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Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass

Posted by Cambion 
Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 04, 2023
This is a loooong read, but worth it. Short version is two people have a kid on purpose who turns out to be an absolute monster without the slightest hint of joy about him. Got much worse and more violent with age and no amount of therapy and medication made him more tolerable. The wife gets knocked up again by accident and the parents decide if the second kid is like the first one, they'd give it up for adoption.

Second kid turns out normal and the parents turn attention to the new child and pay none to the demon spawn, who is a teen at this point. That is until the fucker climbs through a window to get at the loaf and threaten it with a knife (also causing some minor injuries). Wellllll unfortunately for Sonny Boy here, Mom happened to be an amateur boxer and enters true "mama bear" mode and beats the absolute piss out of the son because he was probably fixing to kill the daughter. Not an exaggeration either - literally beats him so hard that he pisses his pants.

Moo leaves him in a bloody piss-soaked heap on the floor, takes a shower and the parents barricade themselves in the basement with the daughter while letting the son have free run of the upper parts of the house. He destroyed the place, but then he left. They never saw the son again after he got his ass beat.

While I can't imagine what a nightmare life must have been and there was no way the parents could have foreseen their child turning out this way, it was very refreshing to see them not just sit around with their thumbs up their asses while their mentally disturbed brat hurt or killed their infant like parents do now. Maybe the kid was insane and couldn't help it, but so many parents will just subject their normal children to these monsters and feel it's totally okay. It's honestly a shame she didn't kill him because who knows who else he's gone on to hurt or kill since he left.



Okay, fair warning, this one is long as hell. Apologies for that, but this is very hard for me and I have been carrying it for a lot of years. On the advice of my therapist, I’ve written it all out to try to work out my feelings on it. He didn’t advise me to submit it to Reddit of course, but I have struggled with this for a long time, and I need to hear other people’s opinion on it. I still really have no idea how I feel about it, even after all these years, but I will submit for judgment by the masses. I know I did wrong on some things, probably a lot of things. I tried to do my best that I could.

My son was very troubled. VERY troubled. If you have seen the movie "We Need To Talk About Kevin", it will really help to understand what I'm talking about, because I swear to God when I watched that film I thought I was watching a documentary of my life, I felt like the writer must have had cameras hidden in my damn house, that’s how accurate it was. The only difference is that in the movie, the boy appears normal to his father and only reveals his true nature to his mother, with my son he didn’t have that mask. His insane behavior was the same with everyone.

From the day he was born, my son just came out wrong. He was planned, my wife and I tried to get pregnant and were ecstatic when he was born. He was wanted and loved. We showered affection on him and really tried to give him a happy childhood. But from the day we brought him home from the hospital, he was miserable. He cried for 13 months straight. I’m not exaggerating, 13 months without a break, he cried until he had no voice left and kept crying, you could see his little face scrunched up and no sound coming out, totally hoarse. There were times he would literally be crying in his sleep, I’ve never seen or heard of any other kid able to do that. We brought him to doctors, specialists, tried changing his diet, held him, rocked him, toys, swaddling, music, mobiles, everything we could think of. Nothing worked. 13 months of grating, grinding, no sleep hell.

Once he got over the crying stage, we thought we were out of the woods. But it quickly became clear that for some unknown reason, he was just angry at being alive. I never saw that kid have a genuine, joyous smile once in the time I knew him. I saw him grin a vicious, horrible grin many times, taking a perverse pleasure from causing pain or suffering or breaking a rule, but a smile from real pleasure at something nice? No, never. Not once. He had no interest in anything positive; he was fueled by hate, and everything he did was bent toward that.

As soon as he could walk, his mission in life was to destroy things. He would break or try to break anything that came in his range, smash it, chew it, throw it in the toilet, whatever he could. After a while he figured out how to get his diaper off and took great pleasure in shitting and pissing anywhere he could. After a while he figured out he could hide it, and started pissing and shitting in places we wouldn’t find right away, grinding it into carpets making it even more of a problem to clean and making the house stink. When he got older, (ages 9-15) he would piss and shit in our bed, until we got a lock on our door and he wasn’t able to get in anymore; then he’d just take a dump in the hallway in front of our room. That biological warfare started around a 2 and a half years old and he never grew out of it.

