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Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
July 28, 2005
YOu know, I'm probably gonna step on a looot of folks' toes... and I do mean everyone. This comes from a tad over 50 years of observation. This relates to infertility, although, I do have discussions with my mom about it. I think she just likes to argue imo.
I lived through and watched the so called sexual revolution. Interestingly enough, I watched infertility rates also start to climb just shortly thereafter. The more sexually free society got, the higher infertility..
And women think pregnancy is the only thing to worry about? A considerable side effect of a lot of STD's (sexually transmitted disease) is infertility, mostly due to pelvic inflammatory disease. I heard someone state that if a girl has one case of chlamydia, her chances of having a sprog go down about 30 %, 2 cases: about 60-70 percent, 3 cases? she can kiss being a moo goodbye. My mom states "oh, being infertile was a condition that folk were ashamed of so they didn't.. ". maybe. This does not explain to me the incredible increase of infertility.
A month or two ago, anyone remember the vaccine for cervical cancer?
Wow! Big whoop de doooo. What they didn't say in the 'fine print' is it was a vaccine for HPV (human papiloma virus) which would be the top headline grabber if it weren't for AIDS. (Why do they seem to categorize AIDS in a different category? It is simply another STD..period. The vaccine would have to be given to adolescent girls and I am not sure how well that would go over with some parents. They are now vaccinating for one of the hepatitis strains that is mostly spread by sex. (BTW, some of these VIRUS'Sdon't care if you wear a condom or not; all they need is skin contact).
So, the observation that 'this species is screwed' may be truer than one thinks..

two cents ¢¢
the professor
Re: infertility
July 28, 2005
hmmm interesting theory.. i can see how that can happen, this may get a few people as well.. but i can see how religion can affect how things are explained.. in the past if you had :openmouthed shock Horror:: sex outside of marriage and you were part of a religious family (mine isnt).. you would be ostracised.. for sinning (even though i beleive there was one virgin birth to a woman who may not have been married at the time go figure)..

but because of the change of people, thinking more which helped lead to the sexual revolution. which according to your theory has increased the risks of unprotected sex namely the std's..

it seems to have gone from its a sin, to you cna do whatever you like, so long as you give birth.. (i wonder if the religious nutters are trying for another "virgin" birth to bring the messiah to save us all)..

a quote from a comedian in the Uk.. how have we gotten to the stage where people who dont have sex, tells us how to have sex, and that gay sex is unnatural, when the most unnatural thing is not to have sex at all..

infertility i think is the cash cow to a lot of people, look at how much money is made from it..
Re: infertility
July 28, 2005
I think infertility rates are rising because people aren't popping them out young.
Anonymous User
Re: infertility
July 28, 2005
I stand by my observation. age is probaby part of it, but std's don't care what you believe or what you use.

two cents ¢¢
Anonymous User
Re: infertility
July 30, 2005
I believe from my research that infertility is coming from a few areas.

1. Our food supply is no longer just fresh food. It is teeming with new hormones and antibiotics. Also all the herbicides and pesticides used just to make common apples- into apple juice and the like. These hormone play with the normal hormone feed back loop and stop it from working properly. Then take our milk- tons of female hormone found in the milk that is slurped into humans in that good for you tall glass of gland juice and off it goes around the blood stream- tasty. And lastly the new craze surrounding soy- everything has soy in it- not good for your health at all. Did you know that if you ate enough soy( for get how much) you could use it as a birth control pill. On top of the fact that all these substances make fake female hormone and the body reacts to too much hormone in reverse. It stops making it and then the levels drop and everything is out of wack. The children are starting their periods sooner- I say because of the hormone in dairy and such.

2. The mind body connection is strong and she may be a bit of a drama queen about not getting a baby- but her subconsious is not sure she really wants to parent. This translates into no kids- we are all thankful for that.

3. all the birth control methods using hormones are more harmful to the body than they claim and are hurting womens fertility and health.

All this equals a large number of sad- poor me women all wanting to have a poor me party- and the doctors are millionaires for it.

But we foot the bill in schools funds- in opps we are divorced now and need special assistance and or- my litter is full of sick kids I need pubic assistance to help with the care. Crazy world for sure.
Re: infertility
July 30, 2005
this is an interesting topic, heres a site i like http://www.second-opinions.co.uk/

the thing about soy is interesting

Like all seeds, soybeans have phytic acid in their hulls, but soybeans have considerably more. This substance binds with several minerals, notably calcium, zinc and iron in such a way that it prevents the digestion from absorbing them. This can result in deficiencies of these essential minerals.

Soybeans also contain other undesirable chemicals:

¨ Potent enzyme inhibitors that block the action of trypsin, a digestive enzyme needed to digest proteins. This leads not only to chronic amino acid deficiencies but also to enlargement of the pancreas (in animals) and cancer.

