Anyone seeing those black/dark gray HUMOUNGOUS canvas-backed WAGONS breeders are pulling and PUSHING around like strollers. They are a wagon w/ SEATS and high sides and a canopy, so 4 kids of even rather medium large sizes can sit. Theres room in the middle for a large cooler I would say. Ive seen smaller but not by much.
I went to Trader Joes and on the way out, I saw a grandmoo PUSHING this HUGE thing into the automatic doors. IDK how she was maneuvering inside becuz it literally would take up most of the aisles and she really wouldnt have anyway to put food. This stroller, no lie, was as large as on of those Home Depot flat push carts for construction workers. It includes a thick canvas instead of metal wagon. It basically is a little golf cart for kids that moo pushes. IDK if she woulda got in the door if it wasnt those two slideing doors they have instead of the one automatic door most stores have.
What is up w/ these breeders? And, why cant the older taller kids just walk? I swear it is just becuz they dont want to watch johnny and tell him to stay by the cart. If aliens came down, they would think these kids were kings and grandmoos were their servants. What will we call this? The Construction Pick Up truck F-150 Tundra stroller?