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Gosh 20somethings just never want to grow up...

Posted by cfuter 
Gosh 20somethings just never want to grow up...
September 01, 2023
...and modern society supports this notion.

You're 25 yrs old, you dont run back to daddy for money.

Dad is YTA for not giving 25yr old more money for college after she quit several yrs. This generation continuing guilting parunts for not "supporting" their decisions, so they'll have a bad 'relationship'.bemused eye roll

Re: Gosh 20somethings just never want to grow up...
September 01, 2023
The "joys" of parenthood. Most children will fail to launch.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Gosh 20somethings just never want to grow up...
September 03, 2023
Surprised they aren't nailing the dotter for being a spoiled princess who expects a do-over in college at 25 after failing to pass her courses. Her dad paid for everything and all she had to do was pass her classes.

And until she starts making decent money she is liable to treat her dad like an ATM and that may be why he is keeping contact at a minimum. Can't blame him for that.
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