I've noticed that when it comes to having
more kids, men are usually the ones who want them more while the women are more likely to be apprehensive about it. This makes sense because women are typically the ones who do all the brat care, so it's much easier for the men to say they're ready for more when they hardly lift a finger to raise the kids they already made. That, or it could be some men want sex more than women and they are willing to accept the potential consequences of sex because they won't be the ones who get pregnant, give birth and raise the resulting loaf.
But as far as overall desire to have kids, I haven't noticed one gender wanting them more than another either. It's probably about an even split, give or take. There are baby-rabid men and baby-rabid women. I think maybe the desire goes up with some men as they get older and they feel the need to prove their virility and heterosexuality (or they have a midlife crisis and a sports car is too expensive), so making a loaf will prove both of those things at once. But women sometimes seem less likely to want to breed (or breed again) with age, which can partly be due to pregnancy becoming more risky when they woman is reproductively "geriatric" (over the age of 30).
This doesn't apply to all men or all women, but it's a pattern I've noticed, that's all. Obviously there are always exceptions.
I've also noticed that it's usually stupid people who breed a lot, regardless of gender. Almost all the educated people I've known had a reasonable number of kids or none at all, whereas the idiots just kept crapping out brats like they were personally tasked with repopulating the planet.
Have stay-at-home Duhs become more commonplace or something lately? Because as far as I can see, women are still the ones making a majority of the sacrifices when it comes to breeding. Both parents might be expected to work because it's damn hard to survive on a single income, but it seems like with the current ever-growing crop of man-babies, the women are still the ones who are largely expected to work full-time, cook all the meals, do all the chores and deal with the sproggen.
So sure, many men may want babies, but they sure as hell don't want to take care of them. If the breakingmoo sub is any indication, leaving Duhs in charge of their own brats usually leads to neglect because those same men who clamored for baybees don't want to raise them.