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Sister demand a bedroom swap after she's pregnant-belittles younger sister when refuses swap-AITA

Posted by cfuter 

As usual, the entitlement starts the minute the sperm meets the egg. Pregger Moo demands swap and calls younger sister names when wont change bedrooms for her in their parents house.

"She started going on about how I have no idea how hard it’s going to be for her and a bunch of other stuff to try and make me feel bad, but I basically told her I don’t care how much she asks for it I’m not swapping." Responses are mixed. I'm glad the sister refused becuz otherwise it will be a long line of requests from the Moo that she will think she's entitled to. Moo gets knocked up and expects the world to bend to her. It's nice if someone offered but if not, so what, it is what it is moo, youre the one changing the whole household w/ the noisy brat.
that is the problem that arises from moo worship. who gives a crap.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
I just read that over on Reddit and I was pretty surprised how many people thought the girl should just hand over her room to her sister, just because she managed to get knocked up. I'm of the mind that why should she be rewarded for being an idiot?

Oh well, I did see that there were quite a few people who pointed out the opposite and it kind of made me feel better, but I hate how anyone who goes against the holy moo over there end up being attacked by being called teenagers, incels, you name it. It just goes to show that breeders have no problem resorting to ad hominem attacks if someone points to the errors in their thinking.
Little sister will probably lose, and anyway, if she's smart she will want to give up her room because she would be moving to a room upstairs.

Piggo is arguing that she doesn't want to take a pram up and down the steps. When you think about it, if Piggo and her loaf are upstairs and Loaf becomes a toddler, it's going to be running around and making all kinds of noise. I'd rather be upstairs and away from it. Yeah, she's going to lose her newly-decorated room, but she will also get peace and quiet.

As an aside, the 21 year old is paying rent and living at her parents, and there appears to be no Dud in the picture, naturally. Her parents must be so proud. I don't know why more people don't say, hey, if you are going to get knocked up, it's your husband or boyfriend's job to take care of you, not ours. (Or better yet, get it scraped out and go on with your life if Dud2Be is a loser.)

But they never have any backbone and they end up supporting their children and grandchildren.
Ever see that meme where there's a cartoon of an old (frowning) man w/ a cane, a (frowning)man w/ a broken leg/crutches, a (smiling )lady carrying a baby maybe BFing it, and a (smiling )pregnant woman, and has the question asks "who gets the seat?"

The shocking amount responses that go right to the pregger is stunning like "period, the end" "new life wins" even after I noted the man w/ the crutches literally CAN'T stand, likely in pain from the broken leg and hopping around. The simpleton thinking is outta control. At least some of the ppl said they would pick the women but they are smiling so they are ok. Good point there at least. I also wanted to get into how the earliest feminists fought to not make pregnasty a disability and for women to be taken seriously, but I'm sick of bickering online.

How getting knocked up and usually shittly parunting your brats makes you special somehow is the ultimate super lie of life. Especially, since a vast majority of people are doing it and then claim once a parunt always a parunt, how can everyone be special and need special treatment?

I think the household will be turned upside down no matter what, I think if the sister wants to keep her room, let her. The pregger doesnt need to take a pram into her room no matter where the room is. How about during the day when the baby naps? Isnt there gonna be more noise downstairs where the action is? The baby could nap upstairs and be away from the noise.
That sounds like a pathetic meme and I'd gladly give up my seat to an elderly person much sooner than someone carrying a loaf.
I hate how old people are just discarded nowadays. It's so sad to me.

I have a soft spot for elderly and disabled people as well as animals. I don't see a perfectly healthy person smiling with a loaf as anyone who requires my assistance for anything.
I would also gladly give up my seat to someone who is elderly, disabled, has a broken limb, or even someone with a bunch of grocery bags on public transportation. I will never stand for a piggo, and for one big glaring reason: people who are old, disabled, injured or weighed down with bags did not choose their condition. Nobody chooses to get old, develop a disability, get hurt and you have to fucking eat. No one has to get pregnant. The piggo can stand.

As far as the Reddit discussion, I'm glad the sister is putting her foot down because giving in to her sister's whims because "I'm pregnaaaaant" means the sister will start demanding more and more from her for the same reason, and then will continue making demands because "I have a baaaaaaby." You bend over backwards to accommodate a bitchy piggo once and they're going to kick and scream to get their way at every turn because it worked for them in the past.

Sadly, I have a feeling she'll get brow beaten into surrending her room to pregzilla, not only by the piggo herself, but by her parents and possibly other relatives. You can only take so much verbal abuse before giving in. Perhaps a barter could be arranged, like the girl can give up her room, but she will NOT help with the loaf in any way, shape or form and will receive additional privileges and/or allowance for her inconvenience. Maybe she gets a very special/large/significant gift for her next birthday.

Give it time, if the sister gets her way and secures the author's current bedroom, she'll probably eventually demand the author's upstairs bedroom and let the loaf have the first bedroom so Moo doesn't have to listen to it screaming. And if this stupid bitch is still living with Mommy and Daddy, she is presumably poor. Why is she getting pregnant in the first place?
Ever see that meme where there's a cartoon of an old (frowning) man w/ a cane, a (frowning)man w/ a broken leg/crutches, a (smiling )lady carrying a baby maybe BFing it, and a (smiling )pregnant woman, and has the question asks "who gets the seat?"

The shocking amount responses that go right to the pregger is stunning like "period, the end" "new life wins" even after I noted the man w/ the crutches literally CAN'T stand, likely in pain from the broken leg and hopping around. The simpleton thinking is outta control. At least some of the ppl said they would pick the women but they are smiling so they are ok. Good point there at least. I also wanted to get into how the earliest feminists fought to not make pregnasty a disability and for women to be taken seriously, but I'm sick of bickering online.

How getting knocked up and usually shittly parunting your brats makes you special somehow is the ultimate super lie of life. Especially, since a vast majority of people are doing it and then claim once a parunt always a parunt, how can everyone be special and need special treatment?

I think the household will be turned upside down no matter what, I think if the sister wants to keep her room, let her. The pregger doesnt need to take a pram into her room no matter where the room is. How about during the day when the baby naps? Isnt there gonna be more noise downstairs where the action is? The baby could nap upstairs and be away from the noise.

Moo cow can buy another playpen for the squalling crotch fruit, keeping one downstairs at all times. That would keep peace in this shitty house.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
She'd be wise to switch rooms. Moo will be up and down the stairs at all hours of the night with the loaf. Imagine having to listen to it scream in the kitchen at 4 a while you hear its moo clanging and banging around there. Better to keep that contained next to the kitchen so others can sleep. I'd switch, if only to get away from the thing, and I'd put a lock on my dor so moo and eventually the toddler wouldn't be able to get into things. But then again, I'd see the writing on the the wall and do my damnest to save up and move out ASAP, because we all know that the Holy Moo will eventualy take over the entire house.
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