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Most people will probably remain apathetic this Nov

Posted by cfdavep 
Most people will probably remain apathetic this Nov
April 19, 2024

I guess this TX hospital is ignoring women miscarrying in the lobby because there is no way to know if it was an attempted self abortion, if it was and the doc treats her the doc can be charged.

and yet many people, even pro-choicers may be voting for him for other reasons they deem important.
Re: Most people will probably remain apathetic this Nov
April 19, 2024
So it's not even just necessarily women who are actively miscarrying or having a pregnancy-related emergency, it sounds like ERs won't touch pregnant women in general with a ten-foot pole. I mean they wouldn't so much as do an ultrasound? That sounds like a fucking lawsuit waiting to happen.

I don't know how any woman could possibly want to risk getting pregnant right now considering the chance of being denied for basic treatment on the basis of the contents of her uterus. It's probably less dangerous to get pregnant in a third-world country where medical care is in the stone age because at least you'd get care.
Re: Most people will probably remain apathetic this Nov
April 20, 2024

I don't know how any woman could possibly want to risk getting pregnant right now considering the chance of being denied for basic treatment on the basis of the contents of her uterus. It's probably less dangerous to get pregnant in a third-world country where medical care is in the stone age because at least you'd get care.

any woman who gets knocked up now on person is nuts.

since i've been alive women have had the right to choose.........until now.

i never thought this would get to this point.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Most people will probably remain apathetic this Nov
April 23, 2024
And as we know, women are already treated as pre-pregnant, so I can see this extending towards all treatment for women. It's horrific enough that people who are pregnant are treated like shit, but I really doubt it will stop there. You know those forced birthers are already making noise about contraceptives.
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