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Posted by twocents 
December 06, 2022
From the 'entitledparents' subreddit

This happened many years back but it still makes me chuckle. I lived in a big city, and buses were often packed and trying to stay on schedule.

The bus pulled up to a stop and people got off and on. Then I noticed a mom holding her baby’s hand as he slowly toddled towards the bus, halfway across a big patch of lawn. The driver and passengers were like seriously?

The entitled mom was beaming at everyone like “Isn’t this just the cutest?” After about ten seconds the driver had had enough, closed the door, and drove off. The look of shock and horror on EM’s face was priceless.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: HaaaaHaaaahaaaahaaaaaaa
December 06, 2022
I like this. I've been forced to be a captive audience for some beaming twat of a parunt on so many occasions, two that often repeat themselves:

  • Isn't it great that my brat wastes 20 minutes putting all 50 of the items from the cart to the conveyor belt while you're forced to either sit there or leave the store with no food because it is the only line open? My lil budding narcissist needs to learn at a very young age that the world will patiently pause their lives and wait for him/her because my brat is a higher priority than anyone else currently in existence because he/she will cure cancer because I said so. My brat will also learn the passive/aggressive habit of how to get away with rude shit by disarming others with a smile because it is never too early to teach a brat how to manipulate others for personal gain.
  • I'm blocking the entrance/exit of the store so my toadler can feel independent and take 5 minutes to leave/enter the store. And yes, you'll wait behind us when the brat throws a fit and falls on the ground crying too because you need to admire my endless patience, my inherently better parenting (I mean, where are your kids anyways?) and how to properly demonstrate a teachable moment in a very loud voice so that no one within earshot is able to miss it. And don't forget making a comment to moo/duh about how adorable her/his brat is with all those inherited superior genes. These adults raise brats who grow up to block people from entrances/exits, crowd across hallways so no one can pass, etc. and they just sit there with oblivious looks on their faces when people try to pass them.

It is great to hear that not everyone worships or appreciates this crap because it requires an especially insufferable ass to think inconveniencing everyone around him/her is a good idea. It won't stop until more people take a stand, shut the door of the bus and leave the breeder and her/his ilk in a daze.
Re: HaaaaHaaaahaaaahaaaaaaa
December 07, 2022

Isn't it great that my brat wastes 20 minutes putting all 50 of the items from the cart to the conveyor belt while you're forced to either sit there or leave the store with no food because it is the only line open? My lil budding narcissist needs to learn at a very young age that the world will patiently pause their lives and wait for him/her because my brat is a higher priority than anyone else currently in existence because he/she will cure cancer because I said so. My brat will also learn the passive/aggressive habit of how to get away with rude shit by disarming others with a smile because it is never too early to teach a brat how to manipulate others for personal gain.

OMG, this shit is SO annoying at the grocery store. I remember my own mother, who worked, unlike a lot of other mothers of her time, saying that housewives and Moos should STAY THE FUCK out of the grocery store after work. She was right!

She would be stopping by the store on the way home, only to have these clueless Moos standing in the checkout line and sending Tommy/Jimmy/Suzie to get multiple things they forgot and inconveniencing everyone else, and acting as if they had all the time in the world, because they have NO CLUE that some people are fucking beat and just WANT TO GET THEIR SHIT AND GET HOME.

My pet peeve is watching the slow crawl of the conveyer belt AND having Moos allow their Lil' Precious to navigate the credit card machine, all while talking in that sing-song, teach-y manner so they can show everyone, "I'm such a good Moooooooo, watch me giving my brat lessons" at everyone else's expense.

Sure, let's make the rest of us wait while Snotley swipes the card incorrectly the first 10 times. It's just SO educational for the rest of us. /s

Another favorite is when Moos are at a Subway-type place and they allow their too-young children to pick what they want. It's torturous and the kids often cannot process and are too overwhelmed by the ingredients. It's so fun when the kids start SCREECHING if the server puts the wrong thing on, because the kid pointed at something and the preparer tried to guess what they wanted.

I want to STRANGLE these fucking Moos. You know what your kids like!

Order it for them, until they are like 10 or 12 and can communicate clearly for themselves. Have some consideration for other peoples' time!

But they never do.
Re: HaaaaHaaaahaaaahaaaaaaa
December 07, 2022

The entitled mom was beaming at everyone like “Isn’t this just the cutest?” After about ten seconds the driver had had enough, closed the door, and drove off. The look of shock and horror on EM’s face was priceless.

I would have paid real money to see this!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: HaaaaHaaaahaaaahaaaaaaa
December 07, 2022
She would be stopping by the store on the way home, only to have these clueless Moos standing in the checkout line and sending Tommy/Jimmy/Suzie to get multiple things they forgot and inconveniencing everyone else, and acting as if they had all the time in the world, because they have NO CLUE that some people are fucking beat and just WANT TO GET THEIR SHIT AND GET HOME.

My pet peeve is watching the slow crawl of the conveyer belt AND having Moos allow their Lil' Precious to navigate the credit card machine, all while talking in that sing-song, teach-y manner so they can show everyone, "I'm such a good Moooooooo, watch me giving my brat lessons" at everyone else's expense.

This shit is so infuriating that I have stopped leaving the house entirely to go to the grocery store. Children literally give me migraines and an urge to smash their little faces into a curb.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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