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Breeders refuse to have kid who can't speak diagnosed

Posted by antisprog 
Breeders refuse to have kid who can't speak diagnosed
April 22, 2024
parents refuse to get their mute kid diagnosed

Lad in year 11 has an obvious disability, he can only make one syllable sounds and even with years of school support and tutoring is unintelligible. He isn't dumb, just can't speak. We have asked the parents for years to get him a speech pathologist or let us put him in sign language classes. They always refuse. In senior English he has to do a speech according to the curriculum, and we can't make any accommodation for his disability without approval from our states assessment authority. To get that, the parents have to get him assessed by a doctor. In their culture disability in a son would 'being shame' and they refused to have him assessed. Poor kid

It seems that there is no middle ground when it comes to breeders and dealing with learning issues in sprogs.

They either are Munchausen Moos that try to push bullshit diagnosis on their normal sprogs in order to shove pills down their throats, or they completely turn a blind eye to their clearly schizo kid hearing voices/their kid slicing their own wrists open/their kid being unable to speak and refuse to get them any help at all
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