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More breeder entitlement from reddit

Posted by kittehpeoples 
More breeder entitlement from reddit
November 10, 2023
I...just...wow. hitting head against a brick wall

I'm hoping this one is fake, but I'm guessing it's not.

AITA for telling my sister that people are allowed to look annoyed by her toddler and baby on a plane

AITA for telling my sister that people are allowed to look annoyed by her toddler and baby on a plane and that it's entitled to say they should feel sorry for her because "it's even worse for me" because she made the a choice to take them on the plane?

Note, I'm well aware fathers are equally responsible for their children and her husband was with her on the flights, but he wasn't present for the conversation and it was only with my sister so focuses on her.

My sister "Chelsea" has two children, 22 months and 6 months, and last month her and her husband decided to go on a holiday to Europe before they'd have to buy a seat for the kids. She said the kids were "terrible flyers" and basically cried the whole way on both trips (we are from Australia) and wouldn't settle.

She has made a lot of passive aggressive posts on social media about how entitled non parents are about kids on planes and how people need to have more sympathy for mums because they are suffering more than they are because their babies won't settle and being a parent is hard. She's been kinda....whiney in general since she became a mum, always complaining about hard it is and she makes a lot of snide comments to me about how it "must be nice" that I sleep in etc because I've chosen not to have kids.

The plane situation came up when I saw her last night. She started talking about it again and I asked her if something specific happened or if someone was rude to her about the kids and she admitted that they weren't really, people just looked visibly annoyed as they kids refused to settle and on one of the flights, the person next to her asked the flight attendant if there was anywhere else she could sit after a couple of hours and looked really disappointed when told there wasn't as the flight was full. She also said they were rude because none of them offered to help her or give her reassuring smiles and comments.

I said that people have the right to be annoyed at a baby crying the whole way from Melbourne to Singapore on a flight that leaves at 1am in the morning and lands at like, 9am, and she went off saying that they don't and her kids have a right to fly. I told her I never said they didn't, just that people have the right to not be thrilled to be seated next to her infant who cries the whole way and that they don't have to feel more sorry for her than themselves because she is responsible for bringing the kids onto the plane and created the situation. I also said that no one but her and her husband are obligated to look after their children on a flight and it isn't fair to expect the people around her to help with them.

She stormed out and complained to my parents who backed my up, but our other sister started dogpiling me too so I just went home.
Re: More breeder entitlement from reddit
November 10, 2023
And why is it anyone's job but the parents' to soothe/placate screeching brats on planes? They aren't my damn kids. I don't need to have a speck of sympathy for some dumb fuck who CHOSE to reproduce and made their lives harder. The extent of any reassuring comment I could offer this twat would be "you should have aborted."

And yeah, people have every right to be annoyed by this cunt's screaming kids on a flight. Flying sucks enough as it is without listening to crying and shrieking the entire time. I feel bad for the poor sap stuck next to Moo and her squealing brood because you can't tell these asshat parents to shut their kids up because the parents will throw tantrums about how haaaaaaaard it is.

Most kids don't do well on planes, period. Toddlers don't sit the fuck still and will want out of their seats so they can run around and be annoying little shits. Babies will scream from the change in pressure. If she doesn't like the nasty glares and rude comments about her kids' shitty behavior, then she can just not fucking fly until they're older.

Sounds like Moo is bitter about becoming a Moo because she expected the imaginary village to step up and help her with her life choice and they aren't. Maybe she should have thought about that shit before crapping out two kids a little over a year apart.
Re: More breeder entitlement from reddit
November 10, 2023
Oh, so now moo feels angry that she can't control the emotions and thoughts of other people who are being affected by her noisy brats? HA. She sounds like a real peach.

I hate flying and I probably won't be on a plane anytime soon unless it's absolutely necessary. It's miserable enough being stuck in a sardine can in the middle of the night for several hours breathing recycled air without the noise and disruption of kids.

She's in for a lot more. Her kids are young and they're going to probably piss off and annoy a lot of people. She made the choice to reproduce, she has to deal with the consequences. Too bad. I really don't know why a breeder would take their brats on a plane anyways. It's got to be awful for everyone. Unless it's something really necessary, I don't get it.
Re: More breeder entitlement from reddit
November 11, 2023
Dying to know how many parents she has helped on a plane, or church, or restaurant that struggle settling their kids before OR after she spooged out her own bratz.twitching eyes
Re: More breeder entitlement from reddit
November 12, 2023
Dying to know how many parents she has helped on a plane, or church, or restaurant that struggle settling their kids before OR after she spooged out her own bratz.twitching eyes

Good point! She probably just rolled her eyes and sighed out loud like the rest of us.
Re: More breeder entitlement from reddit
November 13, 2023
Dying to know how many parents she has helped on a plane, or church, or restaurant that struggle settling their kids before OR after she spooged out her own bratz.twitching eyes

No, it's an unwritten rule that single parents don't have to help other parents. Everything is already Too Hard for them and the world should be helping them, not the other way around.
Re: More breeder entitlement from reddit
November 13, 2023
Dumb cunt.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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