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Grandmoo poisons and kills her allergic grandchild by giving her coconut oil in her hair

Posted by antisprog 
Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20180427041054/https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/7qmed5/you_can_come_over_again_when_you_bring_me_my/

A popular story from the JustNoMiL sub. It's about a woman who discovers one of her daughters has an extremely severe allergy to coconut and tells the MIL about it. The MIL then goes out of her way to put coconut oil in the allergic child's hair. The child gets itchy so the MiL just gives her a Benadryl and has her. "sleep it off" . The child has a fatal allergic reaction in her sleep to the oil and dies in a really nasty way
Excerpt of the story

You can come over again when you bring me my daughter.
My neighbor tells me that she isn't sure what's happening, but there was an ambulance at my parents' house at 6AM and my dad had run over and woken them up to see if they could watch my son for a few hours until he got back. Of course they'd said yes.

I'm calling my parents nonstop at this point and I'm getting frantic because I don't know what's happened. My son was still crying but he was calmer. He still couldn't really explain to me what had happened though. I honestly don't remember the details of what happened next, but somehow we figured out that the ambulance was from X hospital nearby and we broke several driving laws trying to get there. We got to the hospital, pulled into the emergency entrance that was for ambulances only, left the car and bolted inside. A few nurses took notice of us immediately and were asking us what was wrong. I was calmer than my DH at this point, so I explained that I didn't know, but my twin girls and my parents were here somewhere. I'll never forget the look on that nurse's face. She knew exactly who I was in that moment and she was about to cry. Another nurse took me and my DH to an empty room and asked us to calm down and listen to the doctor before we went to find my family.

My mother had put coconut oil in both my daughters' hair when they were playing the previous day before bed. The girls loved it when my mom did their hair and so they had asked for braids and my mom was doing their hair. She put coconut oil in both their hair because it would make for smoother braids. According to my son, OD started to get a little dizzy and itchy when my mom was doing her hair so my mom gave her some kids benadryl which made her sleepy. Since it was close to bedtime anyways, the kids then went to bed. Giving her benadryl was something we did whenever she had a mild reaction since it usually meant she accidentally came across some coconut from a secondary source. We also showered her from head to toe immediately to erase any lingering traces of it. My mother simply gave her some benadryl and kept the coconut oil in her hair and put her to fucking sleep. The benadryl made her sleepy and unable to wake up or be conscious enough to wake up her brother or cry. She vomited in her sleep and the rash spread all over. Her little body was swollen to twice the size. She had asphyxiated in her sleep. She died painfully and slowly in the early hours of the

My mother had found her when she went to check on the kids in the morning around 7AM. She was already dead by then. My mother screamed, called for my dad, and that's when they'd gone to the hospital. My dad hadn't known about the coconut oil until my mom explained and to this day, I've never seen my father so angry. He was still unable to look at my mother, out of fury, or me, out of shame, when I saw him at the hospital. They had rushed to the hospital hoping there was some way to save my OD and to get my YD checked out immediately since he thought she might have a mild allergy as well.

I can't even explain to you the emotions my DH and I felt. I remember seeing my little girl and just being in denial. There was no way that she was gone. This had to be a horrible, horrible nightmare. The following days, the funeral, and explaining to my other kids what had happened are events I still can't talk about because it just breaks a part of me
can't talk about because it just breaks a part of me.

My mother was investigated, as was my entire family. I almost lost my kids to my country's version of CPS once because they thought my kids were in danger. My DH and I had to fight tooth and nail to show that uprooting them during this time would be the worst thing for them at the moment.

My mother was never arrested. My father did leave her, though they're not officially divorced. The majority of my mother's family refuse to speak to her, and the few that do speak to her only do so on a limited basis. She currently lives on her own in a small town and every couple months I'll get a call from her telling me how sorry she is and how she just wasn't thinking and can I please find a way to forgive her. She wants to come see me. The only thing I can find to ever say to her is "You can come see me when you bring my daughter with you."

What a horrifying story and what a horrible way for the child to go. The fact that The grandmoo didn't call the mother about the child's allergic reaction (but have the child a Benadryl ) is quite telling.
She deliberately put in coconut oil in the child's hair for whatever reason.
What is it with MILs putting their grandchildren in danger?
Maybe the grandkid she got rid of was of the...um...wrong color. I have heard of grandparents who ban a grandkid from their homes stating they are not their grandkid, due to them being half the "wrong" color., plus that would end the other father coming around and reminding grandmoo. A tribal thing, I guess

It was all made to look like an accident.
Maybe the grandkid she got rid of was of the...um...wrong color. I have heard of grandparents who ban a grandkid from their homes stating they are not their grandkid, due to them being half the "wrong" color., plus that would end the other father coming around and reminding grandmoo. A tribal thing, I guess

It was all made to look like an accident.

