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more breeder bullshit

Posted by reeniebessagain 
more breeder bullshit
May 21, 2024
I guess breeders think even dolphins should worship their fetuses now?

Re: more breeder bullshit
May 21, 2024
I can't open the pic, but people are creating more people that will create more plastic for the poor dolphins to choke on
Re: more breeder bullshit
May 22, 2024
yes, sorry about that. I am trying to ...what is the phrase .. something about batting above my class? I am not too tech savvy. If anyone feels like searching for "dolphin reacts to sonic waves from fetus" or the like, I bet it could be found and posted by someone smarter than me. I get so sick of the current fashion for showing off the gross pregnant belly---or wearing skintight clothes over it (so we can all, presumably, oohh and ahh and give udder rubs) I mean, somewhere between the old flowing muumuus and this fashion, couldn't they?....
Re: more breeder bullshit
May 22, 2024
Ya, the dolphin doesn't give a shit. Preggos seriously need to get the fuck over themselves.
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