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Parunts pushing 30 bratz on waitstaff.rusty chainsaw

Posted by cfuter 
Parunts pushing 30 bratz on waitstaff.rusty chainsaw
August 29, 2023
Got this off a restaurant you tube vid where they make fun of customers and their over the top entitlements and fuckery.
It is a comment that illustrates what we CFs already know, that parunts are stupid dickheads and can't wait to just dump their responsibilities on someone else (especially minimum wage workers) so they can let loose for some fun squeezed into their otherwise dismal week. I imagine there was a minimum of 10 adults there if not more, and NONE of them could see this was a clusterfuck waiting to happen and/or not fair to waitstaff? I mean truly, a parent shoulda said "should we all just order a buncha___________ for the kids and let them serve themselves family style" Confused why they wouldnt want it narrowed down to child's menu. I know waiters love the parent that just says "I'll have a cheese pizza and a pitcher of coke, and vanilla ice creams for dessert" instead of letting a buncha kids wiggle thru the ordering process. Could you imagine taking 30 different orders from little kids. I doubt they were attentive enough to doggie bag the adult sized leftovers for these kids.

The original vid was someone coming in at last minute on a Saturday nite w/ 45 ppl, and couldn't understand why the kitchen couldnt accommodate that during a very busy time, becuz "it is their job".

here's the comment:

THIS HAPPENED TO ME LAST NIGHT!!!! They called to give us a "heads up" that they were coming in 20 minutes. Then they sat adults at one table and 30 9 year old boys at a separate table. Parents didn't help at all and they wanted separate checks by jersey number. I asked if the kids were limited to the kids menu, parents said no and sat and drank and didn't help at all. So I let them all order 20oz ribeye steaks and lobster ravioli. Lmao!!!!! That will teach them!!!!

I mean parunts are either heliocoptering when they shouldnt, or are totally hands off when they shouldnt. I would love to know the logistics of what "jersey number" went to what parent, and that still seems like it would be close to 30 different checks, which most all restaurants won't allow. All the more reason to ALL order basically the same type of thing and split the kids' check at least. But a CF like me is just tooooo logicaly I guess.
Re: Parunts pushing 30 bratz on waitstaff.rusty chainsaw
August 30, 2023
Any more than 5 brats in one party/table/reservation should mean an automatic 50% tip at minimum.
Re: Parunts pushing 30 bratz on waitstaff.rusty chainsaw
August 30, 2023
Any more than 5 brats in one party/table/reservation should mean an automatic 50% tip at minimum.

Breeders would offer $0.25 for the 30.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Parunts pushing 30 bratz on waitstaff.rusty chainsaw
August 30, 2023
Sounds like they probably rolled up with no reservation either. I'm amazed they were able to seat so many people without more than 20 minutes notice. I have a feeling that sports teams are some of the worst motherfuckers to wait on because they all need separate checks and I'm sure these little assholes make an unholy mess, are insanely disruptive and leave absolutely no tip.

Judging by shit I've seen on various sites with server stories, it's also astounding how many people think that children don't count as people when it comes to dining out. They'll make a reservation for four, and then four adults show up with nine kids in tow. Then the staff has to scramble to try to make room for these people who think kids magically don't exist because they aren't 18 yet.


I asked if the kids were limited to the kids menu, parents said no and sat and drank and didn't help at all. So I let them all order 20oz ribeye steaks and lobster ravioli. Lmao!!!!! That will teach them!!!!

Good! Fuck the parents! They all seem to think their responsibilites are suspended in public and other people will babysit their little dumplings for them. I'm sure the parents all bitched about having to pay for expensive entrees, but if the manager of said establishment didn't completely suck, hopefully they made the breeders pony up and didn't comp everything. Call it a "stupid tax" - they're not going to mind their brats, they can pay the piper. I'm sure that server got absolutely no tips from that group, but watching the parents' faces melt upon seeing the $40-$50 bill for the steak and lobster their kids ate two bites of and decided they didn't like was hopefully worth it.

Any more than 5 brats in one party/table/reservation should mean an automatic 50% tip at minimum.

I know the gratuity is usually added in automatically for large parties, but a much larger tip should definitely be factored in for groups with brats because they will be a problem 100 percent of the time. Breeders are some of the worst diners, second only to the Sunday morning after-church group. They allow their brats to run wild, make messes, pester other diners, throw food everywhere, scream the entire time, occasionally vomit or soil themselves, and breeders will change dirty diapers directly on the table and then cram the filled diapers into the nearest potted plant or down into the booth seat. Then they'll stiff the server out of a tip because their autistic asshole brat only had six ice cubes in their drink instead of seven and this was somehow the server's fault.
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