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2859 Offensive Post

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
2859 Offensive Post
October 28, 2008
Well OF COURSE your post was banned!

The mommies don't want the fault of their pweshus widdle snowfwakes pointed out! They only want to hear how wonderful they are, how gifted, talented, beautiful, and precious the fruit of their wombs are.

After all, it's probably the only thing that keeps them going in the hell of a life they've created for themselves.

Remember people: soothing feelings, pats on the back, open arms and smiles for the kiddies or YOU ARE THE DEVIL!

Let's face it - what kind of parent thinks that their kid is gifted despite the fact that at 7 years of age, the fuckin' kid STILL cannot spell the simplest of words?
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 28, 2008
Totally on the mark re: kyds who can't spell. It's not cute, it's stupid. When I was helping out in a classroom a few years ago, the idea was that focusing on correct spelling made it harder for the kyds to "get their ideas on paper." Correcting the spelling would come later; of course, more often than not the first draft was the only one. Sad to say, these kyds turn into adults who can't spell for shit. Mr. T: I pitty tha foold
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 28, 2008
I keep running into more and more and more functionally illiterate people who cannot construct a proper sentence, nor are they able to write properly so that you are stuck trying to figure out the chicken scratching which passes for handwriting these days. I can still remember being a child 40+ years ago, being required to use the Palmer method and to practice, practice, practice.

I agree. This modern "spelling" is NOT cute--it is PITIFUL!
Anonymous User
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 29, 2008
i always thort i waz a tearific at speling
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 29, 2008
This was a pet peeve of mine when I was teaching high school math. Often students were asked to explain in writing what their computations/solutions meant, and I would ALWAYS correct their misspellings. This was usually met with complaints like this is Math class, not English, so I would then have to explain that no matter how cleverly your problem was solved, you lost much of your credibility if you couldn't effectively communicate by creating a proper sentence, correctly spelled.

It's pretty sad that such things are even considered optional these days, and is just another illustration of the educational system pandering to the lowest common denominator.
Anonymous User
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 29, 2008

The year that I stopped teaching our state's standardized test changed it's math section to have a portion where after completing a math problem the kids explained in writing how they got their answers. We practiced doing this all school year long. You would have thought I was trying to teach 9 year olds trig the way they complained.

Most teachers will agree that not enough time is spent on basic skills. It would be ideal for students to focus only on reading, writtten language, and math through third grade, with no other subjects. The state screws teachers and students by mandating all sorts of extras before kids have mastered the basic skills. I know that I felt like I was running a marathon each day trying to get in all of the state's requirements. Parents are also to blame for insisting that their snowflake is passed on when they are clearly not ready for the skills of the next grade level. They argue holding them back will hurt their self-esteem, but being the dumbest kid in class the next school year hurts it far worse.

The stupid woman letting her child write in her blog is in no way clever. Don't these women ever want to do anything that doesn't involve their kid? How dull.
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 29, 2008
My best friend is a smart guy, but he can't write a sentence worth shit. Every time he had to turn in a written assignment, I insisted I look it over because I just knew it was chock full of errors. He has trouble with homophones and with the placement of periods and commas (he seems to confuse them). And his handwriting is abominable.

The neat part? He just graduated college. I hope he doesn't lose out on really important jobs just because he can't write worth a damn, because he is good at what he has studied. But chances are, employers of all kinds want literate people.

Also, a slight tangent...why does it seem like men have horrible handwriting, and women have nice, neat handwriting? Maybe this is just a coincidence in my life, but I have noticed that every male I've ever known had shitty handwriting, often looking like they had written while holding a pen between their toes. All the women I've ever known have had nice, legible handwriting. Does anyone else notice this?
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 29, 2008
I've often been told my handwriting is very male, but when I am in a hurry it is indecipherable. I never bothered with flowery handwriting although I sat in study hall with dozens of girls who practiced their signatures....

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
Cheese Louise
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 29, 2008
I feel like an anal-retentive dinosaur or something for my attitudes about most people's horrid spelling and grammar. I have very little tolerance for the piss-poor writing that passes as acceptable these days. It's an embarrassment, and it's plain scary too.

Recently, one of our local TV stations had a story on their website about a lockdown at a high school caused by some kid making threats to another. The district decided to close the school for a day or two. There's a discussion area on the website, and it was full of entries by kids from the school.

Holy SHIT. Most of them were barely decipherable. They looked like alphabet soup. Much of this is caused by kids using texting shorthand EVERYWHERE, but there were still tons of misspelled "real" words, not to mention atrocious grammar.

There were a few comments from adults, including moi, expressing horror at these entries. What the hell are schools teaching these days? And why aren't the parents involved/encouraging better writing skills? Don't answer that.

At least we're not alone...but sometimes it sure feels like it. angry smiley
Anonymous User
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 29, 2008
I confess to murdering English, occasionally on a daily basis. I have grammar lapses, spelling 'dumps', and other brain farts to boot. However, those of us around 50 went through the schools when, at least, they still made an attempt to actually educate.
There are plenty of documented educational atrocities, more numerous than I can mention detailing the destruction of the learning system in this country. What I find appalling is, I think it has been intentional.
Illiterate, ignorant buffoons are easier to manipulate and control than those who have been taught to think. Like the phrase 'follow the money', who would be benefitted by such a conglomeration of neo-neanderthals? I don't know if I can answer that question.
This may offend some in here, but I do know of one of these so called educators aim was to destroy the religious beliefs of students. When he was called on the carpet that the quality of the education was going down, that the students were not doing as well, but were more 'atheistic' leaning, his comment? "Well, at least we will have eradicated their belief in God." Interesting, ignorance and stupidity are acceptable, but belief in the Almighty is not? Ignorance trumps belief.
The point is, I think it is deliberate.
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 29, 2008
Yep, me too. I read the morning paper just so I can go through it and pick out all the misused words, bad punctuation, bad stories, and just plain old illiteracy.

