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Breeders Slugged With School Travel Costs - Boo-hoo.

Posted by CherryBlossom 
Breeders Slugged With School Travel Costs - Boo-hoo.
November 02, 2008

Parents in NSW will have to pay for their children's travel to and from school but will have less funds to do so, with the state treasurer confirming the $50 back to school allowance will also be axed.

The free school travel scheme was costing the state government almost half a billion dollars a year, and declining revenue from property taxes meant it was no longer affordable, Eric Roozendaal said on Monday.

"It's out of control and we need to reform it, to bring it into line and make it reasonable and something that the people of NSW can afford," Mr Roozendaal told Fairfax Radio Network.

"We're going to look at ideally a co-payment from parents," he said.

"The average cost per student is around $700 for each schoolkid to get to school, over the year. We're going to look at (parents) funding part of that, not all of it."

But the parents' co-payment would be less than the $391 some parents in Victoria had to pay, Mr Roozendaal said.

"I'll announce the specifics in the mini-budget (on November 11), but to give you an idea: in Victoria, unless you're travelling to your nearest school you have to pay for a bus pass and that's $391 a year," he said.

"Now, I think that's excessive. But we can look at something less than that.

"We can look at a hardship provision if families find it a difficult payment to make. We can look at capping it so that families with more than a couple of kids aren't excessively hit. But we do need to get a balance right so that we can allocate funds to other important services."

Mr Roozendaal also confirmed the $50 per child back to school allowance would be scrapped.

"The back to school allowance is going," he said.

"I think people understand that if they don't get a cheque for $50 off the premier, that that money goes into funding important frontline services."

The Treasurer acknowledged the cuts would cause hardship for some battling families.

"I understand that there will be some families that will do it tough out there, but people expect us to continue to maintain frontline services," he said.

"We've had a huge cut in income for the government because of the downturn in the property market... we want to cut the costs if we can."

Cry me a fucking river, bitches. You breed 'em, you can fucking pay for the little twat worms every step of the way. :yeah
Re: Breeders Slugged With School Travel Costs - Boo-hoo.
November 03, 2008
I heartily agree. I don't see why those who do not breed are forced to pay for the offspring of those who do. I never understood that even when in high school. Common sense says that if you can't feed 'em, you don't breed 'em. It is about time that paruhnts start paying for their fucktrophies.
Re: Breeders Slugged With School Travel Costs - Boo-hoo.
November 03, 2008
I was remarking to Dh the other day at the bus stop that school buses are such icons--they haven't changed in half a century. They seem outdated for that reason. The school bus picks up the kids across from our (public) bus stop. Seems like a lot of kids in our urban area could just hop on the (clean, nice) public buses we have in our small urban area. Or bike or walk. Just do away with the school buses entirely; they seem very inefficient and in our city's case, redundant, to me.
Re: Breeders Slugged With School Travel Costs - Boo-hoo.
November 03, 2008
Bussing to and from public schools started on a decline back when I was in high school. The busses began only servicing lower-lower middle classed areas, housing projects, and neighborhoods where the majority of dwellers were minorities. By the time I reached 10th grade the bus did NOT service my neighborhood nor did it service any of the other neighborhoods within about a 5 miles radius, unless you rode the short yellow one as it had no boundaries. Our parents were expected to either drive us to school, buy us a car, or we could walk or ride a bike. Back then we dressed up to attend school so if I had walked or ridden a bike then it would have been in a dress and/or heels and manuevering in and out of urban rush hour traffic. It also was not feasible for the parents to take us to school as they both had something that most bussed kyds' parents didn't;JOBS. So, I got a car that year but my parents made me pay for it's maintenance, fuel, insurance, etc.....while many of my classmates were picked up and dropped off right at their front doors every day at NO expense or inconvenience to their parents.

I think that bussing should be done away with ENTIRELY and that it needs to be completely the parents' responsibility to provide transportation of ALL kyds k-12, instead of this, "Let the rich kyds' parents buy them cars and let's give the poor kyds a free ride", attitude. What happens is that a lot of middle to upper middle class kyds whose parents WORK rather than draw a welfare check are inconvenienced and have to shell out money that they don't really have to provide their kyds' school transportation. FUCK these lazy whores and deadbeats who live in government/subsidized housing and cash checks every month. It's about time they were inconvenienced for their bad choices. If they can't get off of their fat asses to get the kyd up in time to walk or ride a bike, band together and carpool with others or let go of some of their party money to pay someone to take their kyd to school, then arrest them and be done with it.

I am SICK TO DEATH of this "for the chyllldren" bullshit when it's really, "For the soooorrrrryyyyyyyy parents". I think that breeders should be inconvenienced and forced to pay the way for their own bad choices, but equally. Everyone ALWAYS wants to hand out money, services, free stuff, etc......if there is the slightest hint that the famblee is "needy", but of course only the childed will be considered for any of that bleeding heart assistance. I don't see anyone contacting ME about bussing me (and others) from this mountain into town once a week and God knows some of us could probably use the occasional help and the assistance with fuel. Yet, every fucking day up the mountain goes that GD school bus picking up worthless packs of hillbillies from in front of rusted out single wides where chickens are tied up to dog houses, yellow dogs roam freely in the front yard, wild birds are roosting in dilapidated above ground pools, and pigs can be seen rooting around near their makeshift cesspools.
Re: Breeders Slugged With School Travel Costs - Boo-hoo.
November 03, 2008
Can you guys see this? . It's the world's smallest violin playing, "My Heart Bleeds For You" just for the breeders.
Am I reading this right? The breeders were getting a $50 tax handout for "back to school"? So they were being PAID for creating a demand on the system? THAT makes a lot of sense. angry smiley

As for the bussing thing, what the bloody FUCK is so wrong about the idea of paying for what you use? With breeders it's a foreign concept. Everyone ELSE should just be sooo happy to pay for their goddamn leeches. I see the big yellow taxi service that I'm paying for but the breeders aren't (beyond their school taxes that they would pay anyway) and it makes my blood boil...ESPECIALLY considering most of them are half-empty because heaven forbid Snottums not be chauffeured to school by Moomie in a huge-ass SUV.

Breeders, YOU create the need and the demand, YOU fucking pay for it!!! angry flipping off
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