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Dogfree became bizarre today

Posted by cfdavep 
Dogfree became bizarre today
May 12, 2024

I read what the op wrote about wild dogs and how they serve humans and it was interesting.
Someone at the bottom of the thread blamed modern dog ownership for the lowered birth rate and collapse of society.
They basically accused, CF, CL and antinatalist people as people who "can't hand the complexities of relationships with other humans" humans being more complex that a cat or a dog, so therefore that would make the CF simpletons according to them.
Decades ago that was a common attitude that if you were an adult and had a strong emotional attachment to a dog or cat then you were childish. Only kids were like that and when an animal died people's only concern was how it would affect their kid. Just another way to pathologize the unconventional.
Re: Dogfree became bizarre today
May 12, 2024
That is so true. Why are breeders so damned concerned about other people’s sex lives? What’s it to anyone if we don’t follow the Prime Directive (have kids)? Do we lose our AdultingCard? And what’s so bad about a lower birth rate? It’s not like Earth is running out of people. There’s only eight billion humans, sound the alarm! Still more insects than people, get busy! blue hangover face

Personally, I think if society collapses due to fewer kids being born maybe it’s not a society worth preserving. Dogs/ cats/ pets of all kinds are often sweeter and more affectionate than most people. No pet has ever hurt my feelings just for fun or told me what a PITA I am. Seems like CF folk should just form our own real-life communities so we don’t inconvenience any breeders.

Yeah, I’m pissed. Fuck Moother’s Day.angry smiley

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: Dogfree became bizarre today
May 13, 2024
I really don't care if people are pissed about me having pets instead of loaves. It's not even like a replacement or something. It's the fact that I love animals in general but not kids. I've chosen animals because they bring me joy.

To be honest, most of the bitching I've seen about this is online, but nobody I've met in real life has even hinted to me that I'm the cause of society collapsing because of my choices. It's a weird thing to worry about.

Of course there's always the possibility that people spew their true feelings online while being much nicer in person. I haven't had this happen yet, but if I do run into someone like that, they won't be around me for long.

These people must be majorly resentful. So much hate from people who usually believe they're so much better than everyone else just because they bred!

I also wanted to add that I don't get dog-free day. Nobody I've met has ever been pressured or discriminated against because they don't have a dog. What the fuck is the point in this? Maybe I should start a new movement. How about a "Fried Liver and Lima beans-free Day" and I can rail on people who enjoy eating that?" It makes about the same sense to me.
Re: Dogfree became bizarre today
May 13, 2024
you have to understand. breeders usually don't have 2 brain cells to rub together. they will change positions in the middle of an argument. they will moo and bellow about how dare someone not want kids.. 'fuck kids'.. and then they turn around and simp 'i hope yoiu never have kids, you'll be a terrrible duh/moo'.. right on the heels when they have been posturing and displaying their gonads in an attempt to elevate their pathetic and supposed superiority by breeding and how we should also be as dumb as they are. namely trying to get others to breed and join them in their shit pen

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Dogfree became bizarre today
May 13, 2024
I re-read it and the person said dog parenthood was basically the end of "western civilization" That is code for live traditionally and outbreed the browns and blacks. CF dog parents to them are letting the "smarter" cultures come here and take over when the wimmins here need to stop with the emotional connection to animals and tranfer that emotional connection to baybezzz. It was about race and the poster knew how to frame it to hide that.
Re: Dogfree became bizarre today
May 13, 2024

It got kinda wild on there today with the moos losing it over the "dog moms" hijacking Mother's Day on social media
They really have venom for other mothers who call their dogs their other kid lowering the value of human moms.
Strange how they refer to dog moms as banal and conventional.
Re: Dogfree became bizarre today
May 14, 2024
Dog free moos are even more hateful than "regular" moos. I lurked over there after hearing about it here. Vile cows are just mad at their choices. One moo said something like "my breasts didn't' leak for a year for dog moms to call their dogs their babies" or something like that. It just sounds like sour grapes to me. Fuck those cows. She was just mad at the consequences of her own choices.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Dogfree became bizarre today
May 14, 2024
If me preferring pets to children will eventually lead to societal ruin, then GOOD. I've seen the way brats are raised and how they act as a result. If that's our future, maybe it's not a future worth sticking around for. My desire to not breed has precisely zero impact on anyone except me, and if breeders don't like it, they can get bent.

