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Angelina Jolie - GAG!

Posted by M4P 
Angelina Jolie - GAG!
October 10, 2008
Jolie shown breastfeeding on magazine cover

Not the Mama
Re: Angelina Jolie - GAG!
October 10, 2008
Ewww, I can't stand seeing public breastfeeding, let alone on a magazine cover with an overexposed moo-lebrity! There are already people lauding her for being a symbol to "promote" breastfeeding. Big WTF? I didn't even know that drooping udders in a cootch-muffin's mouth was going out of style enough to need celebrity endorsement!

Here's an interesting fact: Angelina said once that she NEVER wanted to give birth biologically, she only wanted to adopt. That is until she met her a mayyyun (B.Pitt) that changed her mind. Yet, she's supposed to be a charitable humanitarian, apparently without caring one whit about overpopulation and the overuse of natural resources. Prime example of how moohood kills any sense of logic and practicality.
Re: Angelina Jolie - GAG!
October 10, 2008
Not the Mama Wrote:
> Ewww, I can't stand seeing public breastfeeding,
> let alone on a magazine cover with an overexposed
> moo-lebrity! There are already people lauding her
> for being a symbol to "promote" breastfeeding. Big
> WTF? I didn't even know that drooping udders in a
> cootch-muffin's mouth was going out of style
> enough to need celebrity endorsement!
> Here's an interesting fact: Angelina said once
> that she NEVER wanted to give birth biologically,
> she only wanted to adopt. That is until she met
> her a mayyyun (B.Pitt) that changed her mind. Yet,
> she's supposed to be a charitable humanitarian,
> apparently without caring one whit about
> overpopulation and the overuse of natural
> resources. Prime example of how moohood kills any
> sense of logic and practicality.

Yeah, the tired, "...love of my life, we wanted to create a blending of ourselves" defense. These two won't even be together in a few years in all likelihood. Parenthood is selfish on so many levels it's ridiculous. This idea that parenthood is selfish is clearly supported by the "issues" which crop up after the baybee cuteness, the dressing the little replicas in matching moo-daughter outfits, and the toddler stage is gone. Once the little bastard starts exhibiting it's own personality and personal likes, dislikes, and opinions, and they don't match up with moomie and duddy's, the fun is over and Chuck E. Cheese has left the building. Being a celebrity on the "beautiful crowd" circuit is completely meaningless and worthless once the new wears off and their uterus has to be tacked up or removed so they can walk without their fallen twat bouncing against their upper thighs.
Re: Angelina Jolie - GAG!
October 10, 2008
Angelina would like to think she is the penultimate everything.
Re: Angelina Jolie - GAG!
October 10, 2008
I hate that fucking cow so much. I can't wait until the media stops kissing her breeder ass. Unfortunately, she's only 33, right? So she can still have another truckload of baybees with her equally revolting Brat Pig.

And you just know that all the lactating moos out there are going to lap this up and become even bigger attention whores because they, too, can now be "just like Skankelina! OMGWTFBBQ!11!1!"
Re: Angelina Jolie - GAG!
October 10, 2008
Still another good reason NOT to adopt, especially a cuteeeee widdle baybee.

Continuous presence of just ONE puppy-eyed kyd could swiftly turn even the proudest, most militant child-hater's brain into a big, pulsating placenta.

Now this bitch probably wants to take the title from Mrs. Duggar, too!doh face
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