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CF and some "deep childhood trauma"

Posted by cfdavep 
CF and some "deep childhood trauma"
May 20, 2024

Good on this person for walking out on her therapist. It is an attitude had by some people that the CF have some deep trauma that they are repressing.
Re: CF and some "deep childhood trauma"
May 20, 2024
Doesn't surprise me. I've had some shitty interactions with therapists and now it's hard for me to trust them.
Re: CF and some "deep childhood trauma"
May 20, 2024
I've had a couple of therapists for a couple of things over the years and neither of them tried anything like this. Nothing would have made me walk out faster, lol.
Re: CF and some "deep childhood trauma"
May 22, 2024
I read this and I always ask: WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE LEARNING IN GRADUATE SCHOOL!?!?!?!?!

Since I can never go to graduate school I will never know but someone here must have an answer.
Re: CF and some "deep childhood trauma"
May 23, 2024
I don't know why not wanting kids is treated like it's some kind of psychiatric disorder that needs to be studied and fixed. Anyone who has spent more than five seconds around a child knows how much they fucking suck. Frankly, I think someone who wants kids is more likely to be mentally ill than someone who doesn't want them because you'd have to be nuts to subject yourself to brat behavior on a regular basis for no money.

Because if you voluntarily sign up to get shit/vomited/peed on, get no real sleep for upwards of five years, and be forced to listen to a six-hour-long tantrum because you made a tiny human put socks on in -10 degree weather, you should get your head examined.

Glad this woman walked out of her session. The shrink is probably a barren wanna-breeder who foists her child ideals onto her patients and encourages them to breed regardless of their circumstances. People who hold the potentially delicate mental health of their unwell patients in their hands should not be dispensing reproductive advice, unless it is to tell people to get their mental health in better standing before breeding. Not wanting kids is not a problem that needs repair. It is a choice that is equally as legitimate as the choice to have kids.
Re: CF and some "deep childhood trauma"
May 26, 2024
I think early childhood trauma played a small part in me being childfree, but honestly, it's not the whole reason. There are a lot of other things that factored in, including being around my sister's kids at a young age and being forced into babysitting when I was too young, as well as just a general dislike of other kids my age at school and dealing with bullies.

I preferred hanging out with the adults anyways. Kids have always been too noisy and chaotic for me and they're fucking mean and nasty.

Even if I didn't have the misfortune of having what had been done to me, I'm quite sure that I would have still opted to not have them.

I have eyes, I can see. It doesn't take a fucking genius to realize that kids are a lot of work for little to no reward. Not everyone likes them and that's OK. There's a lot of things that I like that other people don't, and I don't take offense.

Also, a lot of people with trauma go ahead and do have kids (usually with some stupid idea that they can give them something they missed out on or something), so I don't even see how this is relevant.

I've become quite wary of therapists over my lifetime but I'm going to see if I can find someone who I click with.
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