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Moos now claiming childbirth causes PTSD??

Posted by Cheese Louise 
Cheese Louise
Moos now claiming childbirth causes PTSD??
October 11, 2008
This just made my head explode.


This takes entitlement mooooooooing to a whole new level. Their "pain and suffering," which is COMPLETELY self-inflicted, is supposedly on par with soldiers who've fought in wars. Right. Okay.

One of the most important tools we have against Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after childbirth is prevention.

You don't say? The best way to prevent "PTSD after childbirth" is to never get knocked up in the first place!!

Re: Moos now claiming childbirth causes PTSD??
October 11, 2008
Oh PALEASE!!!!!!

"Do you have flashbacks or nightmares about your baby’s birth? Do you have panic attacks? Do avoid your baby because he/she reminds you of your traumatic experience? Are you having fantasies about hurting the baby, or yourself? Do you have difficulty concentrating? Are you unusually irritable, angry or depressed? Or are you just numb and can’t feel anything? Then you may have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from your childbirth experience."

"Flashbacks?", "Fantasies about hurting the baybee?" 'Avoiding baybee because he reminds you of the birth?". What a LOAD of BULLSHIT. Of course the baybee reminds them of the birth and of course they will have memories, aka "flashbacks" of giving birth, who wouldn't? I have all kinds of "flashbacks" of unpleasant experiences and things which I consider physical and/or emotional trauma which have happened in my life. However, neither they NOR I have post traumatic stress syndrome/disorder in any classic medical sense. So now they want to be compared to and treated like a soldier who witnessed his entire platoon being shot to death and spent a few years in deplorable conditions in a POW camp? Yeah, I can see where voluntarility having sex to get knocked up and getting pain medication in a sterile environment with medical personel on standby, and a baybee oozing out their cunts would be the same or a similar event as what the soldier experienced.

Then they give THIS list of things to look for in a "mother friendly" birthing center.

"...They do not help and may hurt healthy mothers and babies. They are not proven to be best for the mother or baby and are not mother-friendly.

They should not keep track of the baby's heart rate all the time with a machine (called an electronic fetal monitor). Instead it is best to have your nurse or midwife listen to the baby's heart from time to time.
They should not break your bag of waters early in labor.
They should not use an IV (a needle put into your vein to give you fluids).
They should not tell you that you can't eat or drink during labor.
They should not shave you.
They should not give you an enema.
A birth center, hospital, or home birth service that does these things for most of the mothers is not mother-friendly."

Maybe an enema isn't "mother friendly", but it is damn sure sterile environment friendly. NO one gets to eat or drink while under direct medical care and I am pretty sure that has a lot to do with not choking on your own vomit, THAT sounds pretty "friendly" to me. As for their tootie not getting shaved, what difference does that make anyway really? Their cooter area probably looks like a jungle, so I don't really see how that could hurt anything and it DOES grow back. How can they administer medication if there is no IV? Presumably moos will be flip flopping around and I am certain that restraining them would not be "mother friendly", so how do they administer medication then? Why wouldn't anyone with common sense WANT a fetal heart monitor? If this whole "mother friendly" birthing experience is allowed to happen then there would be countless more baybees born with problems or perhaps even an increase in stillbirths. If they want "moo friendly", then they need to not get knocked up, birth it at home with no meds, or either wait until the kyd has sprung forth from the jungle and go out and eat or something.
Re: Moos now claiming childbirth causes PTSD??
October 11, 2008
If there were ever an alternate universe where I was forced to give birth, I would WANT an enema, mostly because people have posted so many gross links where mothers have a big turd at the same time they have a baby. No, thanks.

Have I mentioned lately how glad I am not to have a uterus? Worth every minute of pain to get rid of that thing.
I do not buy this holy-crap at all. There is no chance you get Post Stress or flashbacks over giving birth compare to being a soldier serving the war.

Giving birth is voluntary thing and they chose this stupid path

Only thing I agree about this is when the moos found out all along that giving birth have all this physical-side effect, showing all the stretch marks, saggy breasts and the cooter is worned out. End up having sexless marriage. LOL

It gets even better, the hubby/partner get the PTSD more than the moo when he see the whole thing when the baybee comes out of the vagina and see all the maximum gore effect. He will get so much nightmare/flashbacks of seeing the full-feature of giving birth from the cooter view. After that he wish he got sterilised at the first place.
Re: Moos now claiming childbirth causes PTSD??
October 12, 2008
That list of non-"mother-friendly" qualifications is a load of nonsensical, nonscientific crap. Fine--have the kid at home already, where you can stuff your face as the kid's coming out and make a #2 all over your own bed (barf). The equation of giving birth to PTSD doesn't even deserve comment...except to say, idiot moos.
Re: Moos now claiming childbirth causes PTSD??
October 13, 2008
Another way to get sympathy. Hmm.
Re: Moos now claiming childbirth causes PTSD??
October 13, 2008
Screw em, they chose to do it.
Anonymous User
Re: Moos now claiming childbirth causes PTSD??
October 13, 2008
As a military officer who saw the horror first-hand of the first part of Operation Iraqi Freedom aboard the USNS COMFORT, I was HIGHLY offended at these idiots comparing their experience to PTSD and especially the type of PTSD that has affected many of my fellow officers who are STILL caring for war wounded 5 years later. I'd love to drag these so-called ladies into the med/surg ward or ICU at their local MTF (military treatment facility) to show them what TRUE horror is and what PTSD looks like. It took me a couple of years to get over feeling on-edge (I STILL cannot tolerate people sneaking up behind me and about knocked the hell out of a weirdo janitor at my last office for doing so but read him the riot act in Gunney fashion, 6-inch approach and all), wondering when the other shoe was going to drop and getting the sounds of wounded Iraqi men, women and children crying out, "ALAM, ALAM!"--rough translation = "I'm in pain!" I'd love for her and these other so-called ladies see people burnt beyond recognition due to a rocket-propelled grenade plowing into your home and putting a kink in your day. I still cannot watch the video of Green Day's "Wake Me Up When September Ends" and the fire-fight scene of "Forrest Gump" without crying. Name the body part and I've seen it blown and/or burnt off, folks! When the "Faces of the Fallen" (kinda like the Vietnam memorial, only you see the faces of those who died) exhibit came to the Women in Military Service For America museum, I had to literally run to the ladies room to compose myself when I saw it. I'd like for them to see the faces of the families who I saw in Norfolk who were waiting to receive the bodies of those who died in the USS COLE attack. I will never get these and other images out of my head, ever, and for these so-called ladies to compare their experience of childbirth to mine is an INSULT!
Thanks for listening.
Re: Moos now claiming childbirth causes PTSD??
October 13, 2008
Fuck that fucking load of shit.

If child birth caused PTSD, WE WOULDN'T BE HERE...get it?! For dog's sake, if it was so mentally horrifically scarring for women, we'd have died out as a species decades ago.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Moos now claiming childbirth causes PTSD??
October 14, 2008
Breeding is a choice. Period. You suffer from ANYTHING, it's nobody's fault but your own. Suck it up and deal with it.

And just be glad the insurance will be there to pick up the cost of your treatment because if it were up to me, you'd be paying for it out of your own pocket.
Re: Moos now claiming childbirth causes PTSD??
October 15, 2008
The more I think about this the more I think it's post partum depression being given a sexy new name.
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