I was thinking the same thing. Coconut oil is a heavier oil and not as many white people use it in their hair for that reason. Afro textured hair can take heavier oils. That's what got the wheels in my head turning...

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Yup, can concur. I'm a wonderbread and tried using coconut oil in my hair to condition my damaged ends and I turned into a grease pit. I'm pretty sure this was a targeted attack.

I can't believe she got away with it, especially since she was told that the kid was allergic to coconuts. How in the hell was she not charged and convicted of at the very least voluntary manslaughter? To be honest, I think what she did is worth a much stiffer charge, but she got nothing for killing her grandchild.

This is baffling to me on so many levels.
Some people don't believe allergies are really a thing. I think this grandmother was one of these.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Yup, can concur. I'm a wonderbread and tried using coconut oil in my hair to condition my damaged ends and I turned into a grease pit. I'm pretty sure this was a targeted attack.

I can't believe she got away with it, especially since she was told that the kid was allergic to coconuts. How in the hell was she not charged and convicted of at the very least voluntary manslaughter? To be honest, I think what she did is worth a much stiffer charge, but she got nothing for killing her grandchild.

This is baffling to me on so many levels.

You just know that if a babysitter or daycare worker had done this they would have been thrown under the jail for manslaughter/ negligent homicide at least. Sowwy or not.
Hell babysitters have been raked over hot coals for far, far less.

I can't believe she got away with it, especially since she was told that the kid was allergic to coconuts. How in the hell was she not charged and convicted of at the very least voluntary manslaughter? To be honest, I think what she did is worth a much stiffer charge, but she got nothing for killing her grandchild.

This is baffling to me on so many levels.

Breeders can do no wrong. That's why she got away with it. If a mere babysitter had done something that stupid, she'd never get out of jail. But a saintly moo or grandmoo can do whatever and all people say is "they've suffered enough".

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Maybe the grandkid she got rid of was of the...um...wrong color. I have heard of grandparents who ban a grandkid from their homes stating they are not their grandkid, due to them being half the "wrong" color., plus that would end the other father coming around and reminding grandmoo. A tribal thing, I guess

It was all made to look like an accident.

The story said the girls were twins, so if race was Grandmoo's isue, wouldn't she have tried to off both kids? Though I know it's possible (albeit VERY rare) for a woman to have twins where one is white and one is black if one parent is Caucasian and one is African American.

But if the girls were identical twins, would that mean they'd both develop the same allergies since they are carbon copies of one another? I have no idea how alleriges work with twins. Do they develop the same diseases?

Sadly, this is not the first story I have read on JustNoMIL where a Moo-in-law was fully aware of a grandkid's allergies and intentionally exposed them to it. I recall seeing one involving a kid with a peanut allergy and Granny intentionally fed the kid peanuts. I don't remember if the kid died, but he certainly got sick. I think a lot of grandparents think their grandkids' allergies either are fake and it's just the kid being picky (especially if it's a food allergy), or aren't as severe as the parents make them out to be.

I'm willing to play devil's advocate and say there is a chance Grandmoo believed the child would only have an allergic reaction to coconuts if they are ingested, but coconut products applied topically might be okay. I mean common sense would suggest that you keep the allergen away from the child entirely, but most parents don't exercise common sense.

I am shocked that the grandmother didn't get charged with something as well. Even if it was accidental, that's what manslaughter is: accidentally killing someone. Or does the Suffered EnoughTM rule also apply to grandparents? I wonder if Granny is only sorry because she has lost her whole family over this whole thing, or if she's genuinely sorry because her stupidity killed her granddaughter.

I hope nobody ever forgives her. I would be more sympathetic if she didn't know about the kid's allergy, but from the sounds of it, she did know and exposed the poor kid to the allergen anyway.
Oh, right. I forgot these **cough cough** accidents are usually forgiven if the person doing it is a moo or even grandmoo. And yet breeders will scream that it's the childfree that are the dangerous ones that need to be watched because we're weird and we dislike kids.

I don't hear about too many instances where childfree people kill kids very often although I'm sure it happens once in awhile. Breeders are continuously bumping 'em off, either through negligence, severe abuse or premeditated PNAs.

