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Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt

Posted by Cambion 
Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008

Found this over at that shithole Etiquette Hell...this wasn't something one of the members did, but a witnessed WTF moment. Apparently someone saw a woman walking about a store wearing a t-shirt sporting a picture of her dead son. And by that, I don't mean like a cute professional "In Memory Of" photo of the happy, smiling child -- I have seen those and those aren't bad at all. I mean a picture taken at the funeral, of the deceased (and likely embalmed) child, in his casket.

Now, I understand that some people do photograph their loved ones' corpses during funerals, for closure, or comfort or what-not. And I don't hold it against anyone who wants to do the same with a deceased child. But who the FUCK in their right mind puts a photo of a corpse on a shirt for the world to see? If this woman is attention-whoring, it's despicable that she's exploiting her child's death in such a fucked-up way to do so.

What if those women who post pictures of their stillborn babies on their blogs start doing this? And wear the shirts on "Bring Your Child To Work" Day? And I'd love to know where she got such a shirt printed...don't most screen-printing businesses have limitations on what kind of content can be put on a shirt? Someone must have been hurting for sales if they printed this -- yikes.

I really hate making fun of someone who has lost a living, breathing child, because I know it's painful. But...this is worse than any babystalking I've ever read about. It seems like this freak wants more of a "lookit me!" reaction than condolences. I hope the spirit of her child haunts her every night and screams in her ear.
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008
Good lord. Attention whoring at it's best.

Here's a good one for y'all.

Years ago, an ex-friend of mine birthed a loaf at 5.5 months. The loaf died the next day. She and hubby had photogs of the dead loaf taken in various little outfits.

They then proceed to have an announcement printed up (like 400 copies) to the effect of a birth/death announcement, with all the gorey details printed inside, AND....... a wallet size of the dead loaf enclosed for your viewing pleasure.

When I opened the card, I literally JUMPED because the photograph scared the living hell out of me.

It looked ghoulish, scary, and just plain BAD.

Needless to say, they enjoyed all the phone calls, letters, cards, and all the attention they got for having gone thru this "traumatic" experience. Give me a break. Nobody even knew until they had to go announce it to everybody they knew.
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008
What!?! PLEASE tell me I read your post wrong, and that these parents did NOT do outfit changes and a photo session with a dead infant!

While everyone grieves in their own way, a line has been crossed here, and "ghoulish" or "done in poor taste" doesn't even begin to describe it!
This gives me an idea...
If these creepy moos who want to indulge in dressing up their dead kids... I have the toy for you..

(How many people remember this toy??)

Take a pic of your dead sprogg, send it to a company (like colorforms) and they will put it on a special semi-sticky board. Comes complete with filmy plastic dresses, pants, etc with which you can dress up the deceased.
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Good lord. Attention whoring at it's best.
> Here's a good one for y'all.
> Years ago, an ex-friend of mine birthed a loaf at
> 5.5 months. The loaf died the next day. She and
> hubby had photogs of the dead loaf taken in
> various little outfits.
> They then proceed to have an announcement printed
> up (like 400 copies) to the effect of a
> birth/death announcement, with all the gorey
> details printed inside, AND....... a wallet size
> of the dead loaf enclosed for your viewing
> pleasure.
> When I opened the card, I literally JUMPED because
> the photograph scared the living hell out of me.
> It looked ghoulish, scary, and just plain BAD.
> Needless to say, they enjoyed all the phone calls,
> letters, cards, and all the attention they got for
> having gone thru this "traumatic" experience.
> Give me a break. Nobody even knew until they had
> to go announce it to everybody they knew.

This is HORRIFIC. Glad it's an ex friend. I know i would never speak to someone again if they did this to me.

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008
That creepily reminds me of a letter written to Dear Ann Landers (or some other advice column) about a wacko moo keeping a photo of her dead baby with its eyes sewn shut on her desk, grossing out her co-workers.

I wouldn't be surprised if some cows also take pictures of bloody mess in the toilet and show them around to honor the miscarriage or something.yawning smiley
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008
I would imagine if I went through the pain of seeing an anticipated baby die, I'd just want to curl up in bed for a week or more. Not talk to anyone, not deal with the world, just withdraw for a while as part of the grieving process.