I’ll try to speed it up as I could literally go on for days about this stuff, but as he grew older, he became more and more unmanageable. He would bite, kick, scream, scratch and spit at anyone trying to do anything with him. He was kicked out of school twice before he was 9, then let him back in and then kicked him out for good, he had to change schools. The next one put him in a special class that kept him away from the other students. We had to install a door and lock on the kitchen because he would steal knives and use them to gouge the walls/furniture or chase people with them. When he was 10, he stabbed me pretty good in the hip and ass, I still have the scars. As he grew older, he grew darker. He moved into setting things on fire, and torturing local animals. There was a stray dog that hung out around the park near our house, my son blinded it in one eye with a BBQ fork. He would dip cat’s tails in gasoline and light them on fire. He became a violent, stinking, vicious beast that lived in our house. We couldn’t do anything with him.

I will take this opportunity to preempt the tsunami of messages: YES, we had the kid in fucking therapy. He saw a psychiatrist twice a week, and had god knows how many different medications prescribed to him over the years. Nothing worked. Therapy didn’t work. Meds didn’t work. Nothing fucking worked. He was like a poison cloud of hate and fury lashing out at anything in his reach.

When my son was 16, my wife got pregnant again. I can’t tell you how different our reaction was. Instead of joy, we felt horror. This pregnancy had not been planned, and we really were at a loss over what to do. My son had been such an unending nightmare for 16 years, we couldn’t take the idea of starting again from the beginning. We talked a lot about terminating, but a) access to abortion was not as easy in those days as it is now, and b) my wife was very against it. We talked about many options. In the end, we decided that my wife would have the baby, and if it turned out evil we would put it up for adoption. We knew we just couldn’t do it again with another child like our son.

We had a daughter. She was normal. Suddenly we saw what our lives should have been like the whole time, how things would have been had our son not been himself. She laughed at things. She breast fed without biting (she didn’t have teeth yet anyway, but you could tell she was just trying to eat, not tear her mom’s breast off). After 4 months she was sleeping through the night. She was happy. She was NORMAL. I can’t describe the relief and happiness that we both felt, I don’t have the words for it.

This where I believe I may have started really pulling back from my son. Up until that time, whatever mistakes I made, I had always tried to do the best for my son, I am convinced of that. I tried to help him and love him and care for him, I really tried. But when my daughter was born, my wife and I both instinctively just turned toward her. She became our focus, not from malice, but just because she was so much EASIER. She was so happy and sweet, every moment we were with her was like magic. I understand this was wrong, but we honestly couldn’t help it. I don’t have a better explanation than that.

My son hadn’t given a shit about my wife being pregnant, I honestly don’t know if he really understood it, but when we brought our daughter home he started acting out even more. I didn’t think it was possible, but he took it up another notch. At this time he was 17, and we were having blow-out screaming matches daily. Usually after we fought, he would storm out of the house and disappear for hours at a time, or come back the next morning. It was a relief. I started to actually look forward to our fights because it would get him away from us for a while.

After the birth of our daughter, my relationship with my son was almost entirely gone, our only real interactions were screaming at each other. My wife was even worse with him, she just had nothing left. By that time, if our son even came in to the same room as her, she would just stop whatever she was doing and start screaming “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME! GET AWAY! GET THE FUCK OUT!” until he left. He started spending more and more time out of the house, which was a blessing for us. I have no idea what he got up to out in the world, but we were just happy it wasn’t being inflicted on us.

As a consequence of our son’s behavior, we had invested heavily in locks around our house. All of the cheap, thin interior doors in our home had been replaced with think, dense wood doors that couldn’t be kicked through, equipped with keyed locks that my wife and I carried keys to. I know it sounds extreme, but locks and heavy doors were the best way we had found to create safe spaces from him. And again, before I am inundated with messages, I was not locking my son in rooms like a prisoner, he had free reign of the house and could come and go as he pleased. My wife and I would lock OURSELVES in rooms to protect ourselves from him, if anything WE were the prisoners in our own home.

