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Found this on r/childfree, made me chuckle

Posted by cfuter 
Found this on r/childfree, made me chuckle
February 21, 2024
They are just talking about the dumbest things they ever heard breeders say. This one made me laff, so I'd thought I'd share and maybe give you a giggle too.

Someone's breeder friend said, the drive to have sex is the same as the drive to reproduce.

A poster's response:

"Saying the drive to have sex is the same as the drive to reproduce is like saying the drive to eat a meatball sub = the drive to take a shit."

hysterical laughter
Re: Found this on r/childfree, made me chuckle
February 22, 2024
They have a good point! The only thing is eating a sub will inevitably lead to a bowel movement unless something's seriously wrong, but sex does not have to lead to reproduction. There is a huge difference between "I'm horny" and "I want to get pregnant." People who think they are synonymous are probably too stupid to use contraception.

But I'll add mine in. The dumbest thing I was ever told was on a message board where I mentioned in passing that I was childfree, back when this was still a pretty fresh and largely unknown term. Back when Bratfree was like the only CF site on the web. Had a bunch of people trying to diagnose me with something to determine why someone couldn't possibly want kids because clearly I was mentally unstable.

The best one was someone telling me that the reason I'm CF is because my vagina is too loose to make a man orgasm. You know, never mind the fact that it's very possible for a woman to get pregnant from pre-ejaculate, but yes my vagina that is somehow loose in spite of never passing a child through it is the reason I refuse to breed. Makes total sense. eye rolling smiley

Some people just cannot get their heads around the fact that kids aren't for everyone. You'd think of all people, parents would get why some people don't want kids. They know first hand what assholes brats are, but they'll sit there and lie through their teeth about how wonderful parenthood is.
Re: Found this on r/childfree, made me chuckle
February 22, 2024
There is a huge difference between "I'm horny" and "I want to get pregnant." People who think they are synonymous are probably too stupid to use contraception.

Lots of people think they are synonymous= lots of people are too stupid to use contraception. I've heard people you would think to know otherwise who conflate sexual desire with the desire to reproduce. It is a misguided but socially acceptable thought that isn't just for the uber-religious.

Lots of people who want to reproduce conflate sexual desire with the desire to reproduce. Someone can be accomplished and impressive and still never bother to give the topic much thought, especially if they want kids. Now, once someone with accomplishments and an impressive background has one kid and lives the reality they may give the topic lots of thought before making the same mistake twice.

It doesn't help one iota that a decent chunk of society manage to grow up with little to no exposure to children except for what they see on TV or movies, which is the actor's depiction of how a child acts and is typically a minor character with very little screen time. The actor's depiction will be much closer to the happy Hallmark moments TM that idiots think is parenting: throwing a ball to the kid, opening gifts on Christmas, etc.

It is very different when a toadler follows their parent around 24/7, screams at decibels that will cause a person to lose hearing and is nonstop demanding of time and energy while it is incapable of any reasoning or emotional regulation. Not to mention same kid is spewing radioactive fluids of all kinds at anytime and requires constant vigilance to keep alive. And let's not forget being a germ magnet and a very expensive hobby. And it is incapable of any kind of reciprocation to the caretakers dedicated to it 24/7.
Re: Found this on r/childfree, made me chuckle
February 22, 2024
The best one was someone telling me that the reason I'm CF is because my vagina is too loose to make a man orgasm. You know, never mind the fact that it's very possible for a woman to get pregnant from pre-ejaculate, but yes my vagina that is somehow loose in spite of never passing a child through it is the reason I refuse to breed. Makes total sense. eye rolling smiley

This is the dumbest reason I've ever heard for someone being CF and I bet the people who said this to you all have at least one brat now. Yikes!
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