¨ Hemaglutinin, which promotes the clumping of red blood cells. These clumped cells are less able to take up oxygen and carry it to body tissues. Hemaglutinin is also known to retard growth.
Eating soy with meat reduces its mineral blocking effect but vegetarians who eat tofu, expecting it to act as a protein substitute, risk severe mineral deficiencies. Soy products also contain no vitamin B-12, or the essential fat-soluble vitamins A and D that are needed for the absorption of minerals. Indeed soy increases the need for these vitamins.
Recently soy products have been promoted for their 'cancer preventing properties'. The Gerson Clinic is a specialist cancer clinic. To cure cancers it bases its treatment regime on a strict vegetarian diet. It would seem reasonable to expect, therefore, that soy would feature frequently on the Gerson Clinic's menu. But Dr Max Gerson, the clinic's founder, has always banned the use soy products in the clinic. Why? Because it is suspected of causing cancer.

Re: infertility
January 31, 2006
Infertility rates are definitely rising. Why? Who knows for sure. Probably a combo of things. It's definitely a good thing on one hand, maybe there will ultimately be fewer brats born and we can ultimately reduce the population but it's a bad thing on the other hand because of the desperate breeders who just HAVE to have a baby. They will go through any amount of fertility treatments to have one. Health insurance companies are starting to cover all types of treatments, thus, driving premiums up for EVERYONE over the long run.
Re: infertility
January 31, 2006
This is sort of a random question...but is it true that treatments for infertility are only 20-30 percent effective? If that's true, I can't believe people would throw away thousands of dollars for a procedure that has such a low success rate.
Re: infertility
January 31, 2006
I also think it's nature's way of balancing everything out...one way or another nature will help to ensure that the earth stays viable for as long as it can.
Whether it's through birth control, tsunamis, the bird flu or STDs, we will be sure to experience a number of different ways that nature is slowing down our breeding.
Re: infertility
January 31, 2006
mercurior1 Wrote:
> this is an interesting topic, heres a site i like
> the thing about soy is interesting
> Like all seeds, soybeans have phytic acid in their
> hulls, but soybeans have considerably more. This
> substance binds with several minerals, notably
> calcium, zinc and iron in such a way that it
> prevents the digestion from absorbing them. This
> can result in deficiencies of these essential
> minerals.
> Soybeans also contain other undesirable chemicals:
> ¨ Potent enzyme inhibitors that block the action
> of trypsin, a digestive enzyme needed to digest
> proteins. This leads not only to chronic amino
> acid deficiencies but also to enlargement of the
> pancreas (in animals) and cancer.
> ¨ Hemaglutinin, which promotes the clumping of red
> blood cells. These clumped cells are less able to
> take up oxygen and carry it to body tissues.
> Hemaglutinin is also known to retard growth.
> Eating soy with meat reduces its mineral blocking
> effect but vegetarians who eat tofu, expecting it
> to act as a protein substitute, risk severe
> mineral deficiencies. Soy products also contain no
> vitamin B-12, or the essential fat-soluble
> vitamins A and D that are needed for the
> absorption of minerals. Indeed soy increases the
> need for these vitamins.
> Recently soy products have been promoted for their
> 'cancer preventing properties'. The Gerson Clinic
> is a specialist cancer clinic. To cure cancers it
> bases its treatment regime on a strict vegetarian
> diet. It would seem reasonable to expect,
> therefore, that soy would feature frequently on
> the Gerson Clinic's menu. But Dr Max Gerson, the
> clinic's founder, has always banned the use soy
> products in the clinic. Why? Because it is
> suspected of causing cancer.

Soy is also a thyroid inhibitor--how many women do you know that are hypo-thyroid these days? I know a TON of them, all different ages, too.
And guess what? Soy is in EVERYTHING!! Lecithin is soy, and soybean oil has replaced all tropical oils in processed food.

Re: infertility
January 31, 2006
***I also think it's nature's way of balancing everything out...one way or another nature will help to ensure that the earth stays viable for as long as it can.***

You took the words right out of my mouth, KB! Maybe the earth is attempting to help herself by limiting the number of humans, who seem to be nothing more than parasites not stewards.

I suspect that the factors causing infertility are many and complicated and not just one.
Re: infertility
January 31, 2006
"nothing more than parasites not stewards."

You nailed it, Nour!
Anonymous User
Re: infertility
January 31, 2006
You know, the original post was back in July. Looks like some folk are catching up on their reading (and posting).
Re: infertility
May 03, 2006
Exspecialy when they can just adopt.
Re: infertility
May 04, 2006
I've had ppl in my family think that if I just have surgery, I'd be sure to pop out some sprogs. Geez are they wrong. No, infertility treatments should NOT be covered by insurance. Instead, doctors should push for adoption, but that would never happen. B/c then they would not get their major $$$$$ off some idiot.
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