On the day in question, I had fought with my son in the morning and he had left the house in a rage. My wife and I were enjoying some peace and quiet in the kitchen while our daughter napped in our bedroom. And then my daughter began crying. Any parent who has young children can tell you, you get used to your child’s cries and you can tell after a while what they need, they cry differently if they are hungry, or need changing, or are just restless and want to be held. Babies can communicate pretty well before they can speak. This cry was none of those things. This cry was terror. The second we heard it my wife and I were both up out of our chairs and running to the room. The door was locked of course, and it took a few seconds to get the right key and get it open.

My son was in the room. We lived in a bungalow, and the bastard had climbed in the window to get to her. He was standing over her crib with a steak knife in his hand. I have no idea where he got it, it wasn’t one of ours; we controlled our knives very carefully and always kept them in locked drawers. I think he may have stolen it from one of our neighbor’s houses. He had broken her skin twice already, once in the belly area and once on her arm. I could see blood running down. When I entered the room he was dragging the back of the knife down her face, not cutting, almost tickling her with it, teasing her while she screamed. He looked up at us and smiled.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was already moving, running to put myself between them. I didn’t think about it, I just moved instinctively. Even with that, my wife got there faster, it was like a movie on fast forward, she got to our son and bashed his hand away, knocking the knife across the room and then shoved him with her whole body weight, so hard that he flew away from the crib and bounced off the wall. I picked up my daughter and held her while my wife screened us. I could see her shaking, almost convulsing. I can remember the smell of the room, the sound of my daughter screaming and wailing. The look on my son’s face as he stood there. Just nothing. Blank, dead, there was nothing in his eyes, no emotion. He looked like an alien to me. I watched my wife take a step toward him. I could have reached out and stopped her, but I didn’t. She stepped forward again, very close to him. I could have stopped her again. But I didn’t. She waited, looking at him for maybe 3 to 5 seconds without moving. And then she punched him in the face.

Now until this point, you may have been picturing my wife as a typical woman, small frame, dainty, delicate. This is not the case. My wife does have a small frame, but dainty and delicate she is not, never has been since I’ve known her. Since her early teens, my wife has been a boxer. MMA didn’t exist back then, but karate and boxing were big in those days, and my wife was a VERY talented amateur. She was about 130 pounds, she carried a lot of muscle and she knew how to punch. I had 70 pounds on her back then, and I have no doubt that in a real fight between me and her she could have and would have pounded me flat. Neither of us had ever laid a hand on our son in anger before, but something broke in her that day, and all the years of anger and pain and sorrow and frustration just came pouring out. When she hit him his head snapped back and blood started pouring out of his nose. He hardly reacted, he just looked at her with this shocked expression like he didn’t know how to process what had just happened. She waited another second. And then she hit him again.

I could have reached out and stopped her. I could have dragged her out of the room, taken her away, calmed her. I didn’t. I just stood there and watched while she systematically started to pound him to a pulp. Every time he brought his hands to cover one part she would blast him somewhere else, body, head, body, head, over and over. He started screaming, crying out, yelling for her to stop. It’s the most genuine reaction I’d ever seen him have to anything in his whole life. But she wasn’t stopping. I watched her ramping up, hitting harder, faster, working him like a heavy bag. He tried to swing at her and she slipped him easily. She was on auto pilot, sinking down into her training. I stood there watching for a minute. Then I turned my back on them and took my daughter out of the room.

I brought my daughter to the kitchen and gave her a bath in the sink. I found that he had cut her a third time on the sole of her foot. All the cuts were superficial. I cleaned her up and held her until she calmed. I put Polysporin and Band-Aids on her cuts. In our bedroom, I could hear my son screaming, calling my wife horrible names, telling her he would cut her head off and fuck her corpse. After a while, I didn’t hear him saying anything anymore, didn’t even hear him crying out. I assumed that he must have been knocked out. But I could still hear her beating him.

That went on for a long time. Long enough for my daughter to drift off to sleep in my arms. I just sat at the kitchen table waiting for her to finish. Finally she came out and sat down across from me. Her hands were swollen and red. Her face and arms were splattered with blood. Her chest was heaving. We just stared at each other without saying anything. After a while I asked her “Is he dead?” She looked back at me and answered “I fucking hope so”. I nodded. That was all there was to say about that. I understood how she felt perfectly. I felt the same. I didn’t know what to do, so we just sat there waiting silently. Eventually my wife started crying and went to go take a shower. I just stayed where I was holding our daughter.

