I don't really blame the school for not covering the damage because it's not really the school's fault, but the guy should definitely go after the parents for damages or have the brats arrested for vandalism. Hell, he could probably finagle emotional distress into it too because he said it was "awkward and uncomfortable" driving around with a dick painted on his car.
But even then, I don't know if anything will come of this because it sounds like a local business owner has offered to clean the mess on the car for free. So the teacher won't be out of pocket for the repairs.
“I can’t speak to specifics of their discipline but can say the (administrative) team at Henry Clay did a great job figuring out who did it,” Biddle said.
That's great, but the better question is, "Is the school gonna do anything about it?" They need to punish the brats for what they did, but I have a feeling that two teen assholes who will spray paint a car for presumably not getting their own way are teens who would see a suspension as a fun vacation. And their parents will probably somehow tell them they are the true victims in the whole thing and the teacher "deserved" it for "picking on them."