The last thing I'd be up to doing would be talking on the phone to numerous sympathetic people whose kind wishes would unintentionally make me relive it again and again. I'd save that for later down the road when it might be more possible to talk about it.

T-shirts, death announcements, and dressing up the dead baby would not even be part of the picture.
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008
It's another attention deprived whore. Breeders at their best. *eyeroll*

PNB would not be bragging or telling the whole world about their misscarriage. They usualy keep it to themselves.

lab mom
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008
I agree, WaterLily. Normal people grieve on a more quiet, personal level. Normal parents don't scream from the rooftops about their dead children. Just when I think breeders won't stoop any lower in their attention-whoring techniques, they go and surprise me with an even lower low.

The next rung down the ladder will be women who don't actually bury their miscarriages or stillbirths -- they'll have them preserved like the figures in the Bodies Exhibition and sit them on a mantle with the photos of Aunt Ethel and Uncle Jerry, or they'll keep them pickled in jars of formaldehyde. Or have the fetus wrapped in an implant bag and have it surgically embedded in Momma's body so her baybee will always be with her.

Breeders are fucking nuts, and I would not be surprised if they did any of this shit while grieving. Do they sit up at night, concocting new fucked-u ways of attention-whoring during periods of grieving?
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008
How utterly tasteless and disgusting.


(How many people remember this toy??)

Hah! I do! I do! Great idea, two cents. How 'bout shrinkydink babies, too?:spin
Taking pictures of the dead has always skeezed me out. When I was about 8 I was looking at my grandmother's photo album and saw pictures of some old, dead relatives in their caskets. I couldn't sleep with the lights off for a week! I just don't get why someone would want to look at a dead loved one. This moo was attention-whoring!
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008
Banshee Wrote:
> That creepily reminds me of a letter written to
> Dear Ann Landers (or some other advice column)
> about a wacko moo keeping a photo of her dead baby
> with its eyes sewn shut on her desk, grossing out
> her co-workers.

Ewwwww, why would its eyes be sewn shut?
"Ewwwww, why would its eyes be sewn shut?"

In the US that's one of the ways a body is prepared for viewing. Small eye-shaped cups are placed under the lids and the eyes are sewn shut. This keeps them from having a sunken appearance and from creepily slipping open scaring the little and big children at the viewing! My cousin is an undertaker. She's got a few interesting stories.
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008
bratBgone Wrote:
>My cousin is an
> undertaker. She's got a few interesting stories.

Do tell!

/morbidly curious
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008
Yep, bratBgone is right - I think the eyelids are either sutured shut or glued shut, and eye-caps are placed under the eyelids to make the eyes look there (since they sink in following death). Other fun things get done too, like having to massage the rigor mortis out of the limbs, and the jaw being closed by directing a big needle or wire up through the jaw and securing it in the nostril. Fun times.

I got to do a speech on embalming and the process is awesome, albeit horrifying. Ohh the looks I got from the class when I presented...quite a few folks looked nauseated.

I also want to hear the undertaker stories. We can haz? smiling smiley
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 29, 2008
I too am fascinated by the process and would love to hear stories.

Here is the process step by step: http://www.embalming.net/
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 30, 2008
I'd love to hear more. It is a very interesting subject to me.

Thanks for the great link, clematis.
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 30, 2008
Count me in for the stories!

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
You guys crack me up bouncing and laughing

It's been a while since I've talked to her since she now lives in Michigan now, but here's one from when she started her first job. The first body in her new job that she took care of was our neighbor's teen aged son. He had been drinking and driving in his convertible. He somehow went under the trailer of a tractor/trailer rig and was decapitated. The head was recovered and was, surprisingly, not in that bad of shape, but still not in the shape that one would want to see a human head. His parents (who were kind of weird even before this) insisted that they have an open casket funeral (really big in my area). So my poor cousin had to play sew and staple the head on the body, and try to not make it look like a Halloween display. I was about 15 when this happened so I wasn't up for going to the funeral home with my parents, but they said Lisa (my cousin) didn't do too bad of a job. Lisa always loved to gross my brother and sister and I out with her stories of mutilated bodies. I didn't develop a fascination for things like this until I was older, so I was usually fully creeped out by my cousin.
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 30, 2008
Seacreature Wrote:
> How utterly tasteless and disgusting.
> (How many people remember this toy??)
> Hah! I do! I do! Great idea, two cents. How
> 'bout shrinkydink babies, too?:spin
Damn, I first read this as "Chloraforms", and thought you had thought up a way to not only help the baby slip gently off this mortal coil, but also encase them in plastic so you could stick them to the board.

