATHING on their kids. The childfree may be catching!

Some people will hear what parunthood is like and choose to parent anyway. I'm okay with that. But it serves nobody to have people popping out kids only because they are pressured to do so or feel like some kind of freak if they don't.

Kudos to both of you for jumping right in! I can't believe our own Kidless Kim was so shy for a year--look at what a blast she is.
Re: Hi everyone
October 03, 2008
Kim is a wolf in wolf's clothing.
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