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Using brain dead women as surrogates

Posted by cfdavep 
Using brain dead women as surrogates
February 03, 2023

I hope this is just BS. I guess the title could be read another way.
Re: Using brain dead women as surrogates
February 03, 2023
What is it with these people and breeding?

Organs can't even be harvested from a dead person without their permission in writing while alive, yet it's all honky dory to use a dead woman's body to incubate a clump of cells? There is absolutely nothing ethical in using her corpse for breeding. The zero respect some people have for women as sentient human beings with individual rights is mind boggling.

Misogyny can't even begin to describe this shit.
God Almighty the Infertile Myrtles.. and how long...
February 03, 2023
before they won't even ask permission..


Bioethicist suggests using brain-dead women as incubators

SYDNEY, Australia -- A scientist suggested Friday using brain-dead women as surrogate mothers to make better use of 'living corpses,' but the idea drew sharp condemnation from doctors, lawyers and religious leaders.

Paul Gerber, a bioethicist at Queensland State University, said brain-dead 'neomorts,' or newly dead, women could first be used as baby incubators and then for organ transplants.

Gerber described his proposal at a medical ethics conference in Queensland as 'innovative and ethical.

'I can't see anything wrong with it and at least the dead would be doing some good,' he said, suggesting brain-dead individuals be kept on life-support systems so their bodies could be used.

'It's a wonderful solution to the problems posed by surrogacy and a magnificent use of a corpse. It has my complete support,' Gerber said.

In-vitro fertilization techniques could be used to join the egg and the sperm and implant the embryo in the brain-dead woman, he said.

There is no standardized definition of death in Australia, but the most widely used method of defining death is by confirming the failure of the brain, lungs and heart.

Gerber's suggestion provoked immediate and angry opposition from other doctors, lawyers and religious leaders.

The Victoria state government's chief adviser on in-vitro fertilization ethics, Professor Louis Waller, said, 'If these women are dead, bury them decently. That's what we do with dead people in our society.'

The Rev. Fred Nile, chairman of the an Australian Right to Life group, called for an official inquiry into the issues surrounding surrogate motherhood.

'I think it is absolutely disgraceful. The issue has to be closely looked at and stopped. A Royal Commission has to be called to stop these mad scientists.

'My group completely condemns what they are doing and have concern for the children born to this crazy scheme. It will introduce little monsters into the world with no real identity to cling to.'

Russell Scott, a member of the Law Reform Commission and author of the book 'The Body As Property,' said, 'Only God knows what it would do to someone to be told they were conceived and born in this way.'

Scott said, 'Such pregnancies would be fraught with numerous legal and ethical questions.

'It violates the spirit in which these laws on brain deaths were introduced. I don't believe this is showing respect for the dead.'

Gerber said his proposal had been discussed seriously at medical ethical conferences and some lawyers and doctors had supported the idea.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: God Almighty the Infertile Myrtles.. and how long...
February 03, 2023
I went and posted the same issue. Wonder if there will be situations where the woman will be used for this with no one to advocate for her, or even if she does family thinking that that is a good use for a "useless CL woman"
Re: God Almighty the Infertile Myrtles.. and how long...
February 03, 2023
My dh just pointed out the article is from 1988.
Re: God Almighty the Infertile Myrtles.. and how long...
February 03, 2023
interesting.. but the thought is still there

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: God Almighty the Infertile Myrtles.. and how long...
February 03, 2023
I'm glad to see nothing has come of it. Otherwise, I'd have to suggest someone plant an embryo in this guy's brain, since he's clearly not using it and it may as well be used to nourish a fetus.
Re: Using brain dead women as surrogates
February 04, 2023
What is it with these people and breeding?

Organs can't even be harvested from a dead person without their permission in writing while alive, yet it's all honky dory to use a dead woman's body to incubate a clump of cells? There is absolutely nothing ethical in using her corpse for breeding. The zero respect some people have for women as sentient human beings with individual rights is mind boggling.

Misogyny can't even begin to describe this shit.

Not just misogyny, but rape, too. It’s bad enough that the government wants to force already-living women to have unwanted children, but making brain-dead women gestate against their will is just rape with extra steps
Re: Using brain dead women as surrogates
February 04, 2023
Of course it's a man suggesting this shit, because I doubt a woman would ever recommend using a brain dead woman's body as a fucking incubator. I'd wager if someone was suggesting using the bodies of brain dead men to harvest sperm, these same people would be crying ethics. But heeyyyy why not? I mean just because a man is brain dead doesn't mean his sperm isn't still viable. Waste not! eye rolling smiley

So what would happen if the fetus incubated in a brain dead female patient were to come out all fucked up? Would the parents of the fetus sue the woman's family for damages since the woman herself couldn't be sued? Because I imagine surrogacy wouldn't be cheap and when the sperm and egg omelet turns out all screwy, the Moo and Duh would want to blame somebody.

Would the woman's body be implanted with a fertilized egg, or could the man just implant some sperm himself? It's not like some men would be opposed to banging a brain dead woman, as evidenced by the case in 2019 when a vegetative woman was raped and impregnated by a male employee and subsequently gave birth. Incidents like this could become more normalized if a woman in a state of brain death could be used as an incubator.

Imagine being a woman and having to have it put in writing that you do not give permission for your body to be used for surrogacy in the event of a traumatic brain injury. Because being in or past menopause wouldn't even necessarily protect you. I recall another news story about a lady in her 60s who agreed to be a surrogate for her daughter's child because the daughter could not carry a pregnancy.
Re: Using brain dead women as surrogates
February 04, 2023
What is it with these people and breeding?

Organs can't even be harvested from a dead person without their permission in writing while alive, yet it's all honky dory to use a dead woman's body to incubate a clump of cells? There is absolutely nothing ethical in using her corpse for breeding. The zero respect some people have for women as sentient human beings with individual rights is mind boggling.

Misogyny can't even begin to describe this shit.

Q Republicans don't see women as humans but as cattle. There's legislation that won't allow women to cross state lines.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Using brain dead women as surrogates
February 04, 2023
And you wonder where the "mad scientist" trope came from? Stuff like this.
Re: Using brain dead women as surrogates
February 04, 2023
Shakes head


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Using brain dead women as surrogates
February 08, 2023
What is it with these people and breeding?

Organs can't even be harvested from a dead person without their permission in writing while alive, yet it's all honky dory to use a dead woman's body to incubate a clump of cells? There is absolutely nothing ethical in using her corpse for breeding. The zero respect some people have for women as sentient human beings with individual rights is mind boggling.

Misogyny can't even begin to describe this shit.

Q Republicans don't see women as humans but as cattle. There's legislation that won't allow women to cross state lines.

Anti-choice conservatives are a blight on society. The way these selfish misogynists treat women and girls makes my skin crawl. I agree, to a rightist, anyone with a uterus is nothing more than a brood mare in there eyes. Because if that “baby”(read: non-sentient fetus) was aborted, who will serve the military?(or other arbitrary reason why rich old men should dictate reproductive rights)
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