Chloraforms, they're not just for helping toddlers sleep.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 30, 2008
Ha ha ha! They "insisted" upon having an open casket viewing for a kid that was decapitated? Wow! My gosh, I would have just had the body and the head cremated and just call it a day....sheesh!!
RatsNotBrats Wrote:
> Ha ha ha! They "insisted" upon having an open
> casket viewing for a kid that was decapitated?
> Wow! My gosh, I would have just had the body and
> the head cremated and just call it a
> day....sheesh!!

Seriously! I grew up in hillbillyville WV. The viewing is a really important thing to the people there. I've never attended a closed casket funeral in WV. I wanted my parent's caskets closed, but my other relatives freaked out. My dad looked really bad, and I still have nightmares about how he looked. I've never known of anyone from my old hometown to be cremated. I think it's a cultural thing there.
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 30, 2008
My brother died when he was 17, he had CP.
My mom used him as an excuse for attention for many years.
When he died, she about lost it because she was no longer poor moo of a handicapped child.
It almost killed her to have to be a normal parent again.
When I was in high school, a friend's cousin killed himself, and his mother not only had his body brought home, but had it put into his bed, where she slept next to him each night until the funeral! confused smiley Can you say 'fucked-up'? I knew you could!!

I don't get stuff like that at all. As much as I may have loved someone and miss them terribly, I wouldn't want their body in my house and I most certainly would not want to sleep next it, all cold and stiff and sewn shut two faces puking
Re: Woman has picture of her dead son on her shirt
October 30, 2008
Everyone I know is big on these open casket funerals as well and I have NEVER understood it. I REALLY hate it when people say, "She looks sooooo good!". I am sorry, but dead NEVER "looks good". Yet, they all line up to take a peek and it's always said over and over, "He looks so much better than when I saw him in the hospital", or "I think she had gained some weight there toward the end", or, "She has such good color, it's hard to believe she is dead", etc........Do these idiots not know that whoever embalmed them added the "weight", the "color" to their cheeks, etc......? I also hate it that if they MUST have the fucking coffin open for the whole world to see that they dress the corpse in some such bullshit like his overalls with the frayed seams and the grease stain, the "I rode the Scream Machine 68 times" t-shirt from the 1970's. or their work uniform complete with nametag because, "It was their favorite thing to wear", or "I wouldn't know him without his Red Sox cap on", etc.......

FUCK what the dead liked to wear while they were living because the cold hard fact is that they are now dead. I think the least they could do is dress them in a nice dress or a button down and some dress pants. People around here think it's cute if peepaw was buried in his fishing cap with the rusted lures dangling off, or that meemaw was buried wearing her "I heart Florida, 1965" t-shirt, or a teen was buried with a head set on, etc.....I think it's ridiculous to dress a corpse in anything other than traditional burial clothing. Around here they like to brag about how they will be buried in motorcycle helmets, with a tv remote in their hands, or with their hand gripping a fishing pole, but I think it's silly and disrespectful to allow such nonsense. It's even WORSE when they have infants and toddlers propped up in pink and powder blue coffins with baby rattle mobiles attached to the coffin lids, gripping teething rings, etc....... all of which I have seen. I have even seen a baybee monitor as a casket accessory.

BY FAR THE WORST though, was a redneck funeral of a 3rd cousin twice removed of mine (age 8) who I had never met. He was killed by being run over by a pick up truck. However, he LOVED pickup trucks and apparently had quite a toy collection and liked to drive his pee paw's blue truck around the farm AND it was that blue truck which caused his early demise. SOMEONE had a HUGE floral arrangement make up in pastel shades of blue and black, nearly lifesize, of a pickup truck complete with flashy silver windmill type rims on the "tires" as well. Some dumbass parked the floral truck right at the head of his coffin. It was all I could do to contain myself and it was the worst case of an overwhelming desire to laugh inappropriately that I have ever experienced.
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