After a long while, I heard moaning and sobbing coming from our room. It turned out that my son wasn’t dead. I went in to see how bad it was, and it was… pretty bad. I’ve never seen a more merciless beating laid onto anyone, before or since. He was lying on the floor, rolling around with blood leaking out of his face, lying in a pool of vomit. His nose was squashed flat out across his face, both of his eyes were completely swollen shut and starting to blacken already. I could see that a couple of his fingers were bent out at weird angles and he had pissed his pants. I think he must have been missing teeth, but I couldn’t see any on the floor and I couldn't see inside his mouth, his lips were all puffed up and swollen. From talking to my wife about it later, I know now that she had systematically beaten every part of his body, focusing heavily on his legs. She told me she kicked him in the groin repeatedly until her legs got tired, and had kept beating his body long after he had passed out.

When my wife came out of the shower, I still didn’t know what to do about our son. I didn’t know whether to call the police or an ambulance, take him to the hospital myself, I honestly didn’t have any idea what to do. After a while I realized that I simply didn’t care what happened to him anymore, and we decided to just let him live or die on his own. There was an in-law suite in the basement that we had never really used, and my wife, my daughter and I just moved down there. We simply ceded the top floor of the house to my son and locked everything down, separated our lives entirely. There was plenty of food in the upstairs cabinets, enough for a couple weeks or more, he had a washroom and bedrooms to use. We had a washroom in the basement, a small kitchenette, and a separate entrance so we just stopped going upstairs. We just decided we were done with him. I figured we'd let his food run out and see what happened.

Over the next week we could hear him moving around upstairs sometimes. I think he just spent most of time lying in bed recovering. I went to work, watching on high alert in case he attacked me in the driveway, but he never did. My wife stayed home with our daughter. She was never out of our sight. One night we heard him going ballistic, smashing things and banging. We didn’t respond. He never tried to get downstairs or get near us though. I think he was afraid that if he got near us again, my wife might finish the job on him. After three weeks down in the basement, we hadn’t heard anything from up above for a few days, and I ventured upstairs to the main floor of the house.

The place was demolished, and there was no sign of my son. He was gone. It took months to repair the damage he had done and get the main floor back to normal again. There was food and shit smeared all over the walls and broken glass on the floor, big holes in the dry wall, he had ripped the place apart. He tore up the linoleum in a corner of the kitchen and emptied an entire foam fire extinguisher into the living room. I feel thankful that he didn't burn the house down with us in it, I'm honestly not sure why he didn't, the kid wasn't shy about lighting things on fire. After that, I lived in fear every day that he would come back, that he would ambush us out of the blue and try to kill us. We moved house about 3 years later and I finally stopped being afraid that he would show up again, as now he had no idea where we were. I finally felt safe from him.

All this happened a long time ago. My son was born in the spring of 1971, my daughter was born in ’88. I'm an old man now, I’ll be 70 this year and my wife passed from cancer in 2016. My daughter is 31 now, I moved in with her and her husband after my wife passed. I’ve got two granddaughters and they are the joy of my life. I see a therapist a couple times a month to talk about all this. I don’t know where my son is. The last time I saw him was when he was lying on the floor of our bedroom, bleeding and smashed. I haven’t heard from him since he left, more than 30 years now. I don’t want to.

I carry a lot of guilt from that time, and a lot of conflicted emotions. I didn’t beat him myself, but I allowed him to be beaten, and I thought he deserved it. I was happy it happened. I didn’t try to kill him, but I would have been happy if he died. I will say that I do hope he was able to overcome his demons and go live a normal life somewhere. If he wasn’t able to do that, if he stayed the way he was, then I truly do hope someone out there killed him. When I knew him he was a rabid dog, and whichever way it went I just hope he isn’t still out there hurting anyone else.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 05, 2023
they made the mistake of leaving him in the house after the beat down. I would have added a few more blows to his head... in the hopes of giving him a brain bleed but then the bleeding hearts...

at anyrate they should have dragged him outside. but good for the mother to beat the shit out of him

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 06, 2023
The demon spawn reminds me of Mike Myers from the Halloween film. He was born with no conscience or empathy. He was born evil. People like him are just oxygen thieves and the world.is better off without them

Though I can't help but wonder why these parents didn't put him in a nut house or even turn him into the police. He more than fits the "danger to self and others" criteria.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 07, 2023
The demon spawn reminds me of Mike Myers from the Halloween film. He was born with no conscience or empathy. He was born evil. People like him are just oxygen thieves and the world.is better off without them

Though I can't help but wonder why these parents didn't put him in a nut house or even turn him into the police. He more than fits the "danger to self and others" criteria.

