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Financial dummies

Posted by cfdavep 
Financial dummies
November 27, 2023

This dude just can't seem to manage his finances and went and bought a Dodge Charger in order to "look cool" with $800/month payments and no one cares. The dude is married and of course they just had a kid. I was thinking, maybe skip the kid as that is now his huge financial burden and be smarter. If he just had to have a cool car, get a used one. The advice guy told him to smarten up for future kids and their future. Funny how kids are always comsidered an expense you can never escape and having them is never considered irresponsible no matter how dumb people are.
Re: Financial dummies
November 27, 2023
Oh gosh, I feel for his wife and kid. I don't sense this is going to work out well for them. People who are car fanatics tend to stay that way and many would consider living in their car rather than giving it up. And you know he is one because buying a car within a year of filing bankruptcy means he has a sky-high interest rate. They'll likely end up car poor and upside down in cars. It is a vicious cycle.

When I lived in OK I knew LOTS of people there that were car poor and upside down in their cars. I also knew lots of people who had a higher car payment than a mortgage. It was a very big deal there for lots of people to buy the most expensive car they couldn't afford could finance. Some did the same with a house. They would forget that just because they had a low mortgage didn't mean their utility bills weren't sky high. An average house there (around 1,700 sq ft.) could easily mean an electric bill of $300-$400 and this was in the late 90's.
I knew a guy who was saving for nothing other than a...BMW. And then his girlfriend announced she was inpig. He ended up with a famblee car and was bitter. Once the brat emerged, he turned into a huge whine fest and grew even more bitter. He may have been the most bitter man I've ever been around. I gave up talking with him because you couldn't say a word without him turning it into some kind of whine fest, angst or negativity. I couldn't even wish him a good day without a high potential of me having my head bit off. Prior to that he was fun and lighthearted. It was quite the change.
Re: Financial dummies
November 28, 2023
Guy gets cool car to pick up chicks.
Guy gets said chicks, knocks one up.
Guy can't afford car because, yeah.
Guy trades in cool car for minivan and drives everyone off a cliff.

Ahhh...'tis the cycle of life. XD
Re: Financial dummies
November 28, 2023
"Guy gets cool car to pick up chicks.
Guy gets said chicks, knocks one up.
Guy can't afford car because, yeah.
Guy trades in cool car for minivan and drives everyone off a cliff.

Ahhh...'tis the cycle of life. XD"

HAHAHA! That is hilarious. I think there was an E. Indian doc who drove his Tesla of a cliff in CA to get rid of his family, but everyone survived.
Re: Financial dummies
November 28, 2023
think I heard about that. indian 'kulture' sucks for the most part. still the fucking ass licking patriarch petrie dish of it. coming rapidly to a state near you

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Financial dummies
November 28, 2023
I know in indian culture it is more important to have many many children, even if that means youre living in squalor, hungry and in dire poverty. They do not believe in having a small family, and living normally where you actually could afford to feed them.

They see a big family starving in squalor, they think that family is blessed. They see family with 2 kids, and food in their stomachs, decent clothes on their bodies, and a solid roof over their head, and they see that family as sad and not blessed.

Somehow seeing your child starve is loving them by giving them tons of siblings. I'm sure my view would be considered ethnocentric. Whatever.
Re: Financial dummies
November 28, 2023
I know in indian culture it is more important to have many many children, even if that means youre living in squalor, hungry and in dire poverty. They do not believe in having a small family, and living normally where you actually could afford to feed them.

They see a big family starving in squalor, they think that family is blessed. They see family with 2 kids, and food in their stomachs, decent clothes on their bodies, and a solid roof over their head, and they see that family as sad and not blessed.

Somehow seeing your child starve is loving them by giving them tons of siblings. I'm sure my view would be considered ethnocentric. Whatever.

Many Indians are giving this view the finger as demographics nerds are reporting the birthrate in India is only 2.1 now.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Financial dummies
December 04, 2023
I've seen some Indian CF over in the Reddit CF sub, they're likely to be very isolated! Especially for the ones in India.
Did you know it is normalized in Indian culture for the father to not pick up the infants until they are 7 or more months old?
Talk about a nightmare for female Indians! My guess is that we see a rapid growth of childfree Indian women over the next 20 years.

I've related my story here before about the Indian I worked with who started hysterically bawling very loudly when I told her I didn't want kids while at work. I didn't bring up the topic, she did. I just had an IUD inserted and I think she was concerned that it would make me sterile or something, so she started asking me about it. I probably told her I wished it would or I wasn't concerned. Her husband was child free, not sure how the two of them ended up together. We were friends and attended a dance class together and also went out for dinner several times. After that reveal she promptly cut me out of her life and was only polite at work.
Re: Financial dummies
December 05, 2023
I do not remember hearing that one. It doesn’t sound like much of a loss.

She sounds mentally unhinged.
Re: Financial dummies
December 05, 2023
I've seen some Indian CF over in the Reddit CF sub, they're likely to be very isolated! Especially for the ones in India.
Did you know it is normalized in Indian culture for the father to not pick up the infants until they are 7 or more months old?
Talk about a nightmare for female Indians! My guess is that we see a rapid growth of childfree Indian women over the next 20 years.

I've related my story here before about the Indian I worked with who started hysterically bawling very loudly when I told her I didn't want kids while at work. I didn't bring up the topic, she did. I just had an IUD inserted and I think she was concerned that it would make me sterile or something, so she started asking me about it. I probably told her I wished it would or I wasn't concerned. Her husband was child free, not sure how the two of them ended up together. We were friends and attended a dance class together and also went out for dinner several times. After that reveal she promptly cut me out of her life and was only polite at work.

Most marriages are arranged by the couples' family in India.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Financial dummies
December 06, 2023
Guy gets cool car to pick up chicks.
Guy gets said chicks, knocks one up.
Guy can't afford car because, yeah.
Guy trades in cool car for minivan and drives everyone off a cliff.

bouncing smileys
Re: Financial dummies
December 06, 2023
Many Indians are giving this view the finger as demographics nerds are reporting the birthrate in India is only 2.1 now.

Yeah, most of the people I know who grew up in India have just one sibling. I know 3 youngish Indians who are CF as well. But there's a huge gulf between people who are educated and those whose families will push them into child marriages. Of course not that different from breeders in other countries - the less people have, the more they seem to reproduce.
Re: Financial dummies
December 06, 2023

Yeah, most of the people I know who grew up in India have just one sibling. I know 3 youngish Indians who are CF as well. But there's a huge gulf between people who are educated and those whose families will push them into child marriages. Of course not that different from breeders in other countries - the less people have, the more they seem to reproduce.

Nod, but there is progress, a bet painfully sssssllllllloooooowwwwww progress.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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