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Conservatives using "ex cf" woman for political clout

Posted by cfdavep 
Conservatives using "ex cf" woman for political clout
December 11, 2023

She claims she was once cf and her hubby ditched her for a woman who wanted kids. Now she is claiming that she had a 180 and regrets that the hubby is gone and now at 38 it is too late to go through the husband finding process and have a kid traditionally. Intead of looking into her own mind deeply from the get go, she decides to "blame feminism" for brainwashing her early on and the conservatives are using her as an example of all women out there who forgo babies and now "it is too late" nothing but "cats and old age" now.

The story made it to bodybuilding.com and I had no idea how conservative male body builders can be, not all of them were like this, but some were saying women need to stick to Pilates and Yoga, marry young, pop out at least a couple to prevent looking older down the road. Yep, kids make people look so much younger.
Re: Conservatives using "ex cf" woman for political clout
December 11, 2023
OMG are we sympatico or what? I was just about to post this!

I couldn't make it through the video. I was thinking the dumb bitch should be drawn and quartered. She must be making some money to open herself to the hostility of the Red Pillers. And of course she's not CF because if you were CF, why would you say you always wanted kids, but suddenly you are 39 and don't have any? Huh?

Can she speak a sentence without saying the word "like?"

ETA: It just goes to show you that women cannot win. She was in a marriage that ended in divorce. If she had stayed in the marriage and caved and became a single Moo, she would have been criticized. You don't have children and you are single? You are a selfish whore and slut. You either use your uterus too much or not enough. And she fits right in with the stereotypes: you are either raising kids, or you are shopping and going to parties and sleeping with random men.

Doesn't this dumb bitch realize there are plenty of parents out there who have kids and are using drugs, screaming at their kids and abusing them, tuning their kids out and sleeping with random men? How about the people who have kids and leave them in hot cars? Are they living a meaningful life just because they are parunts?

And what makes this bitch think that parents aren't selfish in our "me-centered culture?"

Dumb bint.
Re: Conservatives using "ex cf" woman for political clout
December 12, 2023
There are plenty of men who would love a wanna-breeder woman. If she wants brats as she's pushing 40 and if she's not too picky on the kind of man that fathers her child, she could absolutely still sprog. Given how much breeder and wanna-breeder men flock to unchilded women, she could probably find someone or at least get herself knocked up pretty easily. She's not hideous or anything (ugly crying aside), so she could land someone if she doesn't have a shit personality.

And people get married at all ages, who says she couldn't find a partner at her age? If she's worried about being childless and alone, she could at least try to not be alone. This sounds like a midlife crisis to me.

She runs the risk of various issues to herself and the fetus breeding at her age anyway because it would be considered a geriatric pregnancy, but since when has a little thing like health/well-being crossed the minds of someone who must have a child at all costs?

I'm sure adoption is out of the question because I'm sure she couldn't possibly love a child that isn't biologically hers and only DNA replicants will fill the void.

Also, feminism didn't make her do anything. You can be a feminist and a parent - feminism is not always synonymous with "no kids." She just doesn't want to accept the fact that her voluntary choice to not breed during her prime breeding years is her own damn fault. Did feminists sew her vagina shut and force her to be nulliparous? No they did not. She needs to stop being a baby and own up to the fact she made a bad decision and move the fuck on.

But it looks like not long after the story hit headlines, she found "the one" after going out with a longtime friend and they are already discussing marriage. So she says. Some women think any human with a penis and a pulse is The OneTM.

And then a happy turn to Persling's story arrived, which she describes as the exception and not the rule for women in her age group. Shortly after penning the article, she dated a man who she previously befriended. They're already talking about marriage and a future.

While Persling doesn't consider herself a feminist, she attributed feminism – in part – as the reason she had thought negatively about marriage.

No, I think she saw marriage negatively because she married a man whom she was clearly not compatible with. He wanted a traditional mommy/maid/concubine/wife and she wanted a career and resented him for asking what was for dinner or if the laundry was done. This was not feminism's fault - this was her fault for settling for someone who obviously was not a good match for her.

I'm glad she's happy and all for now. Hopefully her new beau knows what he's getting himself into because I'm sure it won't be long before his future is filled with ovulation charting, discussions about cervical mucus viscosity, sex only during fertile days, IVF, being told to wear loose boxers in order to produce the best possible sperm, no hot baths because it damaegs sperm and hysterical sobbing every month she does not get pregnant. You know it's on the docket. Wanna-breeder women are fucking crazy.
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