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Woman denied abortion has to have hysterectomy

Posted by cfdavep 
Woman denied abortion has to have hysterectomy
May 31, 2023

A woman had an etopic pregnancy and was denied an abortion. She had an emergency life saving hysterectomy and is truly infertile now. I wonder how the Rethugs see this as a win?
Re: Woman denied abortion has to have hysterectomy
June 01, 2023
Repeat after me: abortion is healthcare. When you ask these idiot forced birthers (the slick and polished PR types who are spokespeople for these issues) they always give interviews that provisions exist to save the mother's life.

What they are not saying is these restrictions make doctors understandably reluctant to provide abortions. The woman has to be half dead, and the way these laws are written, doctors do not want to get sued and lose their licenses or pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend themselves from the inevitable second-guessing of their medical decisions. This is why men and and lawyers and lawmakers need to stay TF out of these situations. let the woman and the doctor make the right decision without fear of reprisal.

Consequently, doctors are leaving states where these laws exist, or some are ceasing to deliver babies. So the end result is women are left without care and their lives are in danger.

I was talking about this with a friend just this past weekend. She had a niece who had two ectopic pregnancies. The niece eventually had her tubes removed and she adopted. Even in the previous environment, the risk of dying from an ectopic pregnancy was a factor. It's not always easy to tell if a woman is pregnant outside her uterus.

In this current environment, the only sane thing a woman who has had ONE ectopic pregnancy can do, provided she survives the first one, is to have her tubes removed, thus rendering her infertile.

Sadly many women are willing to take the risk to deliver the almighty Baybee. If they live in a red state with restrictions, (like Texass) they are insane, IMO.
Re: Woman denied abortion has to have hysterectomy
June 01, 2023
But don't those horrible doctors know that they can just take the ectopic pregnancy and implant it in the uterus? That's how female anatomy works, right? At least it is according to some male politicians. eye rolling smiley

It's bad enough they have banned abortion, but why can there not at least be exceptions for life-threatening pregnancy complications? Some women who need abortions actually want the fetuses and the pregnancy just winds up going haywire in one way or another. A lot of people think that a woman who seeks a termination is just a filthy whore who should have kept her legs closed. Not that sleeping around should make someone less "worthy" of a termination because there is no wrong reason for aborting, as far as I'm concerned.

Good job Tennessee, because you prevented a woman from getting treatment for her ectopic pregnancy, you essentially aborted all the woman's future fetuses by forcing her to wait until her life was threatened and causing her to need her entire uterus removed. I probably shouldn't say that, lest they ban hysterectomies and tubals next.

I've already seen too many stories showcasing the effect of denying women access to abortion and women who are forced to nearly die just to terminate unviable pregnancies because a fetus has more rights than a woman now. I really hope the asshats who decided to overturn Roe V. Wade have to watch a woman or girl they love almost die from preventable complications of a dangerous pregnancy because of what they chose to ban.
Re: Woman denied abortion has to have hysterectomy
June 01, 2023
I guess the docs said she needed to head to PA for the hysterectomy as the docs feared legal action against them.

I guess also they are not supposed to save her life nor render her infertile. It seems like the safest situation for women now is to be CF, sterilized with enough $$$ to travel if her tubal ever fails. Women who are desparate for babies and full of optimism are spinning a deadly roulette wheel.
Re: Woman denied abortion has to have hysterectomy
June 01, 2023
I guess also they are not supposed to save her life nor render her infertile. It seems like the safest situation for women now is to be CF, sterilized with enough $$$ to travel if her tubal ever fails. Women who are desparate for babies and full of optimism are spinning a deadly roulette wheel.

So legally, all they can do is let the woman die a completely preventable death? Because if abortion is not an option and medically-induced infertility is not an option (even for life-saving reasons), then letting the woman stay pregnant with a dangerous pregnancy and watching her die/bleed out is what they're going to do.

Even if I wanted kids, there is no worse time than right now to have them. Women who want to be pregnant suffer complications all the time, so pregnancy - wanted or not - is basically becoming a death sentence and you'll be lucky if you walk away from it alive. What the fuck ever happened to "do no harm?" I think standing around with your thumb up your ass while a woman succumbs to treatable miscarriage complications falls under the heading of "harm." Can the women affected by this shit or their families sue hospitals and lawmakers over refusal of medical care? I think I have seen articles about women who have done just this because they were forced to wait until they were a hair from death before their lives became more important than their dead fetuses' lives.

I wonder how hard it would be to order the equipment necessary from like a medical supply outlet to give yourself a termination at home. Or would that look suspicious for someone in an abortion-restricted state to order the tools to perform an abortion through the mail?
Re: Woman denied abortion has to have hysterectomy
June 05, 2023
I'm waiting for women's concentration camps.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Woman denied abortion has to have hysterectomy
June 10, 2023
in some ways, we already have them. mandated diversity shit??? I can disagree with the alphabet community.. I would just as soon leave them be ..and I wish everyone else would let them alone.. (and therein is the problem) but to demand that I call their lifestyle positive and good? no, I'm not convinced it is. but I'm not going to bother you. so why in hell should I be made to go to some friggin diversity touchy feely unicorn turd and fairy fart classes just to hear that crap??

I went to some GOVERNMENT MANDATED sex harassment thingumie. my workplace HAD to do it or risk being penalized by big brother. as it stood, I just caused trouble as much as i could during the entire presentation.. aimed at whoever the poor shmucks at the other end of the 'feed' were there. talk about coercion.. I had to go or my bosses (i liked them a lot) would be penalized. how @%@#$ dare they..

when I drove a bus I got what would nowadays be regarded as harassment. I just dished it back out.

so, yeah, we have become accustomed to relegating some people to a form of concentration camps.. they have merely relabeled them. (they relabeled illegal aliens...).. to make it palatable and put the blame onto the people attending them. and frankly, it does squat for real trouble makers.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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