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Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit

Posted by kittehpeoples 
Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 03, 2023
Moo goes on an absolute (and very Tucker Carlson-sounding- "I'm just asking questions") diatribe over a single airline announcing that it will have an adult-only section. Ranting wildly about something that affects her absolutely not at all, she spews an astonishing number of words that essentially boil down to, "We're stuck with our brats, so why shouldn't everyone else be?"

Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 03, 2023
Which airline and is it a zone that is actually separated in some way, or is it as effective as the "no smoking zone" used to be in restaurants?
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 03, 2023
Which airline and is it a zone that is actually separated in some way, or is it as effective as the "no smoking zone" used to be in restaurants?

Huh, I just realized the link didn't post:


It's a Turkish airline called Corendon, and they say they're going to have "walls or curtains" between sections, so anybody's guess as to how effective it will really be...still, no chance of being seated right next to some strange sticky kid or having them kick the back of your seat. I also wonder how often this crazy breeder flies Turkish airlines, seeing as she's ranting on a British website. But heaven forfend if there's one tiny corner of the world where her precious brats aren't welcome, I guess.
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 03, 2023
You should still carry noise-cancelling headphones.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 03, 2023
I saw this earlier in the week too. The breeders who whinge and scream the loudest about planes having childfree sections are the very same ones whose brats are so insufferable that the airline implemented the kid-free sections in the first place.

Isn't it also amusing how it's perfectly fine for parents to do everything in their power to escape their kids, but if anyone else on the planet tries to do the same, they're being mean and "you were a child once too!"? Nice how that works out all nice and neat for them. eye rolling smiley

I have never been on a plane, but from what I understand, it's miserable. Tons of people crammed in a tin can with no room to stretch out, shitty food, and having to deal with everyone's collective illnesses, annoyances, and various bodily odors/fluids. It's bad enough as it is without someone's freshly shat loaf screeching at 30,000 feet from the change in pressure or a toadler jumping from one end of the plane to the other for three hours, occasionally stopping to vomit and pee down their legs.

But to make it up to them, perhaps the airline can offer a special section or flight just for breeders so the Moos and Duhs feel special. Give them their own plane that no one besides breeders is allowed to board (not that anyone else would want to), have plenty of chicken nuggets and Kraft mac and cheese for the sprogs, make the seats all waterproof to prevent the inevitable leaks when brats soil themselves and breeders change shitty diapers right in the seat.
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 04, 2023
I really thought the days of children needing to be seen and not heard were behind us – but apparently not.

Well, we can dream about this can't we? I'd love to know I can go out in public without having to hear kids screaming, throwing fits and running around like crack monkeys. If they could confine this behavior to a playground, a kids-only area, their backyard or within the walls of their living space we'd all appreciate it. It used to be that if kids acted up and made a scene their parunts would immediately leave with them in tow, now the parunts ignore them and make them the problem of whatever venue/establishment they are in.

In fact, these days, it appears, they’re not even allowed to be seen, as an airline is introducing child-free zones on their planes, where passengers can pay more to sit in seats exclusively for adults.

If it is sooo offensive think of it as a parunts only section, so they can be alone with their childrun and not have to deal with all those drunk childless adults they always complain are so much worse than children on planes. Think of it as a section that allows adults to drink and be isolated, which 100% makes sense to me.

It is one freaking airline. No one is telling you to drive a car from Alabama to England. Do you whine about business/first class or extended seats with more leg room in coach?

I cannot understand why society in general is so intolerant of children. After all, we were all children once. The majority of us go on to have one, if not more, of them. So why do so many people turn their noses up at being in their general vicinity, especially while travelling?

We were all children once. Bring on the platitudes if you can't think of anything original to say.
Do kids give you unconditional wuv? Do kids give you meaning in life? Do kids make you a better person?
Do kids make you an unselfish person? Did you live a shallow and selfish existence before realizing your highest calling of being a mahm? Please, tell us childfree how much better you are than us for sluicing and how you are such an unselfish person for providing cannon fodder for the economy. Tell us all about the fact that you reproduced means you should have an entire village of people at your disposal because all of us without young children owe you for spreading your legs. And don't forget to tell us that your kids will grow up to solve climate change or cure cancer or whatever else your deluded mind can manufacture.

Apparently enough people who fly this airline in Turkey have complained and so the airline is adjusting accordingly. Also, if the majority of people go on to have brats then this must mean they don't want to be around other people's brats.

Honestly, the most verbal people I've heard be adamant about not being around other people's kids while on vacation were parents.
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 04, 2023
I cannot understand why society in general is so intolerant of children. After all, we were all children once. The majority of us go on to have one, if not more, of them. So why do so many people turn their noses up at being in their general vicinity, especially while travelling?

We were all children once. Bring on the platitudes if you can't think of anything original to say.

Yeah, I hate that one, too. My response has always been that I didn't like other kids when I was one, so that hasn't really changed. I've also seen people respond to "we were all children once" with "and someday we'll all be corpses, too, but that doesn't mean I want to keep one in my house."
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 04, 2023
Oh f...f...fa..fa..fai...fail...fail! the world 'fail' on flames

Here the author states she hates sitting next to a baby on a flight!
Big big oopsie Karen! Big oopsie! Pick a side you little kidney!

Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 04, 2023
I cannot understand why society in general is so intolerant of children. After all, we were all children once. The majority of us go on to have one, if not more, of them. So why do so many people turn their noses up at being in their general vicinity, especially while travelling?

We were all children once. Bring on the platitudes if you can't think of anything original to say.

Yeah, I hate that one, too. My response has always been that I didn't like other kids when I was one, so that hasn't really changed. I've also seen people respond to "we were all children once" with "and someday we'll all be corpses, too, but that doesn't mean I want to keep one in my house."

I didn't like most other kids when I was a kid either. I didn't like being around most of them then, don't like it now.
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 04, 2023
You should still carry noise-cancelling headphones.

I find that they are very effective against low-pitched, repetitive noises like airplane engines, but they do fuck all against high-pitched and unexpected noises (i.e., children).
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 04, 2023
But to make it up to them, perhaps the airline can offer a special section or flight just for breeders so the Moos and Duhs feel special. Give them their own plane that no one besides breeders is allowed to board (not that anyone else would want to), have plenty of chicken nuggets and Kraft mac and cheese for the sprogs, make the seats all waterproof to prevent the inevitable leaks when brats soil themselves and breeders change shitty diapers right in the seat.

You know they don't want that. What they want is an indulgent village to take on the burden of caring for their ill-behaved brats. If everyone is a breeder, how will they feel special?
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 04, 2023
I cannot understand why society in general is so intolerant of children. After all, we were all children once. The majority of us go on to have one, if not more, of them. So why do so many people turn their noses up at being in their general vicinity, especially while travelling?

We were all children once. Bring on the platitudes if you can't think of anything original to say.

I know exactly what kind of a child I was. I was a quiet, bookish kid who found other children loud and annoying. And today I'm a quiet, bookish adult who still finds children annoying.

Not every child behaves like a chimpanzee on crack, and there are PNBs who require their children to behave in public. They aren't the ones complaining about policies like this, because they are probably also wishing they could avoid you.
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 04, 2023
Oh f...f...fa..fa..fai...fail...fail! the world 'fail' on flames

Here the author states she hates sitting next to a baby on a flight!
Big big oopsie Karen! Big oopsie! Pick a side you little kidney!



Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 05, 2023
I cannot understand why society in general is so intolerant of children. After all, we were all children once. The majority of us go on to have one, if not more, of them. So why do so many people turn their noses up at being in their general vicinity, especially while travelling?

We were all children once. Bring on the platitudes if you can't think of anything original to say.

I know exactly what kind of a child I was. I was a quiet, bookish kid who found other children loud and annoying. And today I'm a quiet, bookish adult who still finds children annoying.

Not every child behaves like a chimpanzee on crack, and there are PNBs who require their children to behave in public. They aren't the ones complaining about policies like this, because they are probably also wishing they could avoid you.

I'm much like this too. I was a very quiet, introverted little kid and I usually spent most of my time with my nose in a book reading quietly. I hated being around noisy kids and I pretty much didn't like anything about being around them. They were nasty, they usually stunk like orange peels and bologna sandwiches, and they usually found some reason to pick on me (mostly because I wore glasses and was kind of a chubby kid). I just wanted to be away from them as much as possible.

I'm still very quiet and like to spend my time alone reading, watching documentaries, puttering around my house, or just relaxing. I would hate to have constant disruption, demands, noise, fighting, and mess. I'd also hate having to repeat myself over and over again whenever the kid asks me something.

I have been around a couple of young kids that were surprisingly well behaved but they seem to be few and far between. Most kids I meet are obnoxious and I can only really stand to be in their presence for a short amount of time.

Working is tough enough. When I get home, I've got to decompress!
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 05, 2023
We were all children once. Bring on the platitudes if you can't think of anything original to say.

I hate this bingo. Just because I used to be something doesn't mean I have to tolerate it in adulthood. I also used to be Catholic (not by choice), but that doesn't mean I have to be okay with sexual abuse committed by clergy members.

I didn't even like kids when I was a kid myself, and I sure as hell was not a nice kid for a while. For the first half of my childhood, I was an asshole - I mean throwing rocks at classmates because I was too fat to chase them, flipping off my teachers for not letting me do whatever I wanted, screeching blue murder if I didn't get my own way, swearing constantly (because my mother swore at/around me all the time). But the second half of my childhood, it was like someone flipped a switch and I mellowed out and became an introvert who would rather draw, read and play with my cats than interact with others.

I won't ever tell a Moo to shut her fucking kid up to her face because I don't feel like having an angry breeder trying to pick a fight with me. But I'll damn sure be judging them while wishing we had the human equivalent of de-barking.

You know they don't want that. What they want is an indulgent village to take on the burden of caring for their ill-behaved brats. If everyone is a breeder, how will they feel special?

Very true. And obviously other Moos and Duhs can't be a village because they'll be trying to neglect their own spawn in the hopes someone else will watch them. So who better to mind everyone's free-range sprogs on a flight than all the people who were smart enough to not breed? Breeders crave any and all attention, even if it's negative.
Re: Airline announces CF zone, breeder pitches predictable fit
September 10, 2023
Not every child behaves like a chimpanzee on crack, and there are PNBs who require their children to behave in public. They aren't the ones complaining about policies like this, because they are probably also wishing they could avoid you.

smileys with beer
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