If the demon spawn was a teen, he might be placed somewhere for attacking a baby. But if brat 2 was young, then it is entirely Moo's job to wrangle both brats. It doesn't matter if older brat wasn't manageable. It sucks to be Moo.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 07, 2023
I think somewhere in the comments, the author mentions that they didn't have much in the way of access to proper mental health facilities when this happened. Not sure if they meant being financially able to admit the kid, or an actual lack of available facilities. So they had nowhere to store the psycho where he wouldn't be a threat to them.

As far as getting the cops involved, would they even bother doing anything since the perp was a minor and lived in the same house? Not to mention how easy it would be for the kid to put on a surprised face and act totally innocent if the police showed up. Unless they happened to have video of him being a nutcase, they wouldn't be able to prove he was nuts and dangerous. This went down in the late 80s, so no phone cameras - they would have had to rely on a camcorder. They couldn't throw him out because he could easily break back in, as evidenced by the fact he entered the house through a window with no issue. I don't know if CPS or Social Services could have taken him, though if he wound up severely hurting or killing their other child, they could have been charged with something for giving him access to her.

Aside from straight up killing the asshole, beating him to a pulp was probably the next best solution because it showed him that the parents weren't going to sit around and take his abuse anymore. Much like the author, I'm also shocked he didn't just burn the house down with the parents and his sister in it. They were all hunkered down in the basement, so the kid could have easily barricaded the door and set the house on fire and they may not have been able to get out. So they got lucky in that regard.

Given how trigger happy people have become, I wouldn't be surprised if the demon brat was dead at this point. He probably fucked with the wrong person and got his ass shot full of holes. You could win the gold medal in psychopathy, but you can't out-crazy a gun.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 07, 2023
Reagan dismantled the mental health system. There likely was no place to stow demon spawn.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 07, 2023
Reading stuff like this is reason # 456,789 I didn't have a kid. I mean, you don't know what you are going to get.

There was a kid who lived on a street where I lived from age 1-7. He was the younger brother of a friend. There was clearly something wrong with him. At age 5 he was like a little troll. He smeared his shit everywhere. Um, don't they grow out of that? I mean, how could you possibly think that's fun and want to do it over and over and over? He tried to flush everything down the toilet and when it overflowed, he would laugh. Same with the bathtub. He wanted to fill it up and watch it run over the sides and flood the house.

He found his dad's straight razors one day and was squeezing them for fun. He cut his hands up and had to go to the ER, but when he got his hands on them again, what did he do? Same thing. His dad had to start using an electric razor.

He seemed incapable of learning not to do things, even things that were harming himself. He was constantly having his stomach pumped because what he didn't flush down the toilet, he was putting in his mouth. If I would have been his mother I probably would have killed myself or him.

I'm really glad we moved away from there before he got old enough to start terrorizing other people. He's probably dead or in prison now.

Sometimes they just don't come out right.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 07, 2023
With defectos like that, I have to wonder how often the parents just let nature take its course. When it happens, it’s just a “tragic accident.”

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 07, 2023
Reagan dismantled the mental health system. There likely was no place to stow demon spawn.
May he rot in hell.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 07, 2023
Reagan dismantled the mental health system. There likely was no place to stow demon spawn.
May he rot in hell.

Yes indeed.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 07, 2023
Somebody called u/Luciferhimself666 replied to the OP and said that they might be his grandson based on the description of the psycho son. The OP never responded because it was several years and besides, who can blame him for not wanting any relationship with a potentially demon grandspawn?


