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You almost hit my kid!

Posted by freya 
You almost hit my kid!
May 10, 2024
I'm at a grocery store that was crazy busy when a woman approached me and said "I just want you to know that you almost hit my kid. You need to blah blah blah."
I said "but I didn't hit your kid. I didn't touch your kid, did I?"
Crazy woman is escalating "No, but you almost did".
Me, raising my voice to match crazy woman "Was this really worth confronting a stranger for, for something that didn't happen? Fuck off."

I'm positive she thought that once she said the word "kid" that I would just melt in apologies for an "almost" and kiss her ass. Look around you moo, this store is crazy and you need to pay lots of attention. This goes triple if you have a kid in tow. And I would bet that I was one of many who "almost" hit your kid.

In this same store I had well over 6 people "almost" hit me, because the store was crazy busy for some reason. The difference is that I didn't I take it personally and confront anyone with my butt hurt baby feelings.
Re: You almost hit my kid!
May 10, 2024
That's an overreaction if I've heard one. It's kind of scary when a stranger confronts you like that. At least there were witnesses, since it was busy.

Funny how the "Mama Bear Claws" come out when an innocent stranger who is virtually no threat to anyone is involved in some perceived slight upon them and their brats.

Sorry you had to go through that. I've had some bad things happen with breeders in stores and it always makes me want to GTFO of there immediately and go home.
Re: You almost hit my kid!
May 10, 2024
Dealing with the public is getting to be more of a hazard all the time. Sheeesh
I think she was looking for an excuse for a fight
Re: You almost hit my kid!
May 19, 2024
Funny how the "Mama Bear Claws" come out when an innocent stranger who is virtually no threat to anyone is involved in some perceived slight upon them and their brats.

I'm convinced there are very few people who have any social graces or any idea how to be in a healthy relationship of any kind. For instance, in this situation it was a matter of basic courtesy and sharing space and letting go of any slights knowing that we are all strangers and no one is out to get the moo or her kid.

I'm guessing moo was either attention starved or feels some need to be validated by a stranger for her irrational feelings. I'd also bet this is her "go to" for any perceived slight from a stranger and that it typically elicits the response she is seeking. I also wouldn't be at all surprised if she is a single mahm.
Re: You almost hit my kid!
May 19, 2024
Dealing with the public is getting to be more of a hazard all the time. Sheeesh
I think she was looking for an excuse for a fight

I've started carrying a large stainless steel water bottle with me. And because of this people on the sidewalks see me and my water bottle and no longer attempt to take up the entire sidewalk (with 4-5 people across) while ignoring me and expecting me to jump into the nearest street or shrubbery. I also wear sturdy shoes so that if they ignore me and hit me I won't fall because I'm wearing shoes that aren't stable.

Common courtesy is pretty much non-existent. It is really easy to acknowledge a cashier or someone else in public and be kind and polite to them and they are always relieved to be around someone pleasant. And that just proves common courtesy is rare because if it were common they wouldn't be visibly relieved. And sadly, there are lots of people who work with the public who end up being misanthropic.
Re: You almost hit my kid!
May 20, 2024
I'm always nice to people around me when I go out. Working in customer service of any kind can be tough and nobody deserves to be treated like shit when they're working or going about their business.

Then again, I'm not some bitter old fart with a bunch of rotten kids driving me crazy all day long.
Re: You almost hit my kid!
May 20, 2024
This cunt probably has no adult interaction.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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