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The "family cloth" has high potential for cross-contamination, illness

Posted by Cambion 
The "family cloth" has high potential for cross-contamination, illness
June 05, 2024
Imagine that! The whole household wiping their asses with the same rag could cause someone to get sick! Can't believe it took a university study to figure this out. eye rolling smiley

I love that breeders use this because they probably think they're being so eco-friendly and saving the planet, like having a communal butt wipe undoes the damage done by the six brats they chose to make.

Apparently, washing family cloths in a plain washing machine with regular detergent is not enough to destroy the bacteria living in them and might simply spread the family e. coli around the entire load of laundry. They must be washed in super-hot water with bleach. So much like how everything the light touches is Mufasa's kingdom, everything a family cloth-using breeder tribe touches will become contaminated. two faces puking Like breeders needed any help being more gross.



It's like cloth diapers. But in strips. For adults.

If the buzz about reusable toilet paper, also known as "family cloth," hasn't splattered (sorry) across your Facebook feed, it's just what it sounds like: Clothes used in lieu of TP on the loo, then kept in a hamper or bag after use.

Then they get laundered and reused again, an eco- and cost-friendly alternative to the disposable standard. And while the practice has gained attention on blogs for years — it's a whole cottage industry on Etsy — it may not be a sanitary option for buffing your bum, or even the most earth friendly.

That's according to Kelly Reynolds, a director and public health researcher at the University of Arizona who studies contaminants in the home. It all depends on how cloth wipers do their laundry, Reynolds said, and odds are they're doing it wrong.

"This is just a risky practice, overall I think, and the potential for cross contamination is just very high from your bathroom, where they’re stored, to your laundry room," she said.

Some cloth wipe proponents only use them after urinating, while others use them for No. 2, too. One anonymous wiper told Buzzfeed she leaves used cloths in a bathroom hamper for a day before laundering, while blogger Beth Ricci leaves hers soiled in a sealed bag for up to two days.

It's not the hampers that present the problem, according to Reynolds, but the handling thereafter: Everything a used wipe touches can get contaminated. While feces carries a ton of pathogens that can result in illness, Reynolds said, so does urine.

“When you wash these clothes you transfer these germs to the entire load of laundry, even subsequent loads if you’re not using a protocol," she said.

By "protocol," Reynolds means a strict laundry procedure to both disinfect and sanitize. The Centers for Disease Control has one, she said, which requires bleach and water heated at a temperature hotter than most home launderers use.

Without a sure protocol involving bleach, pathogens can survive the wash cycle, infecting your hands as you move "clean" clothes from your washer to dryer (it's the hot temps of a dryer that can kill the bacteria, she said).

Without bleach, "Your hands will be covered with E.coli," Reynolds said. "E.coli is inherent in our laundry.”

From there, you need only unknowingly touch a faucet, a computer or a bowl of fruit for nasty bacteria to spread.

What's more, Reynolds said, actually using the proper protocol to sanitize cloth toilet wipes — or cloth diapers, for that matter — may require enough water and energy to offset the sustainability benefits versus toilet paper. And toilet paper does break down sustainably, she added.

"It’s the one thing I wouldn’t worry about in terms of biodegradable materials," Reynolds said. "There’s so much moisture and bacteria in septic tanks that all this stuff gets chewed up and utilized by bacteria as a food source."

Plastic diapers, however? Not so much.
Yet the people who do this will go and buy all those Pampers, Huggies, and worse yet, EveryLife diapers that the rest of the world can step into.
I can see the allure of reusable products, not only for the sake of the environment, but also to decrease the need to buy disposable things repeatedly. Long-term, it will save money. But I don't think toilet paper is something we really need to make reusable versions of. Toilet paper is paper and it breaks down, so unlike things such as diapers, they will not take 100+ years to biodegrade in a landfill.

But breeders are also the same group of people who will say things like, "You're not really a parent until you've accidentally gotten your child's poop in your mouth at least once," so I don't expect them to give much concern to silly things like germs, bacteria and pathogens. But definitely a heads-up for the rest of the world: if you visit a home where the inhabitants use the family cloth, scrub your hands until the skin peels off them because everything in the house is probably saturated with fecal bacteria. And for fuck's sake, don't put your hands in your mouth while you're there.
I use a bidet sprayer... and I used face cloths to dry myself off. 99% of the time there is just moisture. But I have rinsed myself off before. Something to think about. but I'm by myself, I haven't gotten sick so I guess I'm used to myself.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Family cloth two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking
I wonder if the households who use this "family cloth" force any visiting guests to use them too, or if they have TP for when they hold dinner parties, Christmas parties, or other events in their homes?

I've never known anyone to use a family cloth in lieu of TP but if I did, I'd never go to their home or invite them to any potlucks I'm holding.

I've heard of these things before, but I always thought it was a way for breeders to save money. I just don't understand how you can mitigate the damage of having kids by using a family rag. In comparison, that's just a drop in the shit bucket. Ewww....I've really grossed myself out now.

As an aside, when I lived in my other place, there was a crazy neighbor on our block who would fill up rain barrels to flush their toilet. I always wondered what they did in the summer. This dude was a bit loco so I suspect he was just very cheap and didn't want to pay the city for water.
Bidet is the obvious solution. Of course there is water consumption, but I'm sure it uses less water than ultra hot wash with a protocol, and less than the toilet flush for that matter.
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