Cheese Louise Wrote:
> I feel like an anal-retentive dinosaur or
> something for my attitudes about most people's
> horrid spelling and grammar. I have very little
> tolerance for the piss-poor writing that passes as
> acceptable these days. It's an embarrassment, and
> it's plain scary too.
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 29, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Yep, me too. I read the morning paper just so I
> can go through it and pick out all the misused
> words, bad punctuation, bad stories, and just
> plain old illiteracy.
> Cheese Louise Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I feel like an anal-retentive dinosaur or
> > something for my attitudes about most people's
> > horrid spelling and grammar. I have very little
> > tolerance for the piss-poor writing that passes
> as
> > acceptable these days. It's an embarrassment,
> and
> > it's plain scary too.

I do that with the daily paper, too. It's astonishing.

lab mom
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 29, 2008
I found the blog entry and it's not a surprise...one of the usual suspects when you talk about Moomy bloggers and she's been highlighted here before.

The thing is, a true parunt would have used his poor writing as a teaching opportunity. If I had wanted to do something like that when I was a kid, my mom would have *gasp* gone over what I wrote, CORRECTED IT *double gasp!* and we would have moved on. (Because if you are publishing something for the world to see, you want it to be correct, no?) Instead, she had to *shelter* poor little Snookums from the truth about his piss-poor writing because of his widdle self esteem. Barf.

And a real parent would have also explained statistical concepts like sampling. But she's been sitting on her ass at home too long for that.
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 30, 2008
And all this homeskooling doesn't help either. The only parents homeskook is because they want to keep their kids sheltered from the horrible public school system and jam the religious views down their throats. They think by immersing the kids in religion and FAMBLEE life that they will be brainwashed into the same. The parents "teaching" their kids via homeskooling curriculums probably have the IQ of a fucking spoon so it's no wonder nobody can spell anymore.
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 30, 2008
I have looked at some of the Moomie blogs and am appalled that people who have probably gotten at least to whatever age that the Moo in question is would not have gotten to the point of acceptable grammar and spelling. Some of these Moos seem to be functionally illiterate.

Of course, when I was told twenty years ago that California was instituting tests for basic math skills and literacy for those nearing high school graduation, I knew that things were already going to hell in a handbasket. One would HOPE that if a student has made it to 12th grade, they would have those basic skills. However, I suppose "social promotion" has pretty much put paid to that idea--mustn't hurt the little snowflakes' feewings! When I was in school (prehistory, I know, but...), if you got flunked, too fucking bad. People got ashamed for not being able to complete their current grade. If I had managed to flunk and have to repeat a grade, there would have been HELL to pay since my parents were definitely of the mind that I should be able to progress to a higher grade with little or no problem. Anyhow, I didn't want to deal with the embarrassment if I didn't. Nowadays, it seems to be all about the pweshus snowflakes' self-esteem. Fuck their self-esteem! If they want to pass, then they need to show that they are ready!

Fortunately, from what I have heard, some school districts are putting the breaks of "social promotion--and none too soon, IMO.
The LAST thing we need are a bunch of illiterate, incompetent jackasses running things (though there are quite of that sort running things already)!

I think the Moo could have used the criticisms of her chyld as a teaching as a teaching opportunity. Of course, given how education has gone to hell in the past three decades, maybe she isn't able to do so.
Instead, even if she is able, she has chosen to shelter him from the real world and the truth about his piss-poor writing. Nope, must not ever hurt his little feelings. My parents never let me slide like that--they were very keen on things being right, and that included my homework! That Moomie blogger is just PITIFUL!
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 30, 2008
There is an ad on TV for a local judge that totally panders to the famblee values folks - the judge's kid, who is a maybe 8 year old girl, is talking to dad about what it takes to be a judge. Then at the end, she shows mommy the picture she drew of their family. Underneath the picture (which looks like it was drawn by a four year old) is the caption that her dad is "runing" for judge. I can only guess that they thought this would be cute and endearing, but I find it repulsive, especially given the age of the child.
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 30, 2008
All of these incoherent, illiterate little snowflakes are only making a giant pile of yellow snow.

Mom sent me to a Catholic school, and just one week with those nuns made you a spelling maniac.
Tahki (NLI)
Re: 2859 Offensive Post
October 30, 2008
Good lord. I'm 16 and consider myself The Big Bad Grammar Nazi because I attempt to politely assist people with their spelling and they flip out on me.

"BUT OMG "LYK" is spelled "lyk!"" they howl in protest.

My English teacher calls me the Grammar Goddess because I'm pretty much the only one besides her and the college professors who can string together a coherent sentence these days...

And what's more, you had to take a test to get into this collegiate high! A TEST! With actual GRAMMAR AND MATH, so how are these dumbasses getting in?

I'm thinking Moomy and Duddy are pulling a few strings...
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