It could be somebody just looking to tag onto the OP's story for karma, but in my work all my life, I've run into about 1 or 2 people that are almost as bad as the OP's son, so I can't discount any of this.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 08, 2023
With defectos like that, I have to wonder how often the parents just let nature take its course. When it happens, it’s just a “tragic accident.”

Most little kids love to court danger and I swear it's like they go out of their way to try to kill themselves. This is the normal ones too! The messed up ones are even worse. I would probably just ignore the kid for a bit, let natural consequences happen and call it an accident. I mean it's not like people wouldn't believe it. Pull out the classic I Only Looked Away For a SecondTM card.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if parents do this who are just fed up with their kids and don't want to murder them because they worry about getting caught. Leave a kid alone long enough, say you fell asleep because all parents are tired, and when you woke back up, Junior was dead on the floor. I'm sure an autopsy could show that there was no damage forcibly inflicted. Might still get a neglect charge, but if you cry enough alligator tears in court, you might get off scot-free. Especially if you're a woman because I think there is likely less sympathy for men under similar circumstances because women tend to do more of the child rearing and are more "entitled" to be tired.

And I did see the member in the comments saying they might be a relative. I mean even though the kid's father was a horribly abusive piece of shit, there are TONS of horribly abusive pieces of shit plucked from the same shitty branch. Not saying it's impossible, but it seems unlikely. And I don't blame the author one bit for not pursuing a conversation with the potential grandchild because he probably doesn't want to know the spawn his monster child created.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 08, 2023
Given this person called themselves "Luciferhimself666" I wouldn't want to tap into that if I was the OP. I'd just leave that shit alone.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 08, 2023
Given this person called themselves "Luciferhimself666" I wouldn't want to tap into that if I was the OP. I'd just leave that shit alone.
It's possible that it could just be a troll trying to stir the pot.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 09, 2023
Given this person called themselves "Luciferhimself666" I wouldn't want to tap into that if I was the OP. I'd just leave that shit alone.
It's possible that it could just be a troll trying to stir the pot.

That is very true. Either way I wouldn't respond.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 10, 2023
Given this person called themselves "Luciferhimself666" I wouldn't want to tap into that if I was the OP. I'd just leave that shit alone.
It's possible that it could just be a troll trying to stir the pot.

Considering the user name, I'd put my money on this.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 11, 2023
I have a bit of a hard time with this and suspect there is selective memory happening. The son may have had bad behaviors but I'm doubting they were perfectly kind and nice to him the entire time like they claim. And they seem to think of their daughter and themselves as perfect. It seems a little too black and white for me. Most people have more nuance and are a shade of gray. And back in the 70s-80s parents had a much easier time of getting away with abusing their kids and no one cared.

My narcissistic parents would have said the same thing about my sibling and I, even though I was unusually well behaved. Most of my bad behavior was age appropriate or a result of them forcing me to go to church or trying to control everything I did.

I was terrified of going out in public and doing anything wrong, as it was I was punished severely for doing very little. They convinced themselves that I was always doing something that deserved punishment and I tried to stay away as much as possible because being home meant being hit. If I was home after work my dad would have this psychotic look on his face as he walked through the door (because traffic pissed him off) and he would start hitting me. Most of the time I didn't know why because there wasn't a reason and asking meant more hitting "for talking back" and crying meant "giving me something to cry about."

My parents didn't have a single redeemable thing to say about me and were very verbally abusive. They were both very angry anytime I didn't act like an adult and if I forgot something or was clumsy (which kids do all the time) they acted like I did it just to piss them off. They made it much worse by making me so nervous I would do stupid stuff because I was terrified of them and being hit. If I was defensive (which I always was because of being hit all the time) it meant I was guilty automatically or why would I have that look on my face. If I was scared they'd roll their eyes in contempt and go into attack mode and "give me something to be scared about."

My sibling couldn't do anything wrong from the moment she was born. On the way home from the hospital my dad went on and on about how special and amazing she was. As if you can possibly know the temperament of a newborn baby. And growing up she did no wrong. If she cried, I was hit because perfect babies only cry if provoked.

I guarantee that they would act shocked and deny any of this happened and act exactly like this man and claim they tried so hard and were very patient. And I went very low contact with my parent, so our stories don't sound that different.

