I wonder how much parenting of her own children she does and how much is outsourced to others. Because it's real easy to say you want something when you won't actually be doing any of the work involved.
And I'm sure there are some women out there who do want kids, but won't have them for a number of reasons like being unable to afford them, or being too afraid of violence in schools.
Also, how does she know that all women who want/have kids won't also "eventually change their minds?" Surely that pendulum swings in the opposite direction - I mean just look at the Regretful Parents sub. LOL imagine telling a breeder that their desire or success in reproducing is just a phase, and when they grow up, they'll change their minds in favor of grownup things like money and free time.
She also only specifies that childfree "young women" will all cave and want to be mothers. So what about CF women who are no longer considered young? I assume she means below the age of 30 when she says "young." 30+ CF women were most likely young CF women too, yet they did not eventually change their minds. So did these childfree women outside their twenties just spontaneously manifest out of thin air since she's so damn sure that all young women want baybees? Or are we just not gonna talk about these "exceptions" to her theory because they would point out her bullshit?