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Link between autism and parental infertility

Posted by Cambion 
Link between autism and parental infertility
November 23, 2023
Recent studies show there's a possible correlation between autism in kids and infertility in the parents.

Is this why we have so many more fucking awtards anymore?? I know infertility is pretty common, at least in the USA (this is a Canadian study, by the way). I thought maybe it had somethnig to do with fertility treatments, but it seems the risk for birthing an awtard was the same regardless of whether the parents sought medical intervention or got lucky and conceived naturally.

It could also have something to do with the age of the parents. The ones from the study were all in their thirties, which for women, is considered a "geriatric" pregnancy. The study also mentions a possible link between multiples and autism diagnoses, which I assume is something that occurs more with fertility treatments because wanna-breeders will get multiple fertilized eggs implanted and then won't reduce the litter when all of them take. Pre-term birth was also cited as a possible factor, which again, I think is more common with fertility treatments.

Apparently the infertility rate in the US is actually worse than in Canada too. According to this study, one in six couples are infertile in Canada. In the USA, it's more like one in four or five, according to the CDC.



Summary: A study involving 1.3 million children found that children born to parents with fertility issues have a slightly higher risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The research suggests that the risk of ASD is increased in children of parents previously diagnosed with infertility, regardless of whether fertility treatments were involved.

P.S. I tried to copy/paste the entire study text, but kept getting an error message, so I just shared the summary.
Re: Link between autism and parental infertility
November 23, 2023
just under the heading .. the whining infertile myrtles cause more trouble... and it has been known for a loooong time ivf results in higher incidents of birth defects. but the shuffling zombie morons that snuffle and whine and bitch about wanting their own replicant don't care what they inflict on the kids.. and everyone else for that matter

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Link between autism and parental infertility
November 23, 2023
I don't know if it's the medications used (if any) in fertility treatments that can increase the incidence of birth defects and premature birth, or if it's the fact that people whose bodies are trying to prevent pregnancy are forcing it to happen. Maybe some of both? It also doesn't help that many people who pursue IVF and IUI and all the other fertility acronyms are sometimes past their breeding prime. Thirty-five years old is certainly not old in general, but in terms of reproductive age, it's a woman's winter years. I know sperm has a "best by" date too, but I think men get at least another decade or two out of their sperm before it starts making unhealthy sprogs.

It is not hard to get pregnant or impregnate someone. If you can't do it, there's a good goddamn reason for it. Your body is trying to not perpetuate your genes because something somewhere in there is fucked up. This is supposed to mean DON'T BREED, not play god and breed anyway.

I'm sure doctors explain these risks to their patients, but of course wanna-breeders don't care what they inflict on their kids. Just so long as they can get their little biological xerox copies. Then when the kid comes out with a mile-long list of health issues and requires tons of medical intervention and/or life long care, breeders will moan about how unfair it is. If you can't handle getting the booby prize, don't play the game.
Re: Link between autism and parental infertility
November 25, 2023
I think that the cows and duhs are generally more defective in general and more likely to produce defective brats.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Link between autism and parental infertility
December 01, 2023
Just more evidence that nature usually knows what it's doing.
Re: Link between autism and parental infertility
December 01, 2023


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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