As a young adult I got away from my parents and realized very quickly I was much cleaner, well behaved and more mature than the other young adults my age. It was shocking but a healing realization, as they managed to convince me I was a slob, terribly behaved and very immature.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 12, 2023
That's very true, freya. After all, we are only hearing the father's side of the story. I mean it's definitely possible for a child to just be born bad, but the guy said himself that once their daughter was born and they learned she was normal, they devoted a majority of their attention to her because she was the child they were "supposed to" have, whereas the violent male creature was not their dream baby.

So it's possible the parents punished the demon spawn for existing and it became a never-ending cycle of him acting out and them punishing him and the kid acting out to punish them for punishing him. It's possible he acted out at least some of the time for affection or attention, but was ignored. It's possible he was abused and that was conveniently left out of the original story because it would make the parents seem like less than doting parents who just tragically wound up with a monster. It's hard to say because I'm sure the son would have horrible things to say about his parents too while he paints himself as a perfect angel.

Re-reading the story, maybe he wasn't meaning to try to kill the younger child, but just provoke his parents. Because he got access to the younger kid and was armed with something to kill it and definitely could have done much more to her than cause relatively minor injuries. But I'm guessing he wasn't expecting his mother to beat the ever-loving shit out of him either.

It's hard to say. When people tell stories, sometimes they lie by omission to make themselves out to be bigger victims for maximum sympathy. I have no way of knowing if that's what this guy is doing or if everything he said is the full story. From the sounds of it, they did whatever they could to help with the son's mental health issues, but some people are so fucked in the head that they are beyond help. Could be the kid lied to his therapists too.

I still can't fault the mother for her reaction because if someone is standing over your kid with a knife, you're going to go apeshit on them, even if that someone is also your kid. He probably figured his parents would emotionally cry and beg him not to hurt his sister and he could basically hold them hostage.

But I have to wonder: if he was well and truly such a terror and a danger, why did they not surrender him? Were they concerned about backlash from family if they tried to hand their brat over to the state? I wonder if he was ever Baked Acted? The Baker Act became a thing in the 70s, so it's not like it didn't exist at the time this shit happened.

Unfortunately there is no way to know for sure. Maybe the kid really was evil incarnate and was beyond help. Maybe the parents were shitty at least some of the time and facilitated his awful behavior in one way or another.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 12, 2023
I sometimes forget when I read horror stories like this, I'm only getting one side unless the other person or people come out to tell their side of what really happened. I guess the line for me would be anyone who inflicts bodily harm on a vulnerable individual like an infant or animal (or an elderly or disabled person who can't fight back). I'd do whatever I could within reason to help the person being hurt. I wouldn't necessarily have to be related to them for me to do that.

I've heard of kids not being born "right in the head" and having serious tendencies towards violence so it's not a far reach for me to believe the poster, but it doesn't exactly sound like they loved their kid at all. He must've known this from very early on and when his parents started doting on his sister, it probably snapped something in his brain.

It's so hard to tell sometimes. I wish there was more info but I guess that's all we have to go on. I guess I was one of the lucky ones that despite being horribly abused and suffering with PTSD early in life, I never felt the need to do these things.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 22, 2023
I don't know why those parents, after beating that piece of shit, didn't drag his damn ass outside.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Demon spawn tries to harm infant, parent whoops his ass
September 24, 2023
And I did see the member in the comments saying they might be a relative. I mean even though the kid's father was a horribly abusive piece of shit, there are TONS of horribly abusive pieces of shit plucked from the same shitty branch. Not saying it's impossible, but it seems unlikely. And I don't blame the author one bit for not pursuing a conversation with the potential grandchild because he probably doesn't want to know the spawn his monster child created.

I looked at the poster claiming to be a possible grandson. He listed his father's initials, and said his father's name (the demon son) was Scott. The amount of detail and the length of time he kept dragging this out make me think that there might be something to this. Could you imagine the father logging into his reddit throwaway account some time later, and seeing the PMs that he got from this guy, claiming to be his grandson? That must have sent shivers down his spine. I wouldn't reply either, in fact, I'd delete the whole damn post and the account so it would be untracable. Wherever the father is, I hope he's living his best life with his daughter and grandkids.
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