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Screaming Kids

Posted by annie35 
Screaming Kids
October 08, 2008
First off all I must tell you about my great finds at the second hand shop. I bought a red leather jacket and a black purse, for $23.

I frequent this second hand store, weekly on my lunch hour.
Today, I am looking around and this moo who looks just like the Duggar chick ( homemade dress to ankles, big bun in hair, and no make up) has her 2 kids , I am assuming they are hers, she looked about 50 and the kids were under the age of 5. Well one of the kids smashed his finger and screamed so loud and shrill that my ears still hurt. Moo ignored him and just kept shopping, even as this kid screamed at the top of his lungs. The other kid was quiet and never moved, but that other kid then start screaming '"I HATE YOU" , "I HOPE YOU DIE" I want a toy. The mom never looked embarassed, never adressed the kid, and never tried to make him be quiet.
I swear my ears are still hurting from this kid and his screaming.
I actually could feel my blood pressure rise, as I tried to restrain from yanking him out of that cart and giving him a reason to scream. I have not been that irritated and just on the verge of snapping in a long time.
I also wanted to just bitch slap the moo for being such a moron.

Why do these people have to ruin a perfectly good lunch hour?

I am still pissed, that kid was a horrible individual.
Re: Screaming Kids
October 08, 2008
Wow, if those were her kids and since she was dressed as you say (usually related to a religious thing),

When I first spotted her, I thought it was the Duggar chick (I live in the same metro area), but I only saw 2 kids, not 18 so decided it wasn't her.
She had the biggest bun, I have ever seen on a woman's head.
Re: Screaming Kids
October 08, 2008
Geez! Well at least you got a good deal on a leather jacket and purse, but terrible that you had to put up with that shit. Moos are so unbelievably inconsiderate of everyone.
Re: Screaming Kids
October 08, 2008
A loud and unruly brat can ruin even the most simple of pleasures in life such as a shopping excursion in out of the way places, leisurely reading a good book at a coffee shop, a special dinner out, a walk on the beach at sundown, relaxing by a hotel pool, relaxing in your OWN backyard or deck, a picnic in the park, etc......In fact, anything that comes to my mind which is enjoyable can be quickly and easily ruined just the the sheer presence of a kyd. I know it may sound strange, but I enjoying taking a good hearty dump while traveling because I have such awful motion sickness and upset stomach. When a kyd is dragged into the restroom screaming like he's on fire, even THAT experience can be ruined. I have left many a rest area with constipation because of screaming kyds in my lifetime. I don't see how moomies can keep from having constant intestinal distress with a kyd invading her restroom time, like thay are known to do.
Re: Screaming Kids
October 09, 2008
I hate that the breeders run their errands on lunch hour- I wish they'd go off peak because they slow EVERYTHING up.
Re: Screaming Kids
October 09, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> I hate that the breeders run their errands on
> lunch hour- I wish they'd go off peak because they
> slow EVERYTHING up.

I think they want to be with us normal people, so they intefere with out time.
Re: Screaming Kids
October 09, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> I hate that the breeders run their errands on
> lunch hour- I wish they'd go off peak because they
> slow EVERYTHING up.

I have said that exact same thing many times in the past, but I took it a step further. In today's world with online and over the phone bill paying, shopping, and many shopping choices like wallyworld and major grocery stores oven 24/7, I think it ought to be a misdemanor traffic offense to be driving on major roads and traffic arteries during 7-8am, 12am-2pm, and 5-6pm Mon-Friday. The only exceptions would be if you are commuting to work or are on a work related meal break, are a public servant on a work related task such as a police officer/EMS, have a verifiable medical appointent, have a verifiable airline or other transportation ticket, or have a special pass to dump/pick up a kid off at school and that should be granted ONLY IF there is no bussing in your area and you are part of a mandatory carpool with a minimum of 3 kyds, and various other medical and emergency situations.

This would cut down a GREAT DEAL on moos and their SmooV'S unnecessarily clogging up highways because they "felt like" shopping at noon when they could have EASILY done so between 8am and noon or between 2-4, or any of the OTHER 20 hours in the day, old retired people who have 24 hours a day to go to the post office from doing so at 8am and further slowing down people who are still working from getting TO work, single moos having their giggly "mom's day out" lunches at area restaurants at 1pm when they could have easily met earlier or later, etc.......SOMEONE has to get to and from work to keep the welfare checks coming in and to keep the economoy going, so I don't think it's too much to ask for people to keep their asses OFF the road, while others are trying to go to and from work and enjoy a short meal break during the day or before they have to be AT work.

The main question I have is WHY would ANYONE want to be on the roads during rush hour traffic unless it was absolutely necessary? When I don't ABSOLUTELY have to be out then I keep my ass at home and only venture out during non peak hours. It's not difficult at all to shop, run errands, etc........during other times than rush hour traffic. Why do people even do this in the first place? THAT is the big question.confused smiley
Re: Screaming Kids
October 10, 2008
Yesterday in the Giant on my way home from work, I experienced a 30 decibel hearing-damaging wail from a brat in front of me in line.

Kid was about 3 with it's handler. Handler had it strapped in the little seat in the cart. Kid was FREAKING OUT, squirming and screaming it's head off trying to get free. It was turning such a shade of red from screaming that it was almost purple. Handler just pretty much ignored it but she was boogying pretty quickly as I could see she wanted to get the hell out of there.

When it was my turn I said to the young cashier, "See? That's a prime example of why people don't have kids." She agreed and goes, "I just hate the little bastards." LOL
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