They basically accused, CF, CL and antinatalist people as people who "can't hand the complexities of relationships with other humans"

By "complexities," do they mean mental illnesses? Because there seems to be far more mental illness now than ever before. I don't know if that's because there is less of a stigma attached to it and more people are getting help, or there are just more unwell people. Because I've never met a bipolar dog before. There are a lot of humans out there who are complete trash fires who aren't worth associating with, so I can't say I blame people for choosing the simplicity of a dog or a cat or any other pet over the complexity of maintaining a relationship (platonic or romantic) with another human being.

These people must be majorly resentful. So much hate from people who usually believe they're so much better than everyone else just because they bred!

Very much so. People who are happy with their decision to reproduce don't get this huffy and shitty over such trivial crap as pet owners calling themselves "moms." They are bitter as fuck that they do all the shitwork associated with brats and have "rightfully" earned the title of "Mom" and then someone comes along with their dog whose company they actually enjoy and does "nothing" except clean poop and occasional vomit (because no parent has ever had to do that before or anything) and they go and dare to call themselves "Mom" for putting forth what breeders feel is far less effort.

It's always Moos who get all butthurt over this shit too. Duhs don't care. Sounds to me like these women need to go outside, touch some grass and find a real problem to be mad over.
Re: Dogfree became bizarre today
May 16, 2024
I'm both pet-free and child-free, but I don't feel the need to hang out in any pet-free spaces because pet owners aren't giving me a hard time about my personal choices...unlike breeders.
Re: Dogfree became bizarre today
May 16, 2024

Decades ago that was a common attitude that if you were an adult and had a strong emotional attachment to a dog or cat then you were childish. Only kids were like that and when an animal died people's only concern was how it would affect their kid. Just another way to pathologize the unconventional.

So much this. As an animal welfare supporter from a young age growing up in a rural area in which all animals, even pets, were seen by many as disposable, I went through it all. From outright bullying by my peers well into young adulthood to that annoying patronizing chuckle offered up by adults that I'd eventually "grow up" and stop worrying about how animals are treated. Well, they never beat me down, and I never stopped caring.

Now that I'm middle aged, I have actually encountered some of the people who formally berated me for caring beginning to sing a different tune. When I was informed by a local cat rescue that one of the worst offenders of my past had personally rescued a stray kitten from the street and brought her to them, my jaw about hit the floor.
Re: Dogfree became bizarre today
May 16, 2024
If they have a problem with "pet mom" and "furbaby," then let the salt of their tears rim the edges of our margarita glasses.
Re: Dogfree became bizarre today
May 20, 2024
They basically accused, CF, CL and antinatalist people as people who "can't hand the complexities of relationships with other humans" humans being more complex that a cat or a dog, so therefore that would make the CF simpletons according to them.

It is cringeworthy that dogfree is yet another place where the childfree are being denigrated and shamed for not reproducing.
How is being around a baby or toddler complex? It is boring, repetitive and routine. How is telling a teenager/older kid the same thing 1000's of times complex?

Because a robot could do it and very likely will in the future. I saw ads for very expensive robots years ago that could do a certain level of caretaking. It is all shit caregiving work on immature human beings. Very few grown adults want to eat the same thing at the same time every day, be reminded 50-100 times a day how to do something or have to be instructed on new things on a daily basis. This is the world of a kid, not an adult and most adults find it an exhausting world to live in.

If it were that great then women wouldn't need to be coerced into being a parent and men would do everything in their power to be the primary parent. When we see the percentage of single dads stepping up to the plate and insisting on being the primary parent increase from 8% to 45-50% we'll know something has changed. In the 1960's it was 1% of men with primary custody, so the increase is very minimal in over 60 years. If single dads cared about their kids then they would refuse to let them live in poverty, which is often how single moms live.
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