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Italian mother legally kicking sons out

Posted by cfdavep 
Italian mother legally kicking sons out
October 28, 2023

They are 40 and 42, refuse to work even while living with her and do not help out around the house so she took them to court. The jerks are counter suing. I think they are basically saying "well, you chanced it having kids"
Re: Italian mother legally kicking sons out
October 28, 2023
mob with pitchforks chasing another


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Italian mother legally kicking sons out
October 28, 2023
be interesting to see how this pans out. some of these coddled dicks can become violent

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Italian mother legally kicking sons out
October 28, 2023
Doesn't help that Italy is completely baby rabid.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Italian mother legally kicking sons out
October 29, 2023
I remember hearing an argument from someone along this line. Their logic was that since they didn't ask to be born and were forced into existence, their parents should have to support them financially for the rest of their lives because their parents were the ones who chose to reproduce.

If you breed, you have to accept the possibility that your kid could never work or leave and will just leech off you forever. It's one of many, many, many reasons I don't want to breed because you can no longer look forward to kicking them out at 18. They could become a permanent fixture in your home, finding each and every excuse to not support themselves.

I'm also eager to see how this pans out, especially because the lazy fucks are counter-suing. The mother must have done a shit job of raising them for them to continue being parasites in their 40s and feeling so entitled to living with their mother that they are willing to sue her over an eviction.
Re: Italian mother legally kicking sons out
October 29, 2023
Italy is currently in recession and jobs that allow you to rent an apartment are difficult to find.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Italian mother legally kicking sons out
October 29, 2023
My guess is that the mom in this situation fully expected both of her kids to obtain jobs by the time they were 40 years old. But I'm not familiar with the culture in the northern part of Italy.

Italy, at least southern Italy has a 40% unemployment rate. I lived there. Parents send their kids to the UK to learn English and to obtain a degree. The norm there is for kids to live with their parents because it is practically impossible to obtain a job until a person hits 40. I still don't know what magically happens at 40 which makes a person employable in Italy.

When I first heard this my thought was that most people would decide not to reproduce due to the circumstances in the country. I mean, who other than a very wealthy person can afford to sustain a teenager for 27 years? Even if a person thinks he/she can afford it, their financial situation can change in 27 years.

It is still a really big deal to reproduce there because as usual parents don't think about the fact that they're gonna have a perma-brat, they just think baybee! baybee! baybee! Then reality hits and the kid is in a state of arrested adolescence at 35 and is still moping on the couch and asking for spending money to go to the mall. And the sad part is the kid has no choice.
Re: Italian mother legally kicking sons out
October 29, 2023
I remember hearing an argument from someone along this line. Their logic was that since they didn't ask to be born and were forced into existence, their parents should have to support them financially for the rest of their lives because their parents were the ones who chose to reproduce.

It is so interesting that nothing brings about obligation or guilt like parunting. Either the parunts claim the kids owe them care in their old age or the kids claim the parents owe them for bringing them into existence.

Parents or wannabees will proclaim how wonderful having brats is yet they are the first ones to stamp their feet and demand "society" pay for the luxury of their time away from their brats (daycare). And if parenting was so wonderful you'd never hear a word about the kids owing the parents for bringing them into existence.

There are adult requirements:
Bringing children into existence is optional until they exist. I guess parents get the big stamp of approval from society and/or their families for spawning. I can research the costs for myself and determine if it is worth pursuing. If I don't like it it is on me. There are consequences for neglecting or abusing children.

I have a job and in return, am paid and can afford to live. At least I'm getting something in return for my investment. If I don't like my job I can take steps to find something better. I don't have to eat, clean or have good hygiene but there are consequences for these choices and the consequences can put my job/relationships/health in jeopardy. I also don't have to be healthy but there are consequences for that too.

Then there are the optionals in life:
I have hobbies and if I stopped deriving joy from these hobbies I'd stop doing them. I've dated and can choose to end the relationship or not go on another date if I'm not getting anything positive out of the experience or decide I'd be happier single.
Re: Italian mother legally kicking sons out
November 01, 2023
I remember hearing an argument from someone along this line.
I'm also eager to see how this pans out, especially because the lazy fucks are counter-suing. The mother must have done a shit job of raising them for them to continue being parasites in their 40s and feeling so entitled to living with their mother that they are willing to sue her over an eviction.

The chickens are coming home to roost and the results aren't going to be pretty. I'm willing to bet that the sons were GoldenPenises that were coddled to high-heaven by their mother as children
Re: Italian mother legally kicking sons out
November 04, 2023
What's going to happen to all these unemployed man hidden when their parents die?
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