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Bab center moos defend a guy who deliberately spread HIV to over 300 people

Posted by antisprog 
Babycenter moos defend a guy who deliberately spread HIV to over 300 people in a thread.
Link to the thread https://community.babycenter.com/post/a44405545/its_not_your_fault_you_got_hiv?page=1

The first post from the thread:
So, saw this article today: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/09/06/20352866-grocery-store-worker-may-have-infected-300-people-with-hiv-prosecutor-says?lite

Here is a question... I am not denying that keeping it a secret you have HIV is not right.. but, do we not make our own choices for sexual safety? If you have sex unprotected, you open yourself up to disease. The man who gave the victim HIV is in jail on a 250,000 bond. So what is the "crime" he committed? What legally does this fall under? What's next, a woman gets deathly ill during her pregnancy, then presses charges on the baby's father because he lied and told her he could not have kids? Now he's accountable for her illnesses? I have been an RN for years... we use universal precautions. If I use poor technique and do not protect myself and get a communicable disease, should the patient be placed in jail since he didn't tell me he has something?

Again, not stating it's OK to just go fk everyone and be a liar... but a criminal offense?"

Another response:
brain-dead moo
" I have a hard time thinking it is okay to charge someone for assault/attempted murder because they have a disease and raise your risk of infection due to mutually risky behavior simply because they didn't tell you about it.
The act of contracting HIV is not criminal so why would it be criminal if one of the partners has ill intent?

And what is up with the obsession with HIV? How about hepatitis? Do you think that person on the airplane a few years ago that knowingly exposed and thereby infected people with a rare form of resitent TB should be charged? Do you think the way Typhoid Mary was treated is appropriate? Until the discourse about charging sick people with assault/attempted murder stops centering around HIV I can't believe it is anything but hysteria specific to that disease."
Choice screenshots of the thread:

I always knew moos were selfish and lacked empathy, but JFC.
More brainwashed conservatives who want to punish women for having sex. "He knowingly gave you HIV? Sucks to be you, shouldn't have had sex, don't hold him accountable."
Reading the screenshotted comments gives more insight, I think. A lot of them try to equate it with things like going to the store with the flu or getting on a plane with TB…so, bingo! They know that they regularly, knowingly inflict viruses and bacterial infections on the general public via themselves and their spawn, and they can recognize that people find it abhorrent. So they’re (literally) defending Typhoid Mary and her ilk.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Ya. I'm shocked but not surprised that this was posted by an RN. The place where I work had to let a lot of them go because they refused to get vaccinated against covid. Then they have the nerve to complain like they're victims when they're knowingly exposing vulnerable, sick people to a potentially deadly virus.

This is no different. Making apologies for someone who knowingly infected that many partners should definitely go to jail. 300 women? Sounds like he was on some kind of "mission".
Out of the over 300 people to catch HIV I'd be willing to bet at least one of them is an unsuspecting husband or wife/longtime partner who caught it by cheating and then had unprotected sex with their spouse and spread it further. Does she really have the audacity to point the finger at someone who caught this by not wearing a condom with his/her spouse or long term committed partner?

If the husband of the nurse cheats on her and then gives her the HIV you can bet she will change her tune really fast. This "tough shit" attitude towards others always changes in a heartbeat the moment it happens to her or someone she loves. Outside of that, no sympathy is shown. Kind of like she can have an abortion but no one else can because all those other women are just a bunch of loose sluts who use abortions for birth control!
Ya. I'm shocked but not surprised that this was posted by an RN. The place where I work had to let a lot of them go because they refused to get vaccinated against covid. Then they have the nerve to complain like they're victims when they're knowingly exposing vulnerable, sick people to a potentially deadly virus.

Refusal to get vaccinated should be an automatic loss of license for health care professionals. If you think vaccines have microchips or cause autism or brand you with the devil's mark, you have no business advising others on healthcare.

Refusal to get vaccinated should be an automatic loss of license for health care professionals. If you think vaccines have microchips or cause autism or brand you with the devil's mark, you have no business advising others on healthcare.

No shit Lulu Brown!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
we really can't have it both ways. unless the day comes when these diseases can be totally eradicated with a vaccine, this will continue. from an article i read long ago: both sexes lie through their teeth to get what they want sexually. even the primates, monkeys were profiled in another article will also engage in similar behaviour. they will give up treats and goodies just to look at pictures of female monkeys.

and STD's have two way streets. both sexes trade them. people lie on the dating apps about not having kids and then surprise!! they have multiple f trophies at home. most teen males are just looking for bragging rights, they don't give a shit about the female they dupe. so of course they will lie about carrying something, it just stands to reason.

like it or not 'not your fault'... if he lied and he goes to jail for passing it.. all well and fine. the truth remains. if people kept their pants on the number of this sort of crap would drop.


two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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