My mother tried it with me but I survived. Let's just say I never felt easy taking a bath again until after I moved out of the house.
If the person who did this was a professional hairdresser, they would definitely go to jail. Hopefully, a licensed cosmetologist would know better than to even try something like this.
As I recall, the mother is from a culture that uses coconut oil a LOT and she always hated it. When she told the grandmother that her child was allergic, the grandmother apparently thought the little girl either was trying to avoid having it done or the mother was trying to "protect" her child from something she herself hated as a child...in short, she thought the mother was lying about the allergy just because she hadn't liked it and was letting her kid "get away" with the same thing. So she just decided to do what she wanted anyway and killed the girl in the process.
This is really sad. This pigheaded grandmoo harmed this entire family and killed her baby granddaughter.
First off, the mother stated she hates coconut oil. This would be enough for a reasonable person to not use coconut oil on her grandchildren.

Since all the kids were babies/toddlers they can't advocate for themselves, so grandmoo has to listen to their mother.
She knew all about the severe coconut allergy but either did this on purpose or just thought anything her supreme highness would do couldn't possibly harm any of the grandkids. And this was 100% avoidable by grandmoo. Not only that but the baby suffered greatly before she died, which makes it much worse.

Not only that but grandmoo should have taken all coconut products out of her home and locked them away as soon as the hospital incident happened. She knew what her daughter and granddaughter went through before being diagnosed.

There are literally dozens of alternatives to coconut oil for hair.

I have naturally curly hair (3a, 2c) and there are plenty of oils that can be used on my hair, not just coconut oil. I have a castor oil and a second product that has shea butter in it. I have low porosity hair so I apply any product while my hair is wet and coconut oil would coat my hair and make it look greasy. Low porosity hair is common if hair isn't processed/bleached and coconut oil would likely make anyone with low porosity hair look like an oil slick because it isn't going to penetrate the hair shaft. Coconut oil is not good as a finisher for infant hair.
these stories proliferate and spread all over. I'm sure at some point there was an original story. but get away with it? being told repeatedly.. but whatever. if it's true it is sad.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
I remember this story. The woman and her family are all South Asian. As somebody else said, the woman's mother would always use coconut oil to do the woman's hair and she hated it. When the twins her infants, one was exhibiting signs of an allergy and it took a long time and process of elimination to realize that coconut was the culprit. The woman's mother obeyed the no coconut thing, but just had in the back of her mind that she wanted to relive her mothering days of putting coconut oil in her daughter's hair (even though the woman said she hated it) and decided to do so with the twins, resulting in the death of the one who was allergic.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
mootards cannot be fixed. rather they should be fixed before they become moos. they force all sorts of shit on children.. but in their days many times it was vaunted as some fucking childhood necessity. flouride tablets were one. I should have tricked bitchmouth and spit it out later but those motherfucking shitting tablets made me physically ill.

edit: I just looked this up and it really isn't good. I don't know how long flouridation of water has been a 'thing'.. but my fucking bitchmouth egg donor. what a goddam cunt.

"Side effects that you should report to your care team as soon as possible: Allergic reactions—skin rash, itching, hives, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat. Change in tooth color. Fluoride toxicity—severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, unusual weakness or fatigue." I guess I was fortunate all I had was nausea. wonder what damage motherfucker bitchmouth caused.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.

This reminds me of a story my ex told me about his mother. She used to force castor oil down his throat every morning before school and he had to run all the way there so he wouldn't shit his pants.
It's also likely that the grandmoo got rid of the grandkid on purpose and used the allergies as a cover.

Once saw a comment about a moo who deliberately took her son(who is deathly allergic to canola) to a restaurant that cooked with canola oil. She "forgot" his allergy. The son went into anaphylaxis after just a bite of the food. The restaurant called 911 and the son survived

As it turns out she had taken out a life insurance policy (40k) on him and decided to use allergies to get rid of him and make a quick buck
It's also likely that the grandmoo got rid of the grandkid on purpose and used the allergies as a cover.

Once saw a comment about a moo who deliberately took her son(who is deathly allergic to canola) to a restaurant that cooked with canola oil. She "forgot" his allergy. The son went into anaphylaxis after just a bite of the food. The restaurant called 911 and the son survived

As it turns out she had taken out a life insurance policy (40k) on him and decided to use allergies to get rid of him and make a quick buck

Not all grandparents have best interest of grand brats in mind.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
A lot of older people seem clueless about food allergies. Some years ago, I think in North Carolina, an elderly woman insisted a child she was babysitting drink milk even though she had been warned about the child having a dairy allergy. Even the kid warned her, IIRC, but was required to drink the milk. The kid died from the allergy. Unfortunately, I can't find the stories in a quick search.
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