Whyyy? That's like letting domestic abusers into their victims' therapy sessions. What possible good could come out of letting these brain-dead hateful wastes of air into a clinic where women are not only vulnerable, but undergoing medical procedures? Do they honestly think these activists are going to enter the clinics peacefully? This is a recipe for violence and verbal abuse. Do they think these pro-liars won't stand there and tell every single woman in the clinic they are filthy baby-murdering whores? Or possibly shooting them/attacking them physically?
Are they prepared for the chaos that will ensue when they let these assholes infiltrate a space where women seeking terminations should be able to go and feel safe? It's bad enough the fuckers are outside the clinics spouting off their horse shit and shoving their damn signs in people's faces. Women who intend to enter the clinic will have to go in armed in the event a pro-liar gets violent.
And I'm sure when - not if, WHEN - a woman gets killed because these fetus humpers are allowed inside clinics, people will wonder "how this horrible thing could have happened, we could not have foreseen this tragic event." It's like letting PETA into a slaughterhouse - it will absolutely not go well.